Thanks a ton for coming down to my talk, folks <33z. Your energy was amazing. This page has a few extra resources for you.
- Building reusable elements with Polymer
- Accessible Web Components
- A guide to styling custom elements
- Polymer Designer app
- Difference between Polymer elements and Angular directives
- Setting up Polymer and Bower
- Are we componentized yet?
- Chris Storm (also speaking at FITC) has been looking at internationalization and testing over on his blog.
- HTML5Rocks - "HTML's New Template Tag: standardizing client-side templating" by @ebidel
- HTML5Rocks - "Shadow DOM 101"
- HTML5Rocks - "Shadow DOM 201: CSS & Styling" by @ebidel
- HTML5Rocks - "Shadow DOM 301: Advanced Concepts & DOM APIs" by @ebidel
- HTML5Rocks - "Custom Elements: defining new elements in HTML" by @ebidel
- HTML5Rocks - "HTML Imports: #include for the web" by @ebidel
- Smashing Magazine - "A detailed introduction to custom elements" by Peter Gasston
- More web component resources
Info. Check it out at Videos will be available later.