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Last active March 25, 2022 02:08
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IDAPython script showcasing API hooking on ssl functions.
# coding: utf-8
RunPlugin("python", 3)
AttachProcess(2892, -1) # PID
off_ssl_read = LocByName("_ssl3_read")
off_ssl_write = LocByName("_ssl3_write")
# - Hooks on _ssl3_write, _ssl3_read ---------------------------------------
cond_read = """
stack = GetRegValue('ESP')
len = DbgDword(stack+4+8)
buffer = DbgDword(stack+4+4)
end = FindFuncEnd(off_ssl_read)
RunTo(end) # post-call hook
str = GetManyBytes(buffer, len, True)
print "Bp read, buffer @ %s - len = %d :" % (hex(buffer), len)
for b in str:
print "0x%X '%c'" % (ord(b), b)
return False # IDA will continue execution, True if you want IDA to pause
cond_write = """
stack = GetRegValue('ESP')
len = DbgDword(stack+4+8)
buffer = DbgDword(stack+4+4)
str = GetManyBytes(buffer, len, True)
print "Bp write, buffer @ %s - len = %d :" % (hex(buffer), len)
for b in str:
print "0x%X '%c'" % (ord(b), b)
return False
EnableBpt(off_ssl_write, True)
EnableBpt(off_ssl_read, True)
SetBptCnd(off_ssl_read, cond_read)
SetBptCnd(off_ssl_write, cond_write)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
print "BP SET"
GetDebuggerEvent(WFNE_SUSP, -1)
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