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Allen Eubank adeubank

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adeubank / selenium
Last active August 1, 2019 17:25
Set up selenium on Ubuntu 16.04 as a service
case "${1:-''}" in
if test -f /tmp/
echo "Selenium is already running."
export DISPLAY=localhost:99.0
java -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver="/usr/lib/geckodriver/geckodriver" -jar /usr/lib/selenium/selenium-server-standalone.jar -port 4444 > /var/log/selenium/output.log 2> /var/log/selenium/error.log & echo $! > /tmp/
adeubank / Vagrantfile
Created August 7, 2015 01:58
Vagrantfile for Ubuntu 14.04 running a LEMP stack for wordpress.
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# All Vagrant configuration is done below. The "2" in Vagrant.configure
# configures the configuration version (we support older styles for
# backwards compatibility). Please don't change it unless you know what
# you're doing.
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
# The most common configuration options are documented and commented below.
# For a complete reference, please see the online documentation at
adeubank / default
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
Simple PHP Nginx configuration for Ubuntu 14.04 after default installations
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
root /vagrant;
index index.php index.html index.htm;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
adeubank / Makefile
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18 — forked from wolfeidau/Makefile
all: jshint test
@NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --recursive --reporter $(REPORTER) --timeout 3000
jshint lib examples test index.js
adeubank / gist:fcbc5304ca61cefa5b3b
Created April 1, 2015 23:26
BEM with namespace HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>BEM with Namespace</title>
<!-- example of that BEM NAMESPACED -->
<body class="t-light">
adeubank / gist:172b42192ce609a45144
Created March 30, 2015 17:03
Internet Explorer Version detection and append a ie class to the body
var internetExplorerVersion = (function (){
if (window.ActiveXObject === undefined) return null;
if (!document.querySelector) return 7;
if (!document.addEventListener) return 8;
if (!window.atob) return 9;
if (!document.__proto__) return 10;
return 11;
if (internetExplorerVersion) {
adeubank / gist:2a033900ed57e59da5b2
Created March 19, 2015 19:47
Exit a shell script on a failing command
# Here are some common forms.
# Which is the best to choose depends on what you do.
# You can use any subset or combination of them in a single
# script without it being bad style.
if ! failingcommand
echo >&2 message
# Name: Bash CheatSheet for Mac OSX
# A little overlook of the Bash basics
# Usage:
# Author: J. Le Coupanec
# Date: 2014/11/04
adeubank / resizeImages.jsx
Created January 7, 2015 00:54
Process all of those images before you upload them to your site. Here is a photoshop script to do that. File -> Scripts -> Browse
// A Photoshop script to process a folder of images. It creates 3 versions of each image
// e.g. some-image-name.jpg will produce
// * some-image-name-full.jpg
// * some-image-name-mobile.jpg
// * some-image-name-thumbnail.jpg
var VALID_IMAGE_TYPES = Array( "jpg", "png", "gif");
adeubank / inspectHelper.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
Have handlebars output a JSON object of 'this' or passed in value. In my Googling, I didn't find anything on my first try, so I made this!
Handlebars.registerHelper('inspect', function(context) {
return JSON.stringify(context, null, 2) || JSON.stringify(this, null, 2);
// Usage: <pre>{{inspect}}</pre> or <pre>{{inspect variableName}}</pre> for nicely formatted code