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Created May 18, 2011 20:34
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0000000000030fb0 <dfsch__reclose_closure>:
30fb0: 48 89 6c 24 f0 mov %rbp,-0x10(%rsp)
30fb5: 48 89 5c 24 e8 mov %rbx,-0x18(%rsp)
30fba: 48 89 f5 mov %rsi,%rbp
30fbd: 4c 89 64 24 f8 mov %r12,-0x8(%rsp)
30fc2: 48 83 ec 18 sub $0x18,%rsp
30fc6: 48 85 ff test %rdi,%rdi
30fc9: 0f 84 9d 00 00 00 je 3106c <dfsch__reclose_closure+0xbc>
30fcf: 40 f6 c7 07 test $0x7,%dil
30fd3: 0f 85 87 00 00 00 jne 31060 <dfsch__reclose_closure+0xb0>
30fd9: 48 8b 1d 10 bb 25 00 mov 0x25bb10(%rip),%rbx # 28caf0 <_DYNAMIC+0x3f0>
30fe0: 48 39 1f cmp %rbx,(%rdi)
30fe3: 0f 94 c0 sete %al
30fe6: 84 c0 test %al,%al
30fe8: 49 89 fc mov %rdi,%r12
30feb: 0f 84 82 00 00 00 je 31073 <dfsch__reclose_closure+0xc3>
30ff1: 48 89 df mov %rbx,%rdi
30ff4: e8 7f 17 ff ff callq 22778 <dfsch_make_object@plt>
30ff9: 49 8b 14 24 mov (%r12),%rdx
30ffd: 48 89 10 mov %rdx,(%rax)
31000: 49 8b 54 24 08 mov 0x8(%r12),%rdx
31005: 48 89 50 08 mov %rdx,0x8(%rax)
31009: 49 8b 54 24 10 mov 0x10(%r12),%rdx
3100e: 48 89 50 10 mov %rdx,0x10(%rax)
31012: 49 8b 54 24 18 mov 0x18(%r12),%rdx
31017: 48 89 50 18 mov %rdx,0x18(%rax)
3101b: 49 8b 54 24 20 mov 0x20(%r12),%rdx
31020: 48 89 50 20 mov %rdx,0x20(%rax)
31024: 49 8b 54 24 28 mov 0x28(%r12),%rdx
31029: 48 89 50 28 mov %rdx,0x28(%rax)
3102d: 49 8b 54 24 30 mov 0x30(%r12),%rdx
31032: 48 89 50 30 mov %rdx,0x30(%rax)
31036: 49 8b 54 24 38 mov 0x38(%r12),%rdx
3103b: 48 89 50 38 mov %rdx,0x38(%rax)
3103f: 49 8b 54 24 40 mov 0x40(%r12),%rdx
31044: 48 89 68 18 mov %rbp,0x18(%rax)
31048: 48 89 50 40 mov %rdx,0x40(%rax)
3104c: 48 8b 1c 24 mov (%rsp),%rbx
31050: 48 8b 6c 24 08 mov 0x8(%rsp),%rbp
31055: 4c 8b 64 24 10 mov 0x10(%rsp),%r12
3105a: 48 83 c4 18 add $0x18,%rsp
3105e: c3 retq
3105f: 90 nop
31060: 40 f6 c7 01 test $0x1,%dil
31064: 74 22 je 31088 <dfsch__reclose_closure+0xd8>
31066: 40 f6 c7 02 test $0x2,%dil
3106a: 74 4c je 310b8 <dfsch__reclose_closure+0x108>
3106c: 48 8b 1d 7d ba 25 00 mov 0x25ba7d(%rip),%rbx # 28caf0 <_DYNAMIC+0x3f0>
31073: 48 89 de mov %rbx,%rsi
31076: e8 fd 23 ff ff callq 23478 <dfsch_assert_type@plt>
3107b: 49 89 c4 mov %rax,%r12
3107e: e9 6e ff ff ff jmpq 30ff1 <dfsch__reclose_closure+0x41>
31083: 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopl 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
31088: 48 89 f8 mov %rdi,%rax
3108b: 48 8b 1d 5e ba 25 00 mov 0x25ba5e(%rip),%rbx # 28caf0 <_DYNAMIC+0x3f0>
31092: 83 e0 06 and $0x6,%eax
31095: 48 d1 e8 shr %rax
31098: 48 8d 04 c0 lea (%rax,%rax,8),%rax
3109c: 48 c1 e0 04 shl $0x4,%rax
310a0: 48 03 05 21 bc 25 00 add 0x25bc21(%rip),%rax # 28ccc8 <_DYNAMIC+0x5c8>
310a7: 48 39 d8 cmp %rbx,%rax
310aa: 0f 94 c0 sete %al
310ad: e9 34 ff ff ff jmpq 30fe6 <dfsch__reclose_closure+0x36>
310b2: 66 0f 1f 44 00 00 nopw 0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
310b8: 48 8b 1d 31 ba 25 00 mov 0x25ba31(%rip),%rbx # 28caf0 <_DYNAMIC+0x3f0>
310bf: 48 39 1d 62 bc 25 00 cmp %rbx,0x25bc62(%rip) # 28cd28 <_DYNAMIC+0x628>
310c6: 0f 94 c0 sete %al
310c9: e9 18 ff ff ff jmpq 30fe6 <dfsch__reclose_closure+0x36>
310ce: 66 90 xchg %ax,%ax
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