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Last active December 13, 2018 03:26
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import re
import math
import sys
## Part 1
FileIn = 'D1_INPUT.txt'
CurFreq =0
with open(FileIn) as FreqIn:
for line in FreqIn:
FreqAdju = int(line.strip())
CurFreq += FreqAdju
print CurFreq
## Part 2
FileIn = 'D1_INPUT_P2.txt'
CurFreq =0
FreqDic ={}
ReadFile = True
while ReadFile is True:
with open(FileIn) as FreqIn:
for line in FreqIn:
FreqAdju = int(line.strip())
if CurFreq not in FreqDic:
FreqDic[CurFreq] =0
CurFreq += FreqAdju
print CurFreq
ReadFile =False
#print line.strip(), CurFreq
#print CurFreq
## Day 2
def RetreiveChksum(g):
chksum_3, chksum_2 = 0,0
gdic ={}
for i in g:
if i in gdic:
get_count = gdic.get(i)
gdic[i] = get_count+1
gdic[i] = 1
print gdic
if 2 in gdic.values() and 3 in gdic.values():
chksum_3 = 1
chksum_2 = 1
print 'yeay', g
elif 2 in gdic.values() and 3 not in gdic.values():
chksum_2 = 1
elif 3 in gdic.values() and 2 not in gdic.values():
chksum_3 = 1
return[chksum_3, chksum_2]
FileIn = 'AD_DAY2.txt'
chksum_2 = 0
chksum_3 = 0
with open(FileIn) as Finput:
for line in Finput:
LineParse = line.strip()
print out_temp
chksum_3 += out_temp[0]
chksum_2 += out_temp[1]
#Day 2 part 2
def RetreiveMatch(a, b):
match = 0
MisStr =''
StrLength = len(a)
assert len(a) == len(b)
n =0
StrMisIndex= 0
for i, j in zip(a, b):
n +=1
if i == j:
match += 1
MisStr = i+'<>'+j
StrMisIndex = n
if match == StrLength-1:
print ' STRING 1 {} \n STRING 2 {} \n MISMATCH AT {} {} \n THE INPUT TO PUZZLE IS {} '.format(a, b, MisStr, StrMisIndex, a[:StrMisIndex-1]+a[StrMisIndex:])
FileIn = 'DAY2_P2_INPUT.txt'
BoxID =[]
with open(FileIn) as InPut:
for n, line in enumerate(InPut):
LineParse= line.strip()
for Id in BoxID:
RetreiveMatch(Id, LineParse)
def ProcessClaim(Claim):
ClaimParse=Claim.split(' ')
ClaimID = ClaimParse[0]
ColID = int(ClaimParse[2].split(',')[0])
RowID = int(ClaimParse[2].split(',')[1].replace(':',''))
ColCov = int(ClaimParse[-1].split('x')[0])
RowCov = int(ClaimParse[-1].split('x')[0])
print ' The Claim ID is {} \n Starting from {} th Column and {} th row \n until {} columns and until {} rows '.format(ClaimID, ColID, RowID, ColID+ColCov, RowID+RowCov)
RowCoords=[i for i in range(RowID, RowID+RowCov)]
ColCoords=[i for i in range(ColID, ColID+ColCov)]
assert len(RowCoords) == len(ColCoords)
OutCoords=[str(X)+','+str(Y) for X, Y in zip(ColCoords, RowCoords)]
return OutCoords
TrackDic ={}
#TrackDic = SquareMatrix
overlap =0
FileIn = 'DAY3_P1_INPUT.txt'
with open(FileIn) as InPut:
for line in InPut:
if line:
Claim = line.strip()
MarkCoords = ProcessClaim(Claim = Claim)
for key in MarkCoords:
if key in TrackDic:
overlap += 1
get_claim = TrackDic.get(key)
TrackDic[key] = get_claim + '$' +Claim#.split(' ')[0]
TrackDic[key] = Claim#.split(' ')[0]
overlap = 0
for k, v in TrackDic.items():
if len(v.split('$')) > 1:
print k, v
overlap += 1
#SI= Max(0, Min(XA2, XB2) - Max(XA1, XB1)) * Max(0, Min(YA2, YB2) - Max(YA1, YB1))
Claim='#13 @ 18,241: 10x13'
ClaimParse=Claim.split(' ')
ClaimID = ClaimParse[0]
ColID = int(ClaimParse[2].split(',')[0])
RowID = int(ClaimParse[2].split(',')[1].replace(':',''))
ColCov = int(ClaimParse[-1].split('x')[0])
RowCov = int(ClaimParse[-1].split('x')[0])
print ' The Claim ID is {} \n Starting from {} th Column and {} th row \n until {} columns and until {} rows '.format(ClaimID, ColID, RowID, ColID+ColCov, RowID+RowCov)
### generate 1000*1000 coordinates to fill with claimIDS
SquareMatrix ={}
for i in xrange(1, 1000):
for j in xrange(1, 1000):
MakeKey = str(i)+','+str(j)
if MakeKey in SquareMatrix:
print 'Fuck'
SquareMatrix[MakeKey] = ''
## generate keys from claimID text file
RowCoords=[i for i in range(RowID, RowID+RowCov)]
ColCoords=[i for i in range(ColID, ColID+ColCov)]
assert len(RowCoords) == len(ColCoords)
for X, Y in zip(ColCoords, RowCoords):
MakeKey = str(X)+','+str(Y)
if MakeKey in CleanDic:
overlap += 1
CleanDic[MakeKey] = ClaimID
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