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Adrian Cid Almaguer adrian-cid

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> curl -sL -O && bash
======= Existing project config =========
These config files were loaded for project dscm: [/Users/adrianalmaguer/Sites/cbs_dscm_project/.ddev/config.yaml]
name: dscm
type: drupal9
docroot: web
php_version: 8.1
webserver_type: nginx-fpm
webimage: ddev/ddev-webserver:v1.22.0
router_http_port: 8080
adrian-cid / gist:7f69db3addbe55ffe7484c98faea3244
Created July 10, 2023 20:53
Migration tables in the database in Drupal
SELECT table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'db' and table_name like '%migrate%';
//The database needs to be checked before sometimes the table names can use another name.
adrian-cid / gist:f91a3c74af3f4397dcac160949436a02
Created August 30, 2018 15:33
Create changelog from git log
# From tag to HEAD
git log --pretty=format:"%s" 8.x-1.0-alpha4..HEAD
# Between two tags
git log --pretty=format:"%s" 7.x-1.0-beta1..7.x-1.0
# From tag to the start commit
git log --pretty=format:"%s" 7.x-1.0-beta1
adrian-cid / gist:f564c4048b4f1733b918992ed6fe18b5
Created September 21, 2016 20:30
Tagging a specific previous commit point in git
Use command:
git tag v1.0 ec32d32
Where v1.0 is the tag name and ec32d32 is the commit you want to tag
Once done you can push the tags by:
git push origin --tags
adrian-cid / gist:cb01529e0176b2374c7782cf56d6efe8
Last active September 6, 2016 18:48
Getting all properties values of a Javascript Object
//data is the object
var val = '';
var obj = data;
var obj_name = 'data';
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
val += obj_name + '.' + key + ' = ' + obj[key] + "\n";