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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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For /r/dailyprogrammer, Challenge 198
# [2015-01-23] Challenge #198 [Hard] Words with Enemies -- The Game!
from functools import lru_cache
import random
import string
def load_wordlist(filename="enable1.txt"):
return open(filename).read().splitlines()
def get_random_letters(n):
return random.sample(string.ascii_lowercase, n)
def is_word_valid(word, letters):
return all(letter in word for letter in letters)
# original rule: return all(letter in letters for letter in word)
def get_valid_words(letters, wordlist):
return [word for word in wordlist if is_word_valid(word, letters)]
def ai_choose_word(words, difficulty):
if difficulty == "easy":
return min(words, key=len)
elif difficulty == "medium":
return random.choice(words)
return max(words, key=len)
def play_round(difficulty, n_letters):
wordlist = load_wordlist()
valid_words = []
while len(valid_words) < 5:
letters = get_random_letters(n_letters)
valid_words = get_valid_words(letters, wordlist)
print("The letters: " + ", ".join(letters) + "\n")
while True:
user_word = input("Please enter your word: ---> ")
if not is_word_valid(user_word, letters):
print("You didn't use all the letters!")
if user_word not in valid_words:
print("The word doesn't seem to be in the dictionary!")
ai_word = ai_choose_word(valid_words, difficulty)
print("\nThe computer chose a word:", ai_word, "\n")
if len(ai_word) == len(user_word):
print("Tie! Let's try again!")
return None
elif len(ai_word) > len(user_word):
print("Computer won this round!")
return 0
print("You won this round!")
return 1
def play_game():
difficulties = {"easy": 4, "medium": 5, "hard": 6}
rounds = 5
points = [0, 0]
print("\n" + " new game ".center(70, "=") + "\n")
while True:
difficulty = input("What difficulty do you choose? (easy, medium, hard) ---> ")
if difficulty in difficulties:
print("Please enter the difficulty again")
for i in range(rounds):
print("\n" + " round {} - computer: {}, you: {} ".format(i+1, *points).center(70, "-") + "\n")
winner = play_round(difficulty, difficulties[difficulty])
if winner is not None:
points[winner] += 1
print("\nThe end! Let's see the results:\n")
if points[0] == points[1]:
print("Wow, a tie!")
elif points[0] > points[1]:
print("Too bad, you lost!")
print("Congratulations, you won!")
def main():
done = False
while not done:
again = input("Play again? ('q' to stop) ---> ")
if again == "q":
done = False
if __name__ == "__main__":
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