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Created January 9, 2015 08:42
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Unittest NLog messages
using System.Linq;
using NLog;
using NLog.Targets;
using NUnit.Framework; // Using NUnit but any other unit test framework will do
namespace com.github.gist.coenm.Test
public class Xyz
private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
public Xyz()
Logger.Debug(() => "starting with.. aldsfkjdslfkja l <substring> sdfkj;lkdsfja s;lkfj ends with");
public class XyzTest
private MemoryTarget logTarget;
public void SetUp()
public void TearDown()
public void TestAbc()
var sut = new Xyz();
Assert.That(logTarget.Logs.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
Assert.That(logTarget.Logs.First(), Is.StringContaining("substring"));
Assert.That(logTarget.Logs.First(), Is.StringStarting("starting with.."));
Assert.That(logTarget.Logs.First(), Is.StringEnding("ends with"));
private void DisposeLogTarget()
if(logTarget != null)
private void ReInitializeLogTarget(LogLevel logLevel)
logTarget = new MemoryTarget { Layout = "${message}" };
NLog.Config.SimpleConfigurator.ConfigureForTargetLogging(logTarget, logLevel);
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