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Last active June 26, 2018 15:23
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Sending results of job execution to email
@job_id varchar(50), @recipients nvarchar(255),
@records int, @errors int, @r varchar(10),
@msg varchar(255), @subject nvarchar(255),
@query nvarchar(512), @procname nvarchar(255)
-- Find job id by its name
select @job_id = job_id
from msdb.dbo.sysjobs
-- replace with the name of your maintenance procedure
where name = '!. Daily notifications and maintenance - [nightly]'
-- Count all the steps with errors
SELECT @errors = count(*)
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory
WHERE run_date = (SELECT MAX(run_date) FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory
WHERE job_id = @job_id and step_id = 0)
AND job_id = @job_id
AND run_status <> 1
-- You can put your condition for triggering an email here
if @errors > 0
-- Semi-column separated list of recipients, replace
-- with yours!
@recipients = ';',
@msg =
' <b>Failed steps: ' + cast(@errors as varchar(4)) + '</b><br/><pre>',
@subject =
N'SFDC Maintenance: Nightly job completed',
@query = '
SELECT step_name FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory
run_date = (
SELECT MAX(run_date) FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory
WHERE job_id = ''' + @job_id + ''' and step_id = 0)
AND job_id = ''' + @job_id + '''
AND run_status <> 1'
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients = @recipients,
@body = @msg,
@subject = @subject,
@query = @query,
@profile_name ='Default notification profile',
@body_format = 'HTML',
@query_result_header = 0
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