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Created December 24, 2019 15:32
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キャラクターの状態によってテキストの表示を変更する (Unity,text,enum)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class JunkochanControl: MonoBehaviour {
    private float InputH;//Horizontal Input (A & D key)
    private float InputV;//Vertical Input (W & S key)
    private GameObject JKCCam;//Camera which chases Junkochan
    private CharacterController JKCController;//Character controller component attached to Junkochan
    private Animator JKCAnim;//Animator component attached to Junkochan
    private float JumpTime;//Jump power limit
    private float MoveSpeed;//Horizontal move speed
    private float VertSpeed;//Verical move speed
    private float Height;//Current height of Junkochan (y value of transform.position)
    // ここから自分で追加したもの
    public PlayerState m_State;//プレイヤーのState情報
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
        JKCCam = GameObject.Find("JunkochanCam");
        JKCController = this.GetComponent<CharacterController>();
        JKCAnim = this.GetComponent<Animator>();
        m_State = PlayerState.Walk  ;//はじめのWalk状態にセットする
    public enum PlayerState
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update(){
#region ACTION
        if (CheckGrounded() && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {//When left clicked while Junkochan is on the ground
            JKCAnim.SetTrigger("Slash");//Play "Sword_Iai" animation in "ActionLayer" in Animator
        if (CheckGrounded() && Input.GetMouseButton(1)) {//When right clicked while Junkochan is on the ground
            JKCAnim.SetBool("Guard", true);//Play "Sword_Guard" animation in "ActionLayer" in Animator
        } else {//When the end of right click pressing
            JKCAnim.SetBool("Guard", false);//End of "Sword_Guard" animation
        if (JKCAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(1).IsName("Sword_Iai") || JKCAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(1).IsName("Sword_Guard") || JKCAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(1).IsName("Sword_Store")) {
            return;//While the attacking / guarding animation is playing, do not go to below "MOVEMENT" process
#region MOVEMENT
        InputH = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");//Get keyboard input
        InputV = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");//Get keyboard input
        Vector3 CamForward = Vector3.Scale(JKCCam.transform.forward, new Vector3(1, 0, 1)).normalized;//Camera's forward direction
        Vector3 MoveDirection = CamForward * InputV + JKCCam.transform.right * InputH;//Get Junkochan's forward direction seen from camera
        if (MoveDirection.magnitude > 0) {//When any WASD key is pushed
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(MoveDirection), 0.2f);//Rotate Junkochan to Inputting direction
        if (CheckGrounded()) {//When Junkochan is on the ground
            JKCAnim.SetBool("Grounded", true);//Set Junkochan's "Grounded" parameter in Animator component
            JKCAnim.SetBool("Jump", false);
            JumpTime = 0;//Reset jump inputting time
            VertSpeed = 0;//Reset vertical speed (jumping & falling)
        } else {
            JKCAnim.SetBool("Grounded", false);
        if (MoveDirection.magnitude > 0) {//When any WASD key is pushed
            MoveSpeed = 2f;//Set Junkochan's moving speed as walking speed
            JKCAnim.SetBool("Move", true);//Set Junkochan's "Move" parameter in Animator component
        } else {
            JKCAnim.SetBool("Move", false);
        if (m_State == PlayerState.Run) {//When shift key is pushed
            MoveSpeed *= 2f;//Set Junkochan's moving speed as Running speed
            JKCAnim.SetBool("Run", true);//Set Junkochan's "Run" parameter in Animator component
        } else {
            JKCAnim.SetBool("Run", false);
        if (m_State == PlayerState.Crouch) {//When Control key is pushed
            MoveDirection *= 0.4f;//Set Junkochan's moving speed as crouching walk speed
            JKCAnim.SetBool("Crouch", true);//Set Junkochan's "Crouch" parameter in Animator component
        } else {
            JKCAnim.SetBool("Crouch", false);
        if (CheckGrounded() && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) {//When Space key is pushed while Junkochan is on the ground (Called only once)
            VertSpeed =10f;//Set vertical jumping speed
        if (!CheckGrounded() && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space) && JumpTime < 0.3f) {//When Space key is pushed while Junkochan is in the air (Called while Space key is pushed, no more than 0.3 sec)
            JumpTime += Time.deltaTime;//Add jumping time to prevent infinite jump
            VertSpeed+= 0.1f;//Additional jump power
        if (!CheckGrounded() && transform.position.y - Height < 0) {//When Junkochan is falling, tansit animation state from "Ascending" to "Falling"
            JKCAnim.SetBool("Fall", true);//Set Junkochan's "Run" parameter in Animator component
            JKCAnim.SetBool("Fall", false);
        Height = transform.position.y;//Memory current Junkochan's height
        //JunckoChan Movement
        if(!CheckGrounded())VertSpeed -= 0.2f;//Increase falling speed (worked as gravity acceleration)
        JKCController.Move(MoveDirection*MoveSpeed*Time.deltaTime);//Horizontal movement
        JKCController.Move(Vector3.up*VertSpeed*Time.deltaTime);//Vertical movement
    bool CheckGrounded() {//Judge whether Junkochan is on the ground or not
        Ray ray = new Ray(this.transform.position+Vector3.up*0.05f,Vector3.down*0.1f);//Shoot ray at 0.05f upper from Junkochan's feet position to the ground with its length of 0.1f
        return Physics.Raycast(ray, 0.1f);//If the ray hit the ground, return true
    // ここから追加していく関数
    void EndGame(){
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape)){
            #if UNITY_EDITOR
                // ここは,Unity上で動かしているときに終了する
                UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;
            #elif UNITY_STANDALONE
                // ここはスタンドアローンで終了する
    void ChangeState(){
        // シフトを押したときにプレイヤーの状態を変化させる
        if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightShift) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftShift)){
            if(m_State == PlayerState.Walk) m_State = PlayerState.Run;
            else if(m_State == PlayerState.Run) m_State = PlayerState.Crouch;
            else if(m_State == PlayerState.Crouch) m_State = PlayerState.Walk;
    public PlayerState GetState(){
        return m_State;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class PaintState : MonoBehaviour
    private Text state;
// private GameObject JC;//JunkochanControlからStateの情報をもらうために定義した
private JunkochanControl P_State;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
        this.state = this.GetComponent<Text>();
// JC = GameObject.Find("JunkoChan");
P_State = GameObject.Find("JunkoChan").GetComponent<JunkochanControl>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
void PaintPlayerState(){
        // ここで,画面上にプレイヤーがいまどの状態になっているのかを表示する
switch (P_State.GetState())
case JunkochanControl.PlayerState.Walk:
// Debug.Log("Walk");
state.text = "State:Walk";
case JunkochanControl.PlayerState.Run:
// Debug.Log("Run");
state.text = "State:Run";
case JunkochanControl.PlayerState.Crouch:
// Debug.Log("Crouch");
state.text = "State:Crouch";
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