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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Defying Gravity - A Minimal Cognitive Sensorimotor Loop Which Makes Robots With Arbitrary Morphologies Stand Up からの引用
reg [17:0] voltage;
reg [16:0] timer;
always @(posedge ADC_CLK)
case (state)
0 : begin // sense -----------------------------------
if (ADC_DAT == 1)
if ($signed(voltage) < $signed(18'h1FFFF))
voltage <= voltage + 1; // if not saturated
else if ($signed(voltage) > $signed(18'b20001))
voltage <= voltage - 1; // if not saturated
timer <= timer - 1;
if (timer == 0)
begin // end of sense-phase
{MOT_A, MOT_B} <= {~voltage[17], voltage[17]};
if (&voltage[17:13] | ~|voltage[17:13])
timer <= 0; // below min. voltage
timer <= voltage[17:1];
state <= 1; // switch to drive-phase
1 : begin // drive -----------------------------------
if (timer[16])
timer <= timer + 1; // count up to zero
timer <= timer - 1; // count down to zero
if (timer == 0)
begin // end of drive-phase
timer <= 17'd99999; // prepare T = 10ms
{MOT_A, MOT_B} <= 2'b11; // float motor outputs
state <= 0; // switch to sense-phase
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