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gum agumonkey

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  • Dark side of the moon @ ['tkf8-2-1', 'ay21-3', '3263-827']
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@multimethod(int, int)
def foo(a, b):
return a + b
@multimethod(float, float):
def foo(a, b):
return int(a+b)
@multimethod(str, str):
def foo(a, b):
rcarmo / extract.hy
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
Readability-like HTML extraction in Hy
; originally posted on
[collections [Counter]]
[cookielib [CookieJar]]
[lxml.etree [HTML tostring]]
[urllib2 [build-opener HTTPCookieProcessor]])
(def *min-length* 20)
(def *text-xpath* (+ "//body//*[not(self::script or self::style or self::i or self::b or self::strong or self::span or self::a)]/text()[string-length(normalize-space()) > " (str *min-length*) "]/.."))
(defmacro update-in*
"'Updates' a value in a nested associative structure, where ks is a
sequence of keys and f is a function that will take the old value
and any supplied args and return the new value, and returns a new
nested structure. If any levels do not exist, hash-maps will be
([m [k & ks] f & args]
(if ks
`(let [m# ~m k# ~k] (assoc m# k# (update-in* (get m# k#) ~ks ~f ~@args)))
`(let [m# ~m k# ~k] (assoc m# k# (~f (get m# k#) ~@args))))))
anonymous / index.html
Created May 13, 2015 01:12
JS Bin // source
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<style id="jsbin-css">
cursor: pointer;
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Writer
import System(getArgs, getProgName)
data Column = LeftCol | MiddleCol | RightCol
instance Show Column where
show LeftCol = "left"
show MiddleCol = "middle"
show RightCol = "right"
sanxiyn /
Created March 5, 2013 18:12
Minimum and Maximum
extern mod std;
fn lt<T: Ord>(a: Option<T>, b: Option<T>) -> bool {
match (a, b) {
(None, None) => false,
(None, Some(_)) => true,
(Some(_), None) => false,
(Some(a), Some(b)) => a < b
t-8ch / main.c
Created September 6, 2013 20:02
ZFS and Rust (d39cec65b025ad4c6de50e778ffd1177279b5b3d)
// Works as expected... if one gets it to compile
#include <libzfs.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int zp_iter(zpool_handle_t *z, void *a) {
printf("name:\t%s\n", zpool_get_name(z));
return 0;
import numpy as np
# The Fibonacii matrix
M = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 1]], dtype=np.float32)
# Compute the eigendecomposition of the matrix
w, v = np.linalg.eig(M)
inv_v = np.linalg.inv(v)
base_case = np.array([0, 1]).T # base case as a column vector
anonymous / nested-cont.scm
Created August 18, 2016 11:12
nested continuations are tricky (see Alan Bawden)
(define (cc k) (call-with-current-continuation k))
(display (format ">>> ~s\n" (- 10 (cc (lambda (k) (+ 1 (+ 2 (k 10))))))))
(let ((k (cc (lambda (bind) (lambda (x) (+ 1 (cc (lambda (k) (bind k))))))))) (k 10))
(let ((k (cc (lambda (bind)
(lambda (x)
(+ 1 (cc (lambda (k)
(bind k)))))))))
(k 10))
danlentz / cl-history.txt
Created June 15, 2013 22:35
Detailed account and personal insights on the history of common-lisp
From Thu Oct 20 16:53:41 EDT 1994
Article: 15160 of comp.lang.lisp
From: (Arun Welch)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Subject: CL History (was Re: Why do people like C?)
Date: 20 Oct 94 15:34:10
Organization: OARnet
Lines: 3244
Message-ID: <>