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ahirschberg / endless_scroll.js
Created April 12, 2016 20:18
Example of endless scrolling via ajax. Scroll event with underscore.js debounce
* Use ajax to live-refresh issues/issues/ when the filters are updated
$(function () {
if (window.currentPage && window.currentPage == 'issue_list') {
* sends ajax request via GET for a given query at the current url.
* callbacks: fail, done
var get_page_num_from_query = function () {
ahirschberg / unused_args_var.js
Created August 9, 2015 14:04
Shows how old args keys could sometimes get left over in the code and cause confusion later on as to what was expected during instantiation.
function SearchResultsPageGenerator(args) {
'use strict';
var httpRequestHandler = args.httpRequestHandler,
noLongerNeededObj = args.noLongerNeededObj, // never referenced, always undefined
sr_chapters_data_handle = args.sr_chapters_data_handle;
// do stuff ...
// try 2
// indentation looks better, but now the style is inconsistent:
books.forEach(function (book) {
$('<li/>').html( // statement.method(... here
$('<a>') // statement[\n].method(...) here
.attr('href', 'book.html')
).click(function () {
ahirschberg / app_instantiation_behemoth.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
All the objects used in LibriFox
function createApp () {
'use strict';
// Create objects
var settings = new SettingsManager({
asyncStorage: asyncStorage
mediaManager = new MediaManager(),
fileManager = new FileManager({
storage_device: lf_getDeviceStorage(),
ahirschberg / js_indentation_ugly_arguments.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
What is the best way to indent when you have functions and arguments together?
// try 1
if (lf_getDeviceStorage()) {
LazyLoader.load(['js/lib/async_storage.js', 'js/lib/mediadb.js'], () => {
// try 2
if (lf_getDeviceStorage()) {
ahirschberg / jquery_html_generation_try1.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
Showing how javascript indentation can be kind of gross looking, especially when dynamically writing html
// try 1
books.forEach(function (book) {
.attr('href', 'book.html')
) // this click now applies to the <li>, not
).click(function () { // the <a>, which may be confusing or unclear
def multiply(number1, number2)
# convert number1 to binary and reverse it
# so that the most significant bit is last
n1_binary_str = number1.to_s(2).reverse
binary_array = n1_binary_str.split '' # convert string to array
add_amount = nil
total = 0
binary_array.each_with_index do |char, index|
# double the add_amount, or set it to number2 if it is nil
ahirschberg / 1-peasant_multiplication.rb
Last active May 3, 2016 21:36
Peasant multiplication algorithm implemented in ruby. You can check this out in action at
class PeasantMultiplication
## multiply using the Peasant Multiplication Algorithm
def self.multiply(number1, number2)
# convert number1 to binary and reverse it
# so that the most significant bit is last
n1_binary_str = number1.to_s(2).reverse
binary_array = n1_binary_str.split '' # convert string to array
add_amount = number2
# traverses the binary_array and calculates the total
class TestClass
def test_scope
times_called = 0
other_func do # passes block into #other_func
times_called += 1
puts "Called #{times_called} times"
ahirschberg / js_callback_scope_ex.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
Useful example of base variables referenced in a callback remaining in scope
// adapted from displayAppFiles() in app.js
function checkIfAnyFiles() {
var items_found = 0; // variable defined in outer function
var each_item = function(result) {
items_found++; // still in scope for the callback
var when_done = function () {
// Output depends on number of items traversed by each_item