pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;

contract Orders {

    struct Payment {
        string id;
        address payable buyerAddress;
        uint256 paidDate;
        uint256 refundedDate;

    event OrderPaid(
        string id,
        address paidAddress,
        uint256 paidAmount,
        uint256 date

    mapping(string => Payment) payments;

    function pay(string memory id) public payable {
        Order storage order = orders[id];

        require(order.createdDate > 0, "Order isn't found");

        Payment storage payment = payments[id];

        require(payment.paidDate == 0, "The order has been paid");

            msg.value == order.totalPrice,
            "The order price doesn't match the value of the transaction"

        order.status = Status.Paid;

        payments[id] = Payment(id, msg.sender, block.timestamp, 0);

        emit OrderPaid(id, msg.sender, msg.value, block.timestamp);