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Created July 5, 2020 19:35
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Import-module PSWriteHTML
#Import server list
$Servers = Import-Csv -Path "C:\Couchbase\ServerList.csv"
#Get Couchbase informations json
$Result = $Servers | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
#Import main function for threads.
(. "C:\Couchbase\Get-CbServer.ps1")
$Credential = Import-CliXml -Path "C:\Couchbase\CbCred.xml"
Get-CbServer -CbServer $_ -CbCredential $Credential | select @{N='Json'; E={$_}}
} -ThrottleLimit $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS
#Split result
$HealthyServers = $Result | select -ExpandProperty Json | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10 | where {$_.status -eq 'healthy' -and $_.clusterMembership -eq 'active'} | sort uuid, CbServer
$UnhealthyServers = $Result | select -ExpandProperty Json | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10 | where {$_.Notes -notlike "*Unauthorized*" -and ($_.status -ne 'healthy' -or $_.clusterMembership -ne 'active')} | sort uuid, CbServer
$UnauthorizedServers = $Result | select -ExpandProperty Json | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10 | where {$_.Notes -like "*Unauthorized*"} | sort uuid, CbServer
#Some customization for HTML output
$dt_UnhealthyServers = $UnhealthyServers | select CbServer, status, clusterMembership, @{N='Services'; E={$ -join ', '}}, @{N='Buckets'; E={$_.bucket -join ', '}}, clusterName, Notes, CollectionDate
$dt_HealthyServers = $HealthyServers | select CbServer, status, clusterMembership, @{N='Services'; E={$ -join ', '}}, @{N='Buckets'; E={$_.bucket -join ', '}}, clusterName, CollectionDate
$dt_UnauthorizedServers = $UnauthorizedServers | select CbServer, Notes, CollectionDate
#Generate HTML
$CollectionTime = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
New-HTML -TitleText "Couchbase Status" -FilePath "C:\Couchbase\StatusDashboard.html" {
New-HTMLText -Text "Overall Couchbase Server Status" -FontSize 20 -Alignment center
New-HTMLSection -JustifyContent center -Invisible {
Chart {
ChartLegend -Name 'Healthy', 'Unhealthy', 'Unauthorized' -Color Green, Red, Gray
ChartBar -Value $dt_HealthyServers.Count, $dt_UnhealthyServers.Count, $dt_UnauthorizedServers.Count
ChartBarOptions -Type barStacked -DataLabelsColor White
} -Height 125 -Width 1000
if ($dt_UnhealthyServers.count -gt 0) {
New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Unhealthy Servers" -CanCollapse -HeaderTextAlignment center -HeaderBackGroundColor Red -Content {
New-Htmlpanel {
New-HTMLTable -DataTable $dt_UnhealthyServers {
TableHeader -Names 'status', 'clusterMembership' -Title 'Status'
} -PagingOptions 10,20,50 -FreezeColumnsLeft 1 -HideFooter -OrderMulti -Style nowrap, row-border
} -Invisible -Width '98%' -Margin '10px'
} -JustifyContent center
if ($dt_HealthyServers.count -gt 0) {
New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Healthy Servers" -HeaderBackGroundColor Green -Collapsed -CanCollapse -HeaderTextAlignment center -Content {
New-Htmlpanel {
New-HTMLTable -DataTable $dt_HealthyServers {
TableHeader -Names 'status', 'clusterMembership' -Title 'Status'
} -PagingOptions 10,20,50 -FreezeColumnsLeft 1 -HideFooter -OrderMulti -Style nowrap, row-border
} -Invisible -Width '98%' -Margin '10px'
} -JustifyContent center
if ($dt_UnauthorizedServers.count -gt 0) {
New-HTMLSection -HeaderText "Unauthorized Servers" -HeaderBackGroundColor Gray -Collapsed -CanCollapse -HeaderTextAlignment center -Content {
New-Htmlpanel {
New-HTMLTable -DataTable $dt_UnauthorizedServers {
TableHeader -Names 'status', 'clusterMembership' -Title 'Status'
} -PagingOptions 10,20,50 -FreezeColumnsLeft 1 -HideFooter -OrderMulti -Style nowrap, row-border
} -Invisible -Width '98%' -Margin '10px'
} -JustifyContent center
"Updated: $CollectionTime"
} -Encoding UTF8 -Online -AutoRefresh 300
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