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Last active April 22, 2017 05:37
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Small and pluggable Y combinator in clojure.
;; ; made this macro scraching my head between the simplicity of Haskell for fix
;; ; and the absence of curryfication in Clojure.
;; (P expr-fn) ; makes expr-fn lazy
;; (P P expr-fn) ; curry one time expr-fn
;; (P P P expr-fn) ; curry two time expr-fn
;; (= ((((P P P str) "a") "b") "c") "abc") ;=> true
(defmacro P [& f]
(let [x (gensym 'x)] ;; cannot be replaced by x# due to nested macro expansion.
`(fn[~x] (~@f ~x))))
(defn U [f]
(P (f f)))
(defn Y [f]
(U (comp (P P f) U)))
;; ; I don't really like Y combinator definition like
;; (defn fac [f] (fn [n] ,,, ))
(defn fac [f n]
(if (zero? n) 1 (* n (f (dec n)))))
(defn fib [f n]
(if (< n 2) 1
(+ (f (- n 1))
(f (- n 2)))))
((Y fac) 4)
((Y fib) 6)
;; ; inspiration from :
;; ; and UM in this case
;; ; More generic Y combinator that can take an application function
(defn YM [ap f]
(let [g (comp (P P f) U)]
(g (comp (P P ap) g))))
;; ; example ap
(defn ap [f a] (f a))
(defn make-memoizer []
(let [application-cache (atom {})]
(fn [function arg]
(if-let [result (@application-cache arg)]
(let [result (function arg)]
(swap! application-cache assoc arg result)
(time ((YM ap fib) 35))
(time ((YM (make-memoizer) fib) 35))
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