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Created October 6, 2013 16:04
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(use '[clojure.core.match :only (match)])
(defn contextualize
"take a map m, and create a deep map from it, based on the sequence of keys in kvec
(= (contextualize [[:a :b] [:c]] {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}) {{:a 1 :b 2} {:c 3}})
[kvec data]
(match [kvec]
[([f] :seq)] (select-keys data f)
[([f & r] :seq)] {(select-keys data f) (contextualize r data)}))
(contextualize [[:c] [:b :d] [:a]] {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4})
(defprotocol Mono
(mono [a b] "accumulate b in a"))
(extend-protocol Mono
(mono [m1 m2] (merge-with mono m1 m2))
(mono [m1 m2] (+ m1 m2)))
(mono {:a 1} {:b 2 :a 1})
(mono (array-map :a 1) (hash-map :b 2 :a 1))
(def data [{:date #inst "2013-09-30" :who "Jon" :buyed "Coffe" :for {:euros 6}}
{:date #inst "2013-09-30" :who "Jon" :buyed "A Book" :for {:dollars 35}}
{:date #inst "2013-09-30" :who "Maximilien" :buyed "Coffe" :for {:francs 1}}
{:date #inst "2013-10-01" :who "Jon" :buyed "Coffe" :for {:euros 5}}
{:date #inst "2013-10-01" :who "Jon" :buyed "A kinder bueno" :for {:euros 2}}
{:date #inst "2013-10-01" :who "Maximilien" :buyed "A Book" :for {:francs 100}}
{:date #inst "2013-10-01" :who "Maximilien" :buyed "Coffe" :for {:francs 2}}
(defn query
([kvec] (query kvec identity))
([kvec pre-map]
(->> data
(map (comp (partial contextualize kvec) pre-map))
(reduce mono))))
;; total per day
(query [[:date] [:for]])
;; count item per person, per day
(query [[:who] [:date] [:count]] #(assoc % :count 1))
;; group by people + item
(query [[:who :buyed] [:for]])
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