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LinuxKit YAML to build Docker for Mac
# This is an example for building the open source components of Docker for Mac
image: linuxkit/kernel:4.14.39
cmdline: "console=ttyS0 page_poison=1"
- linuxkit/vpnkit-expose-port:4e2ea826aaefdd196c7473255654d06ad96c4c21 # install vpnkit-expose-port and vpnkit-iptables-wrapper on host
- linuxkit/init:11929b0007b87384f7372e9265067479c4616586
- linuxkit/runc:acba8886e4b1318457c711700f695a02fef9493d
- linuxkit/containerd:f197e7cbb2ede4370b75127c76de6f7b2e3d9873
- linuxkit/ca-certificates:fb5c7bf842a330f5b47cdf71f950fe0c85f4a772
# support metadata for optional config in /run/config
- name: metadata
image: linuxkit/metadata:be507a0718df8ed6733dfab1d6866672f446e8fd
- name: sysctl
image: linuxkit/sysctl:b51c3da02bc2fc9a53f699efc51f650ac17ffac8
- name: sysfs
image: linuxkit/sysfs:98b340d360541f1e1e62bc30b62ab6a7e3dc9280
- name: binfmt
image: linuxkit/binfmt:aa7909fd14c251948a83edb5398b4fb7d5153ad1
# Format and mount the disk image in /var/lib/docker
- name: format
image: linuxkit/format:d24885a226c42a40f7ed44dd3789a6a035254d98
- name: mount
image: linuxkit/mount:763e67d733342281f3bdc55d7208b9c442837afe
command: ["/usr/bin/mountie", "/var/lib"]
# make a swap file on the mounted disk
- name: swap
image: linuxkit/swap:d4241eabbc9086d30e462bfa6bb952fd4e6b74eb
command: ["/", "--path", "/var/lib/swap", "--size", "1024M"]
# mount-vpnkit mounts the 9p share used by vpnkit to coordinate port forwarding
- name: mount-vpnkit
image: alpine:3.7
- /var/:/host_var:rbind,rshared
rootfsPropagation: shared
command: ["sh", "-c", "mkdir -p /host_var/vpnkit/port && mount -v -t 9p -o trans=virtio,dfltuid=1001,dfltgid=50,version=9p2000 port /host_var/vpnkit"]
# move logs to the mounted disk (this is a temporary fix until we can limit the log sizes)
- name: move-logs
image: alpine:3.7
- /var:/host_var
command: ["sh", "-c", "mv -v /host_var/log /host_var/lib && ln -vs /var/lib/log /host_var/log"]
- name: dhcpcd
image: linuxkit/dhcpcd:01069780f536da8eb7745df7478a97253403b63d
command: ["/sbin/dhcpcd", "--nobackground", "-f", "/dhcpcd.conf", "-1"]
# Enable acpi to shutdown on power events
- name: acpid
image: linuxkit/acpid:6c05004a07f4f9228aec89605d5c72b184695d2a
# Enable getty for easier debugging
- name: getty
image: linuxkit/getty:b286a610ccbebc45251f3a9df3619d76318e2244
# Run ntpd to keep time synchronised in the VM
- name: ntpd
image: linuxkit/openntpd:9851e80f16e4292b12fbe97b9d7f1c3dd40d1ea2
# VSOCK to unix domain socket forwarding. Forwards guest /var/run/docker.sock
# to a socket on the host.
- name: vsudd
image: linuxkit/vsudd:ef2fd68237c6fc1a3b97b37012ad81bf9643be4b
- /var/run:/var/run
command: ["/vsudd", "-inport", "2376:unix:/var/run/docker.sock"]
# vpnkit-forwarder forwards network traffic to/from the host via VSOCK port 62373.
# It needs access to the vpnkit 9P coordination share
- name: vpnkit-forwarder
image: linuxkit/vpnkit-forwarder:49b506c4dab8789fd42b216c35a4eb1cca503b32
- /var/vpnkit:/port
net: host
command: ["/vpnkit-forwarder", "-vsockPort", "62373"]
# Monitor for image deletes and invoke a TRIM on the container filesystem
- name: trim-after-delete
image: linuxkit/trim-after-delete:9e62cea1246d66659bc1a74987f5f4c40e04de83
# When the host resumes from sleep, force a clock resync
- name: host-timesync-daemon
image: linuxkit/host-timesync-daemon:921f623f1d12b7a79417370c4628752c495e7ee8
# Run dockerd with the vpnkit userland proxy from the vpnkit-forwarder container.
# Bind mounts /var/run to allow vsudd to connect to docker.sock, /var/vpnkit
# for vpnkit coordination and /run/config/docker for the configuration file.
- name: docker-dfm
image: docker:17.07.0-ce-dind
- all
net: host
- type: cgroup
options: ["rw","nosuid","noexec","nodev","relatime"]
- /etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf
- /var/lib/docker:/var/lib/docker
- /lib/modules:/lib/modules
- /var/vpnkit:/port # vpnkit control 9p mount
- /var/run:/var/run
- /run/config/docker:/var/config/docker
- /usr/bin/vpnkit-expose-port:/usr/bin/vpnkit-expose-port # userland proxy
- /usr/bin/vpnkit-iptables-wrapper:/usr/bin/iptables # iptables wrapper
command: [ "/usr/local/bin/docker-init", "/usr/local/bin/dockerd", "--",
"--config-file", "/var/config/docker/daemon.json",
"--userland-proxy-path", "/usr/bin/vpnkit-expose-port",
"--storage-driver", "overlay2" ]
mkdir: ["/var/lib/docker"]
- linuxkit
- library
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