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Akın Özgen akinozgen

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<?php error_reporting(0);require_once(base64_decode('aW5jL2JhZ2xhbi9jb25uZWN0LnBocA=='));@mysql_query(base64_decode('QUxURVIgVEFCTEUgIGB0Ymxpc3NfYWRtaW5gIEFERCAgYGJ0a19rX2FkaWAgVkFSQ0hBUiggMTAwICkgTk9UIE5VTEwgLCBBREQgIGBidGtfa19zaWZyZWAgVkFSQ0hBUiggMTAwICkgTk9UIE5VTEwgOw=='));if(@$_GET[base64_decode('c2F5ZmE=')]){$c0=$_GET[base64_decode('c2F5ZmE=')];switch($c0){case base64_decode('ZGVmYXVsdA=='):include(base64_decode('ZGVmYXVsdC5waHA='));break;case base64_decode('Z2lyaXM='):include(base64_decode('ZGVmYXVsdC5waHA='));break;case base64_decode('bGlzYW5z'):include(base64_decode('bGlzYW5zLnBocA=='));break;case base64_decode('U21zS29udHJvbExvZ2luUGFnZQ=='):include(base64_decode('c21zX2dpcmlzaS5waHA='));break;case base64_decode('c21zX2tvcHR1'):include(base64_decode('c21zX2tvcHR1LnBocA=='));break;case base64_decode('RG9Mb2dpblBhZ2VWZXJpZnk='):include(base64_decode('Z2lyaXMucGhw'));break;case base64_decode('YmFu'):include(base64_decode('YmFuLnBocA=='));break;case base64_decode('YmFuMQ=='):include(base64_decode('YmFuMS
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akinozgen /
Created May 13, 2019 16:09


AppComponent (App.js)

state = { selectedUnit: "MB", count: 1, units: {} };

selectedUnit: Holds currenct selected unit type. count: Holds number to be converted. units: String identifiers of the possible units.

akinozgen / all.txt
Last active March 30, 2019 08:20
This file contains all credit and debit cards pins of world
, 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0007, 0008, 0009, 0010, 0011, 0012, 0013, 0014, 0015, 0016, 0017, 0018, 0019,
, 0020, 0021, 0022, 0023, 0024, 0025, 0026, 0027, 0028, 0029, 0030, 0031, 0032, 0033, 0034, 0035, 0036, 0037, 0038, 0039,
, 0040, 0041, 0042, 0043, 0044, 0045, 0046, 0047, 0048, 0049, 0050, 0051, 0052, 0053, 0054, 0055, 0056, 0057, 0058, 0059,
, 0060, 0061, 0062, 0063, 0064, 0065, 0066, 0067, 0068, 0069, 0070, 0071, 0072, 0073, 0074, 0075, 0076, 0077, 0078, 0079,
, 0080, 0081, 0082, 0083, 0084, 0085, 0086, 0087, 0088, 0089, 0090, 0091, 0092, 0093, 0094, 0095, 0096, 0097, 0098, 0099,
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apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install sudo git build-essential htop apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 software-properties-common # python-software-properties
# apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
# user
useradd -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/akinozgen -c "akinozgen" -g staff akinozgen
gpasswd -a akinozgen sudo
echo "AllowGroups sudo" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
passwd akinozgen
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
<span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
hack*.php; dark0*; sex.*; injection*; ownd*; htaccess.php; ico.phtml; tr.phtml; Inx*; index.htmlxyz; /; /; /access-logs/; /; /; /alfa_shtml/; /; /; /; /; /; /; /; /; /; /etc/; /; /; /; /; /; /; /; /; /; /; /logs/; /; /lscache/; /mail/; /miller/; /; /; /; /; /; /public_ftp/; /public_html/; /; /; /; /; /ssl/; /; /; /tmp/; /; /; /vegap
akinozgen / index.html
Last active January 17, 2019 18:57
jamaljs character counter
<div id="app"></div>
akinozgen / special-characters.js
Created November 30, 2018 11:04
js match special characters regex
"string to math;+^'%+c".replace(/[\,\;\"\'\^\~\+\%\&\/\(\)\=\?\_\-\*\¨\!\<\>\|\:]/gm, '')
// string to match
akinozgen / php_executable_finder.php
Last active November 17, 2018 08:28
Best way to find php executable
function getPHPExecutable() {
$phpExecutable = file_exists('/usr/bin/php') ? '/usr/bin/php' : false;
if (!$phpExecutable) {
exec('which php', $phpExecutableRawPath);
if (!strpos($phpExecutableRawPath[0], '/php')) {
if (!strpos(PHP_BINARY, '/php'))