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Last active May 2, 2016 10:58
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  • TBool ☑
  • TInt
  • TFloat
  • TList
package net.akouryy.lib.dtypes
import scala.language.{higherKinds, implicitConversions}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
sealed trait TBool {
type Not <: TBool
type And[B <: TBool] <: TBool
type Or [B <: TBool] <: TBool
type If[X, Y]
class TTrue extends TBool {
type Not = TFalse
type And[B <: TBool] = B
type Or [B <: TBool] = TTrue
type If[X, Y] = X
class TFalse extends TBool {
type Not = TTrue
type And[B <: TBool] = TFalse
type Or [B <: TBool] = B
type If[X, Y] = Y
object TBool {
type ![B <: TBool] = B#Not
type &&[B1 <: TBool, B2 <: TBool] = B1#And[B2]
type ||[B1 <: TBool, B2 <: TBool] = B1#Or[B2]
type If[B <: TBool, X, Y] = B#If[X, Y]
implicit def classTagOfNot[B <: TBool : ClassTag] =
(if(value[B]) implicitly[ClassTag[TFalse]] else implicitly[ClassTag[TTrue]] ).asInstanceOf[ClassTag[![B]]]
implicit def classTagOfAnd[B1 <: TBool : ClassTag, B2 <: TBool : ClassTag] =
(if(value[B1]) implicitly[ClassTag[TTrue]] else implicitly[ClassTag[B2]] ).asInstanceOf[ClassTag[B1 && B2]]
implicit def classTagOfOr[B1 <: TBool : ClassTag, B2 <: TBool : ClassTag] =
(if(value[B1]) implicitly[ClassTag[B2]] else implicitly[ClassTag[TFalse]]).asInstanceOf[ClassTag[B1 || B2]]
def value[B <: TBool : ClassTag]: Boolean = implicitly[ClassTag[B]].runtimeClass == classOf[TTrue]
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