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Created February 24, 2016 15:28
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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define lambda [&]
#define tmpA template<class A>
#define tmpB template<class A, class B>
#define tmpX template<class X, class ...Y>
tmpA using V = vector<A>; tmpA using W = V<V<A>>; tmpA using VW = V<W<A>>; tmpA using WW = W<W<A>>;
tmpB using P = pair<A, B>; tmpA using PP = P<A, A>;
tmpA using S = set<A>;
tmpB using M = map<A, B>; tmpA using MM = M<A, A>;
#define int long long
#define double long double
using VI = V<int>; using WI = W<int>; using VWI = VW<int>; using WWI = WW<int>;
using PI = PP<int>; using VPI = V<PI>; using WPI = W<PI>; using VWPI = VW<PI>; using WWPI = WW<PI>;
using SI = S<int>; using VSI = V<SI>; using WSI = W<SI>; using VWSI = VW<SI>; using WWSI = WW<SI>;
using MI = MM<int>; using VMI = V<MI>; using WMI = W<MI>; using VWMI = VW<MI>; using WWMI = WW<MI>;
using VD = V<double>; using WD = W<double>; using VWD = VW<double>; using WWD = WW<double>;
using PD = PP<double>; using VPD = V<PD>; using WPD = W<PD>; using VWPD = VW<PD>; using WWPD = WW<PD>;
using SD = S<double>; using VSD = V<SD>; using WSD = W<SD>; using VWSD = VW<SD>; using WWSD = WW<SD>;
using MD = MM<double>; using VMD = V<MD>; using WMD = W<MD>; using VWMD = VW<MD>; using WWMD = WW<MD>;
using VC = V<char>; using WC = W<char>; using VWC = VW<char>; using WWC = WW<char>;
using PC = PP<char>; using VPC = V<PC>; using WPC = W<PC>; using VWPC = VW<PC>; using WWPC = WW<PC>;
using SC = S<char>; using VSC = V<SC>; using WSC = W<SC>; using VWSC = VW<SC>; using WWSC = WW<SC>;
using MC = MM<char>; using VMC = V<MC>; using WMC = W<MC>; using VWMC = VW<MC>; using WWMC = WW<MC>;
using VS = V<string>; using WS = W<string>; using VWS = VW<string>; using WWS = WW<string>;
using PS = PP<string>; using VPS = V<PS>; using WPS = W<PS>; using VWPS = VW<PS>; using WWPS = WW<PS>;
using SS = S<string>; using VSS = V<SS>; using WSS = W<SS>; using VWSS = VW<SS>; using WWSS = WW<SS>;
using MS = MM<string>; using VMS = V<MS>; using WMS = W<MS>; using VWMS = VW<MS>; using WWMS = WW<MS>;
using PID = P<int, double>; using VPID = V<PID>; using WPID = W<PID>; using VWPID = VW<PID>; using WWPID = WW<PID>;
using PIC = P<int, char>; using VPIC = V<PIC>; using WPIC = W<PIC>; using VWPIC = VW<PIC>; using WWPIC = WW<PIC>;
using PIS = P<int, string>; using VPIS = V<PIS>; using WPIS = W<PIS>; using VWPIS = VW<PIS>; using WWPIS = WW<PIS>;
using PDI = P<double, int>; using VPDI = V<PDI>; using WPDI = W<PDI>; using VWPDI = VW<PDI>; using WWPDI = WW<PDI>;
using PDC = P<double, char>; using VPDC = V<PDC>; using WPDC = W<PDC>; using VWPDC = VW<PDC>; using WWPDC = WW<PDC>;
using PDS = P<double, string>; using VPDS = V<PDS>; using WPDS = W<PDS>; using VWPDS = VW<PDS>; using WWPDS = WW<PDS>;
using PCI = P<char, int>; using VPCI = V<PCI>; using WPCI = W<PCI>; using VWPCI = VW<PCI>; using WWPCI = WW<PCI>;
using PCC = P<char, char>; using VPCC = V<PCC>; using WPCC = W<PCC>; using VWPCC = VW<PCC>; using WWPCC = WW<PCC>;
using PCS = P<char, string>; using VPCS = V<PCS>; using WPCS = W<PCS>; using VWPCS = VW<PCS>; using WWPCS = WW<PCS>;
using PSI = P<string, int>; using VPSI = V<PSI>; using WPSI = W<PSI>; using VWPSI = VW<PSI>; using WWPSI = WW<PSI>;
using PSD = P<string, double>; using VPSD = V<PSD>; using WPSD = W<PSD>; using VWPSD = VW<PSD>; using WWPSD = WW<PSD>;
using PSC = P<string, char>; using VPSC = V<PSC>; using WPSC = W<PSC>; using VWPSC = VW<PSC>; using WWPSC = WW<PSC>;
using MID = M<int, double>; using VMID = V<MID>; using WMID = W<MID>; using VWMID = VW<MID>; using WWMID = WW<MID>;
using MIC = M<int, char>; using VMIC = V<MIC>; using WMIC = W<MIC>; using VWMIC = VW<MIC>; using WWMIC = WW<MIC>;
using MIS = M<int, string>; using VMIS = V<MIS>; using WMIS = W<MIS>; using VWMIS = VW<MIS>; using WWMIS = WW<MIS>;
using MDI = M<double, int>; using VMDI = V<MDI>; using WMDI = W<MDI>; using VWMDI = VW<MDI>; using WWMDI = WW<MDI>;
using MDC = M<double, char>; using VMDC = V<MDC>; using WMDC = W<MDC>; using VWMDC = VW<MDC>; using WWMDC = WW<MDC>;
using MDS = M<double, string>; using VMDS = V<MDS>; using WMDS = W<MDS>; using VWMDS = VW<MDS>; using WWMDS = WW<MDS>;
using MCI = M<char, int>; using VMCI = V<MCI>; using WMCI = W<MCI>; using VWMCI = VW<MCI>; using WWMCI = WW<MCI>;
using MCC = M<char, char>; using VMCC = V<MCC>; using WMCC = W<MCC>; using VWMCC = VW<MCC>; using WWMCC = WW<MCC>;
using MCS = M<char, string>; using VMCS = V<MCS>; using WMCS = W<MCS>; using VWMCS = VW<MCS>; using WWMCS = WW<MCS>;
using MSI = M<string, int>; using VMSI = V<MSI>; using WMSI = W<MSI>; using VWMSI = VW<MSI>; using WWMSI = WW<MSI>;
using MSD = M<string, double>; using VMSD = V<MSD>; using WMSD = W<MSD>; using VWMSD = VW<MSD>; using WWMSD = WW<MSD>;
using MSC = M<string, char>; using VMSC = V<MSC>; using WMSC = W<MSC>; using VWMSC = VW<MSC>; using WWMSC = WW<MSC>;
tmpA using viter = typename V<A>::iterator;
tmpA using vciter = typename V<A>::const_iterator;
tmpA using remove_const_t = typename remove_const <A>::type;
tmpA using remove_reference_t = typename remove_reference<A>::type;
#define times(n, i) uptil(0, n, i)
#define rtimes(n, i) downto((n) - 1, 0, i)
#define upto(f, t, i) for(int i##__count = (f), i = i##__count, i##__goal = (t); i <= i##__goal; i = ++i##__count)
#define uptil(f, t, i) for(int i##__count = (f), i = i##__count, i##__goal = (t); i < i##__goal; i = ++i##__count)
#define downto(f, t, i) for(int i##__count = (f), i = i##__count, i##__goal = (t); i >= i##__goal; i = --i##__count)
#define downtil(f, t, i) for(int i##__count = (f), i = i##__count, i##__goal = (t); i > i##__goal; i = --i##__count)
#define timesB(n, i) uptilB(0, n, i)
#define rtimesB(n, i) downtoB((n) - 1, 0, i)
#define uptoB(f, t, i) for(int i = (f); i <= (t); ++i)
#define uptilB(f, t, i) for(int i = (f); i < (t); ++i)
#define downtoB(f, t, i) for(int i = (f); i >= (t); --i)
#define downtilB(f, t, i) for(int i = (f); i > (t); --i)
#define unless(c) if(!(c))
#define until(c) while(!(c))
#define loop while(true)
struct nout{ tmpA const nout& operator<<(const A& a) const { return *this; } } nout;
#ifdef debug
#define debug 1
#define dout cout
#define ln << endl
#define dsp << "\t"
#define debug 0
#define dout nout
#define ln << "\n"
#define dsp << " "
#define tb << " "
#define sp << " "
tmpA inline istream& operator>>(istream& in, vector<A>& v) { times(v.capacity(), i) in >> v[i]; return in; }
tmpA inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const vector<A>& v) { times(v.size(), i) out << (i ? " " : "") << v[i]; return out; }
tmpB inline istream& operator>>(istream& in, pair<A, B>& p) { A a; B b; in >> a >> b; p = {a, b}; return in; }
tmpB inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const pair<A, B>& p) { out << p.first sp << p.second; return out; }
tmpX inline X next(istream& in, const Y&... y) { X x(y...); in >> x; return x; }
tmpX inline X next( const Y&... y) { return next<X>(cin, y...); }
inline string nextLine(istream& in = cin) { string s; getline(in, s); return move(s); }
tmpA A pow (A x, A n) { int ans = 1; while(n) { if(n & 1) ans *= x; x *= x; n /= 2; } return ans; }
tmpA A powM (A x, A n, A mod) { int ans = 1; while(n) { if(n & 1) { ans *= x; ans %= mod; } x *= x; x %= mod; n /= 2; } return ans; }
tmpA inline A divMP(A d, A r, A modP) { return d * powM(r, modP - 2, modP) % modP; }
#define size(v) ((signed)((v).size()))
#define all(v) begin(v), end(v)
tmpA A sum (const vector<A>& v) { A ans = A(); for(const A& a : v) ans += a; return ans; }
tmpA A sumM (const vector<A>& v, A mod) { A ans = A(); for(const A& a : v) ans = (ans + a) % mod; return ans; }
tmpA A product (const vector<A>& v) { A ans = A(); for(const A& a : v) ans *= a; return ans; }
tmpA A productM(const vector<A>& v, A mod) { A ans = A(); for(const A& a : v) ans = (ans * a) % mod; return ans; }
tmpA inline A min (const vector<A>& v) { return *min_element(all(v)); }
tmpA inline A minI (const vector<A>& v) { return distance(begin(v), min_element(all(v))); }
tmpA inline A max (const vector<A>& v) { return *max_element(all(v)); }
tmpA inline A maxI (const vector<A>& v) { return distance(begin(v), max_element(all(v))); }
tmpA inline void sort (const vector<A>& v) { sort(all(v)); }
tmpA inline vector<A> sorted (const vector<A>& v) { vector<A> x = v; sort(x); return x; }
tmpA inline pair<A, A> maxmin(const vector<A>& v) { return pair<A, A>(max(v), min(v)); }
tmpA inline bool cmax (A& a, const A& v) { if(a < v) { a = v; return true; } return false; }
tmpA inline bool cmaxE(A& a, const A& v) { if(a <= v) { a = v; return true; } return false; }
tmpA inline bool cmin (A& a, const A& v) { if(a > v) { a = v; return true; } return false; }
tmpA inline bool cminE(A& a, const A& v) { if(a >= v) { a = v; return true; } return false; }
tmpA inline bool smax (A& a, A& b) { if(a < b) { swap(a, b); return true; } else return false; }
tmpA inline bool smaxE(A& a, A& b) { if(a <= b) { swap(a, b); return true; } else return false; }
tmpA inline bool smin (A& a, A& b) { if(a > b) { swap(a, b); return true; } else return false; }
tmpA inline bool sminE(A& a, A& b) { if(a >= b) { swap(a, b); return true; } else return false; }
tmpA inline pair<A, A> maxmin(const A& a, const A& b) { return a > b ? pair<A, A>(a, b) : pair<A, A>(b, a); }
signed main() {
WI v = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9, 10}, next<VI>(next<int>())};
cout << v ln << maxmin(v) ln;
return 0;
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