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Created August 20, 2015 16:42
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import org.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_1D;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.chart.Chart;
import javafx.scene.chart.LineChart;
import javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis;
import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart;
import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class Main extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private Chart createSourceDataChart(float[] data, String title) {
final NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis();
final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis();
LineChart<Number, Number> c = new LineChart<Number, Number>(xAxis, yAxis);
c.setCreateSymbols(false); //hide dots
XYChart.Series<Number, Number> series = new XYChart.Series<>();
for (int i=0; i < data.length; i+=4) {
series.getData().add(new XYChart.Data<Number, Number>(i, data[i]));
return c;
private Chart createFFTChart(float[] data, String title, int num) {
final NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis();
final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis();
LineChart<Number, Number> c = new LineChart<Number, Number>(xAxis, yAxis);
c.setCreateSymbols(false); //hide dots
XYChart.Series<Number, Number> series = new XYChart.Series<Number, Number>();
int limit = num != -1 ? num : data.length;
for (int i=0; i < limit; i+=2) {
series.getData().add(new XYChart.Data<Number, Number>(i, data[i]));
return c;
* Gets the next value of the hamming function.
* @param i the index
* @param size the total size
* @return the hamming value
private float getHammingValue(int i, int size) {
return (float) (0.54 - 0.46 * Math.cos((2 * Math.PI * i) / (size - 1)));
private void applyWindow(float[] from, float[] to) {
int M = from.length;
for (int n = 0; n < M; n++) {
to[n] = from[n] * getHammingValue(n, M);
private float[] powerSpectrum(float[] window) {
float[] powerSpectrum = new float[window.length];
float[] fftBuffer = new float[window.length * 2 + 1];
System.arraycopy(window, 0, fftBuffer, 0, window.length);
FloatFFT_1D fft = new FloatFFT_1D(window.length);
for (int i=0; i < fftBuffer.length / 2 - 1; i++) {
float real = fftBuffer[2*i];
float imag = fftBuffer[2*i+1];
powerSpectrum[i] = (float)Math.sqrt(real*real + imag * imag);
return powerSpectrum;
public void start(Stage s) throws Exception {
ScrollPane sp = new ScrollPane();
VBox bp = new VBox();
// 1. Generate Input
float[] sine = SineWaveGenerator.createSinWaveBuffer(3600, 160, 1000);
bp.getChildren().add(createSourceDataChart(sine, "Sine Wave"));
// 2. Apply Window Function
float[] windowed = new float[sine.length];
applyWindow(sine, windowed);
bp.getChildren().add(createSourceDataChart(windowed, "Windowed Signal"));
// 3. Calculate Power Spectrum (using FFT)
float[] spectrum = powerSpectrum(windowed);
bp.getChildren().add(createFFTChart(spectrum, "FFT Power Spectrum", -1));
// 4. Compress
float[] spectrumCopy = new float[spectrum.length];
System.arraycopy(spectrum, 0, spectrumCopy, 0, spectrum.length);
for (int compression = 2; compression < 4; compression++) {
for (int i = 1; i < spectrum.length; i++) {
spectrum[i] = spectrum[i] * getCompressedSample(spectrumCopy, 1, compression, i);
// 5. HPS
bp.getChildren().add(createFFTChart(spectrum, "HPS", -1));
// 6. Find Peak
int maxBin = 0;
float maxVal = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
for (int i=1; i < spectrum.length; i++) {
float val = spectrum[i];
if (val > maxVal) {
maxVal = val;
maxBin = i;
System.out.println("MAXBIN: " + maxBin);
// 7. Interpolate
float mid = spectrum[maxBin];
float left = spectrum[maxBin- 1];
float right = spectrum[maxBin + 1];
float shift = 0.5f*(right-left) / ( 2.0f*mid - left - right );
float pEst = maxBin + shift;
System.out.println("MAXBIN AFTER INTERPOLATION: " + (int)pEst);
// 8. Convert to frequency
float freq = (float) getFrequencyForIndex((int)pEst, spectrum.length, 8000);
System.out.println("FOUND FREQUENCY: " + freq);
s.setScene(new Scene(sp));;
private float getCompressedSample(float[] buffer, int offset, int compression, int loc) {
if (offset + loc * compression < buffer.length) {
return buffer[offset + loc * compression];
return 0;
private float getFrequencyForIndex(int index, int size, int rate) {
float freq = (float)index * (float)rate / (float)size;
return freq;
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