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Created April 16, 2014 13:40
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(page "index.html"
(:require-macros [paranav :refer [dbg]])
(:require [tailrecursion.hoplon.reload :refer [reload-all]]
[ :as z]))
(def $ js/jQuery)
(when (-> js/window .-location .-hostname (= "localhost")) (reload-all))
(defn ->attr-map "(HLisp attrs workaround)" [m]
(reduce (fn [xs kv] (conj xs (mapv symbol kv))) {} m))
(defc point nil)
(defc= &point (if point (z/node point)))
(defc= $point ($ &point))
(defc= point-root (if point (z/root point)))
;;; mode element creation, management
(defn mode-elem [mode {:keys [elem parent terminal valid-re tag]
:or {terminal false, valid-re ""}}]
(with-let [self (elem)]
(self (merge
(->attr-map {"mode" mode
"parent" parent
"terminal" (str terminal)
"valid_re" valid-re
"tag" tag})
{:class (cell= {:point (= self &point)})}))))
(extend-type js/Element
(-lookup [this k] (-lookup this k nil))
(-lookup [this k not-found] (or (.attr ($ this) k) not-found))
(-seq [this] #(-> this $ .children .toArray seq)))
(defn non-terminal? [mode-elem]
(= "false" (get mode-elem "terminal")))
(def terminal? (complement non-terminal?))
(defn valid? [terminal]
(let [re (js/RegExp. (get terminal "valid_re"))]
(boolean (.exec re (.text ($ terminal))))))
;;; document mode elements
(defelem document [attrs paragraphs]
((mode-elem "prose" {:elem div, :parent "root", :tag "document"})
(defelem paragraph [attrs sentences]
((mode-elem "prose" {:elem p, :parent "document", :tag "paragraph"})
(defelem sentence [attrs [string]]
((mode-elem "prose" {:elem span
:parent "paragraph"
:terminal true
:valid-re ".*[\\.\\?\\!]$"
:tag "sentence"})
(defn attr-names [elem]
(loop [i 0, names []]
(if (< i (.-length (.-attributes elem)))
(recur (inc i) (conj names (.-name (aget (.-attributes elem) i))))
(defn attrs [elem]
(->> (attr-names elem)
(map #(vector % (get elem %)))
(into {})))
(defn dup! [node]
(let [new-attrs (attrs node)
ctor (tailrecursion.hoplon/make-elem-ctor
(.prop ($ node) "tagName"))]
(.remove ($ node))
(with-let [self (ctor)]
(self (merge
(->attr-map new-attrs)
{:class (cell= {:point (= self &point)})})))))
(defn mode-zip [mode-root]
(z/zipper non-terminal?
#(-> % js/jQuery .children .toArray seq)
#((dup! %1) %2)
(def key-codes {8 :backspace
13 :enter})
(defn new-paragraph [sibling-loc]
(-> sibling-loc
(z/insert-right (paragraph))
(z/append-child (sentence))
(def arrows {37 :left 38 :up 39 :right 40 :down})
(def movements
{:left #(if (= (z/leftmost %) %) (z/rightmost %) (z/left %))
:up z/up
:right #(if (= (z/rightmost %) %) (z/leftmost %) (z/right %))
:down #(or (z/down %) %)})
(defn chr [e]
(.fromCharCode js/String (.-charCode e)))
(def default-point
(-> (document (paragraph (sentence "Type a period to complete this sentence")))
(reset! point default-point)
(doto ($ js/document)
(.keyup (fn [e]
(condp = [(get @&point "tag") (key-codes (.-keyCode e))]
["sentence" :backspace]
(if (empty? (.text @$point))
;; point is a sentence and is empty; remove
(let [to-remove @$point]
(swap! point z/remove)
(.remove to-remove))
;; point is a sentence and has characters; edit in place
(swap! point z/edit
#(with-let [old %]
(.text ($ %) (fn [_ s] (subs s 0 (dec (count s))))))))
(print "no keyup match"))))
(.keydown (fn [e]
;; command character pressed
(contains? key-codes (.-keyCode e))
(condp = [(get @&point "tag") (key-codes (.-keyCode e))]
;; point is a sentence and enter was pressed; make a new paragraph with empty sentence
["sentence" :enter] (swap! point #(-> % z/up new-paragraph))
;; point is a paragraph and enter was pressed; make a new paragraph with empty sentence
["paragraph" :enter] (swap! point #(-> % new-paragraph))
(print "no key-codes match for keydown"))
(contains? arrows (.-keyCode e))
;; arrow pressed; navigate appropriately
(let [move (movements (arrows (.-keyCode e)))]
(swap! point move))
:else (print "no keywodn match for keyCode" (.-keyCode e)))))
(.keypress (fn [e]
(condp = (get @&point "tag")
"sentence" (do (swap! point z/edit
#(with-let [s %]
(.text ($ %) (fn [_ s] (str s (chr e))))))
;; if the current sentence is valid, make a new one and move to it
(when (valid? @&point)
(swap! point z/insert-right (sentence))
(swap! point z/rightmost))))))))
(title "Para Nav")
(link :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css" :href "normalize.css")
(link :rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css" :href "style.css"))
(div :id "center" :html point-root)))
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