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Created May 23, 2013 20:16
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A base passthru material system class for Source Engine 2007. Adapted from
// Purpose: Implementation of IMaterialSystem interface which "passes tru" all
// function calls to the real interface. Can be used to override
// IMaterialSystem function calls (combined with engine->Mat_Stub).
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
class CPassThruMaterialSystem : public IMaterialSystem
typedef CPassThruMaterialSystem BaseClass;
m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru = NULL;
virtual void InitPassThru( IMaterialSystem *pBaseMaterialsPassThru )
m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru = pBaseMaterialsPassThru;
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->Connect( factory ); }
virtual void Disconnect() { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->Disconnect( ); }
virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->QueryInterface( pInterfaceName ); }
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init() { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->Init( ); }
virtual void Shutdown() { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->Shutdown( ); }
virtual CreateInterfaceFn Init( char const* pShaderAPIDLL,
IMaterialProxyFactory *pMaterialProxyFactory,
CreateInterfaceFn fileSystemFactory,
CreateInterfaceFn cvarFactory=NULL ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->Init( pShaderAPIDLL, pMaterialProxyFactory, fileSystemFactory, cvarFactory ); }
virtual void SetShaderAPI( char const *pShaderAPIDLL ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SetShaderAPI( pShaderAPIDLL ); }
virtual void SetAdapter( int nAdapter, int nFlags ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SetAdapter( nAdapter, nFlags ); }
virtual void ModInit() { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ModInit(); }
virtual void ModShutdown() { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ModShutdown(); }
virtual void SetThreadMode( MaterialThreadMode_t mode, int nServiceThread = -1 ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SetThreadMode( mode, nServiceThread ); }
virtual MaterialThreadMode_t GetThreadMode() { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetThreadMode(); }
virtual void ExecuteQueued() { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ExecuteQueued(); }
virtual IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig *GetHardwareConfig( const char *pVersion, int *returnCode ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetHardwareConfig( pVersion, returnCode ); }
virtual bool UpdateConfig( bool bForceUpdate ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->UpdateConfig( bForceUpdate ); }
virtual bool OverrideConfig( const MaterialSystem_Config_t &config, bool bForceUpdate ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->OverrideConfig( config, bForceUpdate ); }
virtual const MaterialSystem_Config_t &GetCurrentConfigForVideoCard() const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetCurrentConfigForVideoCard(); }
virtual bool GetRecommendedConfigurationInfo( int nDXLevel, KeyValues * pKeyValues ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetRecommendedConfigurationInfo( nDXLevel, pKeyValues ); }
virtual int GetDisplayAdapterCount() const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetDisplayAdapterCount(); }
virtual int GetCurrentAdapter() const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetCurrentAdapter(); }
virtual void GetDisplayAdapterInfo( int adapter, MaterialAdapterInfo_t& info ) const { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetDisplayAdapterInfo( adapter, info ); }
virtual int GetModeCount( int adapter ) const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetModeCount( adapter ); }
virtual void GetModeInfo( int adapter, int mode, MaterialVideoMode_t& info ) const { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetModeInfo( adapter, mode, info ); }
virtual void AddModeChangeCallBack( ModeChangeCallbackFunc_t func ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->AddModeChangeCallBack( func ); }
virtual void GetDisplayMode( MaterialVideoMode_t& mode ) const { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetDisplayMode( mode ); }
virtual bool SetMode( void* hwnd, const MaterialSystem_Config_t &config ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SetMode( hwnd, config ); }
virtual bool SupportsMSAAMode( int nMSAAMode ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SupportsMSAAMode( nMSAAMode ); }
virtual const MaterialSystemHardwareIdentifier_t &GetVideoCardIdentifier( void ) const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetVideoCardIdentifier( ); }
virtual void SpewDriverInfo() const { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SpewDriverInfo( ); }
virtual void GetBackBufferDimensions( int &width, int &height) const { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetBackBufferDimensions( width, height ); }
virtual ImageFormat GetBackBufferFormat() const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetBackBufferFormat( ); }
virtual bool SupportsHDRMode( HDRType_t nHDRModede ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SupportsHDRMode( nHDRModede ); }
virtual bool AddView( void* hwnd ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->AddView( hwnd ); }
virtual void RemoveView( void* hwnd ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->RemoveView( hwnd ); }
virtual void SetView( void* hwnd ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SetView( hwnd ); }
virtual void BeginFrame( float frameTime ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->BeginFrame( frameTime ); }
virtual void EndFrame( ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->EndFrame( ); }
virtual void Flush( bool flushHardware = false ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->Flush( flushHardware ); }
virtual void SwapBuffers( ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SwapBuffers( ); }
virtual void EvictManagedResources() { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->EvictManagedResources( ); }
virtual void ReleaseResources(void) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ReleaseResources( ); }
virtual void ReacquireResources(void ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ReacquireResources( ); }
virtual void AddReleaseFunc( MaterialBufferReleaseFunc_t func ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->AddReleaseFunc( func ); }
virtual void RemoveReleaseFunc( MaterialBufferReleaseFunc_t func ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->RemoveReleaseFunc( func ); }
virtual void AddRestoreFunc( MaterialBufferRestoreFunc_t func ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->AddRestoreFunc( func ); }
virtual void RemoveRestoreFunc( MaterialBufferRestoreFunc_t func ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->RemoveRestoreFunc( func ); }
virtual void ResetTempHWMemory( bool bExitingLevel = false ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ResetTempHWMemory( bExitingLevel ); }
virtual void HandleDeviceLost() { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->HandleDeviceLost( ); }
virtual int ShaderCount() const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ShaderCount( ); }
virtual int GetShaders( int nFirstShader, int nMaxCount, IShader **ppShaderList ) const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetShaders( nFirstShader, nMaxCount, ppShaderList ); }
virtual int ShaderFlagCount() const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ShaderFlagCount(); }
virtual const char * ShaderFlagName( int nIndex ) const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ShaderFlagName( nIndex ); }
virtual void GetShaderFallback( const char *pShaderName, char *pFallbackShader, int nFallbackLength ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetShaderFallback( pShaderName, pFallbackShader, nFallbackLength ); }
virtual IMaterialProxyFactory *GetMaterialProxyFactory() { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetMaterialProxyFactory( ); }
virtual void SetMaterialProxyFactory( IMaterialProxyFactory* pFactory ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SetMaterialProxyFactory( pFactory ); }
virtual void GetDXLevelDefaults( uint &max_dxlevel,uint &recommended_dxlevel ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetDXLevelDefaults(max_dxlevel, recommended_dxlevel); }
virtual bool SupportsShadowDepthTextures() { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SupportsShadowDepthTextures(); }
virtual ImageFormat GetShadowDepthTextureFormat() { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetShadowDepthTextureFormat(); }
virtual bool SupportsFetch4() { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SupportsFetch4(); }
virtual ImageFormat GetNullTextureFormat() { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetNullTextureFormat(); };
virtual void EnableEditorMaterials() { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->EnableEditorMaterials( ); }
virtual void SetInStubMode( bool bInStubMode ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SetInStubMode( bInStubMode ); }
virtual void DebugPrintUsedMaterials( const char *pSearchSubString, bool bVerbose ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->DebugPrintUsedMaterials( pSearchSubString, bVerbose ); }
virtual void DebugPrintUsedTextures( void ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->DebugPrintUsedTextures( ); }
virtual void ToggleSuppressMaterial( char const* pMaterialName ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ToggleSuppressMaterial( pMaterialName ); }
virtual void ToggleDebugMaterial( char const* pMaterialName ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ToggleDebugMaterial( pMaterialName ); }
virtual bool UsingFastClipping( void ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->UsingFastClipping( ); }
virtual int StencilBufferBits( void ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->StencilBufferBits( ); }
virtual void UncacheAllMaterials( ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->UncacheAllMaterials( ); }
virtual void UncacheUnusedMaterials( bool bRecomputeStateSnapshots = false ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->UncacheUnusedMaterials( bRecomputeStateSnapshots ); }
virtual void CacheUsedMaterials( ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->CacheUsedMaterials( ); }
virtual void ReloadTextures( ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ReloadTextures( ); }
virtual void ReloadMaterials( const char *pSubString = NULL ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ReloadMaterials( pSubString ); }
virtual IMaterial * CreateMaterial( const char *pMaterialName, KeyValues *pVMTKeyValues ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->CreateMaterial( pMaterialName, pVMTKeyValues ); }
virtual IMaterial * FindMaterial( char const* pMaterialName, const char *pTextureGroupName, bool complain = true, const char *pComplainPrefix = NULL )
{ return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->FindMaterial( pMaterialName, pTextureGroupName, complain, pComplainPrefix ); }
virtual MaterialHandle_t FirstMaterial() const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->FirstMaterial( ); }
virtual MaterialHandle_t NextMaterial( MaterialHandle_t h ) const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->NextMaterial( h ); }
virtual MaterialHandle_t InvalidMaterial() const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->InvalidMaterial( ); }
virtual IMaterial* GetMaterial( MaterialHandle_t h ) const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetMaterial( h ); }
virtual int GetNumMaterials( ) const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetNumMaterials( ); }
virtual ITexture * FindTexture( char const* pTextureName, const char *pTextureGroupName, bool complain = true ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->FindTexture( pTextureName, pTextureGroupName, complain ); }
virtual bool IsTextureLoaded( char const* pTextureName ) const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->IsTextureLoaded( pTextureName ); }
virtual ITexture * CreateProceduralTexture( const char *pTextureName,
const char *pTextureGroupName,
int w,
int h,
ImageFormat fmt,
int nFlags ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->CreateProceduralTexture( pTextureName, pTextureGroupName, w, h, fmt, nFlags ); }
virtual void BeginRenderTargetAllocation() { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->BeginRenderTargetAllocation(); }
virtual void EndRenderTargetAllocation() { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->EndRenderTargetAllocation(); }
virtual ITexture * CreateRenderTargetTexture( int w,
int h,
RenderTargetSizeMode_t sizeMode, // Controls how size is generated (and regenerated on video mode change).
ImageFormat format,
MaterialRenderTargetDepth_t depth = MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SHARED ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->CreateRenderTargetTexture(w, h, sizeMode, format, depth ); }
virtual ITexture * CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx( const char *pRTName, // Pass in NULL here for an unnamed render target.
int w,
int h,
RenderTargetSizeMode_t sizeMode, // Controls how size is generated (and regenerated on video mode change).
ImageFormat format,
MaterialRenderTargetDepth_t depth = MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SHARED,
unsigned int renderTargetFlags = 0 ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx(pRTName, w, h, sizeMode, format, depth, textureFlags, renderTargetFlags ); }
virtual ITexture * CreateNamedRenderTargetTexture( const char *pRTName,
int w,
int h,
RenderTargetSizeMode_t sizeMode, // Controls how size is generated (and regenerated on video mode change).
ImageFormat format,
MaterialRenderTargetDepth_t depth = MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SHARED,
bool bClampTexCoords = true,
bool bAutoMipMap = false ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->CreateNamedRenderTargetTexture(pRTName, w, h, sizeMode, format, depth, bClampTexCoords, bAutoMipMap ); }
virtual ITexture * CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx2( const char *pRTName, // Pass in NULL here for an unnamed render target.
int w,
int h,
RenderTargetSizeMode_t sizeMode, // Controls how size is generated (and regenerated on video mode change).
ImageFormat format,
MaterialRenderTargetDepth_t depth = MATERIAL_RT_DEPTH_SHARED,
unsigned int renderTargetFlags = 0 ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->CreateNamedRenderTargetTextureEx2(pRTName, w, h, sizeMode, format, depth, textureFlags, renderTargetFlags ); }
virtual void BeginLightmapAllocation( ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->BeginLightmapAllocation(); }
virtual void EndLightmapAllocation( ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->EndLightmapAllocation(); }
virtual int AllocateLightmap( int width, int height,
int offsetIntoLightmapPage[2],
IMaterial *pMaterial ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->AllocateLightmap( width, height, offsetIntoLightmapPage, pMaterial ); }
virtual int AllocateWhiteLightmap( IMaterial *pMaterial ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->AllocateWhiteLightmap( pMaterial ); }
virtual void UpdateLightmap( int lightmapPageID, int lightmapSize[2],
int offsetIntoLightmapPage[2],
float *pFloatImage, float *pFloatImageBump1,
float *pFloatImageBump2, float *pFloatImageBump3 ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->UpdateLightmap( lightmapPageID, lightmapSize, offsetIntoLightmapPage, pFloatImage, pFloatImageBump1, pFloatImageBump2, pFloatImageBump3 ); }
virtual int GetNumSortIDs( ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetNumSortIDs( ); }
virtual void GetSortInfo( MaterialSystem_SortInfo_t *sortInfoArray ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetSortInfo( sortInfoArray ); }
virtual void GetLightmapPageSize( int lightmap, int *width, int *height ) const { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetLightmapPageSize( lightmap, width, height ); }
virtual void ResetMaterialLightmapPageInfo() { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ResetMaterialLightmapPageInfo(); }
virtual void ClearBuffers( bool bClearColor, bool bClearDepth, bool bClearStencil = false ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ClearBuffers( bClearColor, bClearDepth, bClearStencil ); }
#if defined( _X360 )
virtual void ListUsedMaterials( void ) = 0;
virtual HXUIFONT OpenTrueTypeFont( const char *pFontname, int tall, int style ) = 0;
virtual void CloseTrueTypeFont( HXUIFONT hFont ) = 0;
virtual bool GetTrueTypeFontMetrics( HXUIFONT hFont, wchar_t wchFirst, wchar_t wchLast, XUIFontMetrics *pFontMetrics, XUICharMetrics *pCharMetrics ) = 0;
// Render a sequence of characters and extract the data into a buffer
// For each character, provide the width+height of the font texture subrect,
// an offset to apply when rendering the glyph, and an offset into a buffer to receive the RGBA data
virtual bool GetTrueTypeGlyphs( HXUIFONT hFont, int numChars, wchar_t *pWch, int *pOffsetX, int *pOffsetY, int *pWidth, int *pHeight, unsigned char *pRGBA, int *pRGBAOffset ) = 0;
virtual void PersistDisplay() = 0;
virtual void *GetD3DDevice() = 0;
virtual bool OwnGPUResources( bool bEnable ) = 0;
virtual IMatRenderContext * GetRenderContext() { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->GetRenderContext(); }
virtual void BeginUpdateLightmaps( void ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->BeginUpdateLightmaps(); }
virtual void EndUpdateLightmaps( void ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->EndUpdateLightmaps(); }
virtual MaterialLock_t Lock() { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->Lock(); }
virtual void Unlock( MaterialLock_t l ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->Unlock( l ); }
virtual IMatRenderContext *CreateRenderContext( MaterialContextType_t type ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->CreateRenderContext( type ); }
virtual IMatRenderContext *SetRenderContext( IMatRenderContext *c ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SetRenderContext( c ); }
virtual bool SupportsCSAAMode( int nNumSamples, int nQualityLevel ) { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SupportsCSAAMode( nNumSamples, nQualityLevel ); }
virtual void RemoveModeChangeCallBack( ModeChangeCallbackFunc_t func ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->RemoveModeChangeCallBack( func ); }
virtual IMaterial * FindProceduralMaterial( const char *pMaterialName, const char *pTextureGroupName, KeyValues *pVMTKeyValues )
{ return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->FindProceduralMaterial( pMaterialName, pTextureGroupName, pVMTKeyValues ); }
virtual void AddTextureAlias( const char *pAlias, const char *pRealName ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->AddTextureAlias( pAlias, pRealName ); }
virtual void RemoveTextureAlias( const char *pAlias ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->RemoveTextureAlias( pAlias ); }
virtual int AllocateDynamicLightmap( int lightmapSize[2], int *pOutOffsetIntoPage, int frameID )
{ return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->AllocateDynamicLightmap( lightmapSize, pOutOffsetIntoPage, frameID ); }
virtual void SetExcludedTextures( const char *pScriptName ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->SetExcludedTextures( pScriptName ); }
virtual void UpdateExcludedTextures( void ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->UpdateExcludedTextures( ); }
virtual bool IsInFrame( ) const { return m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->IsInFrame(); }
virtual void CompactMemory() { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->CompactMemory(); }
virtual void ReloadFilesInList( IFileList *pFilesToReload ) { m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru->ReloadFilesInList( pFilesToReload ); }
IMaterialSystem *m_pBaseMaterialsPassThru;
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