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Last active July 25, 2017 17:09
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Save alburezg/b130a464d1edffd80a9ac86226318456 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
##### DEVELOPED IN WINDOWS 7; SHINY 0.14.2; RSTUDIO 1.0.136; R 3.3.2 #####-
##### DIEGO ALBUREZ-GUTIERREZ, 2016 #####-
##### #####-
############################################################################### -
# +++++++++++++++++++
no.null <- function(y) ifelse(!length(y), NA, y)
# Values for UI selectize
house_opts <- c("Select one",1:10)
result_opts <- c("Select one", "Completed", "Denied/unavailable", "Postponed")
interv_opts <- c("Select one", "Diego", "Cristina")
no_cuest <- c("Select one", 1:5)
no_visits <- c("Select one", 1:3)
# define directory to save files
path_to <- getwd()
# UI ----
# +++++++
ui <- bootstrapPage(
navbarPage(paste("Questionnaire input"),
actionButton("see_p", "Open saved in spreadsheet"),
actionButton("file_p", "Open folder"),
actionButton("save_p", "Save", icon("floppy-o"),style="color: #fff; background-color: #337ab7; border-color: #2e6da4"),
textOutput("output_p", container = tags$code),
div(style="display:inline-block",selectInput("household", label = "Household no. ", width ="125px", choices = house_opts, selectize = TRUE, selected = NULL)),
div(style="display:inline-block",numericInput("head", label = "Head (line)", width ="100px", value = NULL)),
tags$h4("Personas que responden"),
div(style="display:inline-block",numericInput("responds1", label = "1st (line)", width ="100px", value = NULL)),
div(style="display:inline-block",numericInput("responds2", label = "2nd (line)", width ="100px", value = NULL)),
div(style="display:inline-block",numericInput("responds3", label = "3rd (line)", width ="100px", value = NULL)),
div(style="display:inline-block",textInput("contact", label = "Mobile phone", width ="150px", value = NULL)),
tags$h4("Visitas al hogar y visita final"),
div(style="display:inline-block",dateInput("date1", label = "Visit1", width ="100px", format = "dd/mm/yyyy", value = "2016-10-01", max = Sys.Date())),
div(style="display:inline-block",dateInput("date2", label = "Visit2", width ="100px", format = "dd/mm/yyyy", value = "2016-10-01", max = Sys.Date())),
div(style="display:inline-block",dateInput("date3", label = "Visit3", width ="100px", format = "dd/mm/yyyy", value = "2016-10-01", max = Sys.Date())),
div(style="display:inline-block",selectInput("visits", label = "Number of visits", width ="120px", choices = no_visits, selectize = T, selected = NULL)),
div(style="display:inline-block",selectInput("result", label = "Outcome", width ="200px", choices = result_opts, selectize = T, selected = NULL)),
tags$h4("Total number of questionnaires used"),
div(style="display:inline-block",selectInput("q_id", label = "Number (all used)", width ="130px", choices = no_cuest, selectize = TRUE, selected = NULL)),
tags$h4("Audio recording durations and interviewers"),
div(style="display:inline-block",textInput("h", label = "h", width ="50px", value = NULL)),
div(style="display:inline-block",textInput("m", label = "m", width ="50px", value = NULL)),
div(style="display:inline-block",textInput("s", label = "s", width ="50px", value = NULL)),
div(style="display:inline-block",selectInput("interviewer1", label = "Interviewer 1.", width ="130px", choices = interv_opts, selectize = T, selected = NULL)),
div(style="display:inline-block",selectInput("interviewer2", label = "Interviewer 2.", width ="130px", choices = interv_opts, selectize = T, selected = NULL)),
div(style="display:inline-block",textInput("comments", label = "Comments", width ="600px", value = NULL))
tags$h1("Add other fields here...")
# SERVER ----
# ++++++++++++
server <- function(input, output, clientData, session) {
# Save data ====
# *************
observeEvent(input$save_p, {
# string everything together
p_household <- no.null(input$household)
p_head <- no.null(input$head)
p_responds1 <- no.null(input$responds1)
p_responds2 <- no.null(input$responds2)
p_responds3 <- no.null(input$responds3)
p_contact <- no.null(input$contact)
p_date1 <- no.null(format(input$date1, "%d/%m/%Y"))
p_date2 <- no.null(format(input$date2, "%d/%m/%Y"))
p_date3 <- no.null(format(input$date3, "%d/%m/%Y"))
p_visits <- no.null(input$visits)
p_result <- no.null(input$result)
p_q_id <- no.null(input$q_id)
p_h <- no.null(input$h)
p_m <- no.null(input$m)
p_s <- no.null(input$s)
p_duracion_audio <- paste0(p_h,":",p_m,":",p_s)
p_h <- p_m <- p_s <- NULL
p_interviewer1 <- no.null(input$interviewer1)
p_interviewer2 <- no.null(input$interviewer2)
p_comments<- no.null(input$comments)
# String together as data frame
paradata <- data.frame(,mget(ls(pattern = "^p_"))), stringsAsFactors = F)
# delete empty rows and unwanted values
paradata <- paradata[!(rowSums(,]
paradata[paradata == "Select one"] <- NA
paradata[paradata == "01/10/2016"] <- NA
# export
write.csv(paradata,paste0(path_to,"paradata",".csv"), row.names=F)
# Output message ====
# ********************
output_message <- eventReactive(input$save_p, {
cat("Data for household", input$household, "saved --", as.character(Sys.time()))
output$output_p <- renderPrint({ output_message() })
# Open spreadsheet button ====
# ******************
observeEvent(input$see_p, {
path.sp <- "paradata.csv"
path <- paste0(path_to, path.sp)
# Open folder button ====
# ************************
observeEvent(input$file_p, {
# RUN APP ----
# +++++++++++++
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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