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Created August 5, 2018 05:42
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df map demo
#lang racket/gui
(require data-frame map-widget mrlib/snip-canvas plot)
(define toplevel (new frame% [label "Map Demo"] [width 600] [height 400]))
(define map (new map-widget% [parent toplevel]))
(send toplevel show #t)
;; Load the GPX file in a data frame
(define df (df-read/gpx "./tarn-shelf.gpx"))
(df-describe df)
;; Add the GPS track to the map
(send map add-track (df-select* df "lat" "lon") 'track)
(send map center-map)
;; Find the locations of the mile markers...
(define total-distance (df-ref df (sub1 (df-row-count df)) "dst"))
(define marker-locations
(for/list ([mile (in-range 0 total-distance 1609)])
(df-lookup df "dst" '("lat" "lon") mile)))
;; And add them to the map too
(define marker-color (make-color 0 135 36))
(for ([(position index) (in-indexed marker-locations)])
(send map add-marker position (format "Mile ~a" index) 1 marker-color))
(define (make-elevation-profile-plot df map)
(send map set-track-current-location #t)
(define (plot-callback snip event x y)
(define-values (overlays current-location)
(if (and x y (eq? (send event get-event-type) 'motion))
(let ((elevation (df-lookup/interpolated df "dst" "alt" x)))
(list (vrule x #:style 'long-dash)
(point-label (vector x y)
(format "~a miles, height: ~a meters"
(~r (/ x 1609) #:precision 2)
(~r elevation #:precision 1))
#:anchor 'auto)))
(df-lookup/interpolated df "dst" '("lat" "lon") x))
(values '() #f)))
(send snip set-overlay-renderers overlays)
(send map set-current-location current-location))
(define elevation (df-select* df "dst" "alt"))
(define (make-snip width height)
(parameterize ([plot-x-label "Distance (miles)"]
[plot-y-label "Elevation (meters)"]
(ticks (linear-ticks-layout)
(lambda (min max pre-ticks)
(for/list ([pt pre-ticks])
(~a (exact-truncate (/ (pre-tick-value pt) 1609))))))])
(define snip (plot-snip (lines elevation) #:width width #:height height))
(send snip set-mouse-event-callback plot-callback)
(define frame (new frame% [label "Elevation Plot"] [width 600] [height 300]))
(define canvas (new snip-canvas% [parent frame] [make-snip make-snip]))
(send frame show #t)
(make-elevation-profile-plot df map)
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