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Defending against russian invasion

Oleksandr Yakushev alexander-yakushev

Defending against russian invasion
View GitHub Profile
;;; javad.el --- Java decompiler
(defun javad-buffer ()
"run jad on contents of buffer"
(lexical-let* ((f-name (buffer-file-name))
(new-f-name (concat temporary-file-directory "jad/" (file-name-base f-name) ".jad"))
(old-buf (buffer-name))
(done (lambda (&rest args)
alexander-yakushev / clojure-trivial-dialer.clj
Last active October 6, 2015 00:57
A simple demostration of neko.ui toolkit for building Android UI in Clojure
(ns test.leindroid.sample.main
(:use [neko.activity :only [defactivity set-content-view!]]
[neko.threading :only [on-ui]]
[neko.ui :only [make-ui]])
(:import android.widget.EditText
(declare ^EditText edit
^ a)
alexander-yakushev / picturesque.lua
Created May 9, 2013 09:44
Automatic wallpaper fetching/changing for Awesome
-- Automatically downloads and sets wallpapers from
-- Requires asyncshell (
-- For configuration details see
-- How to use:
-- local picturesque = require('picturesque')
-- local t = timer { timeout = 3600 }
-- t:connect_signal("timeout", picturesque.change_image)
-- t:start()
local awful = require('awful')
(def c (a/chan 10 cat))
(go-loop [i 0]
(let [batch (range i (+ i 3))]
(when (>! c batch)
(println "Put succeeded:" batch)
(recur (+ i 3)))))
;; Put succeeded: (0 1 2)
;; Put succeeded: (3 4 5)
alexander-yakushev / minitray.lua
Created December 7, 2013 12:24
Toggable tray for Awesome
-- Toggable tray, for those who don't like to see it all the time.
-- Usage: after requiring a module, bind minitray.toggle() to a key.
local wibox = require("wibox")
-- Module minitray
local minitray = { geometry = {} }
local function show()
alexander-yakushev / tetris.clj
Created September 10, 2011 00:28
Tetris implementation in Clojure
(ns tetris.core
(:import (java.awt Color Dimension BorderLayout)
(javax.swing JPanel JFrame JOptionPane JButton JLabel)
(java.awt.event KeyListener))
(:use clojure.contrib.import-static deflayout.core
(import-static java.awt.event.KeyEvent VK_LEFT VK_RIGHT VK_DOWN VK_UP VK_SPACE)
alexander-yakushev / build.boot
Last active September 4, 2018 15:04
Clojure livecoding @ Grammarly
'[[http-kit "LATEST"]
[hiccup "LATEST"]
[cheshire "LATEST"]
[compojure "LATEST"]])
alexander-yakushev /
Last active October 9, 2018 18:09
JMH benchmark of Bifurcan's LinearMap
package bench;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;
import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import io.lacuna.bifurcan.LinearMap;
@Warmup(iterations = 3, time = 5, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations = 5, time = 5, timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
alexander-yakushev / gc.log
Created January 11, 2019 13:54
Shenandoah Degenerated GC long pause 1
Trigger: Free (5631M) is below minimum threshold (5632M)
Free: 5631M (460 regions), Max regular: 16384K, Max humongous: 425984K, External frag: 93%, Internal frag: 23%
Evacuation Reserve: 2816M (176 regions), Max regular: 16384K
2019-01-08T16:47:04.358+0000: 340115.832: [Concurrent resetUsing 25 of 25 workers for concurrent reset
Failed to allocate 2048K
Cancelling GC: Allocation Failure
46G->52G(55G), 11069.097 ms]
2019-01-08T16:47:15.433+0000: 340126.907: [Pause Init Mark (process weakrefs)Using 25 of 25 workers for init marking
Pacer for Mark. Expected Live: 1917M, Free: 0M, Non-Taxable: 0M, Alloc Tax Rate: infx
, 4.328 ms]
alexander-yakushev / gc.log.2
Created January 11, 2019 13:55
Shenandoah Degenerated GC huge pause 2
Trigger: Free (5628M) is below minimum threshold (5632M)
Free: 5628M (475 regions), Max regular: 16384K, Max humongous: 1032192K, External frag: 83%, Internal frag: 25%
Evacuation Reserve: 2816M (176 regions), Max regular: 16384K
2019-01-07T18:02:57.639+0000: 258123.203: [Concurrent resetUsing 25 of 25 workers for concurrent reset
46G->46G(55G), 13.614 ms]
2019-01-07T18:02:57.657+0000: 258123.220: [Pause Init MarkUsing 25 of 25 workers for init marking
Pacer for Mark. Expected Live: 1626M, Free: 5597M, Non-Taxable: 559M, Alloc Tax Rate: 1.1x
, 2.929 ms]
2019-01-07T18:02:57.660+0000: 258123.223: [Concurrent markingUsing 25 of 25 workers for concurrent marking
46G->47G(55G), 102.880 ms]