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Created July 21, 2009 05:34
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Simple plotting in mathematica to demontrate wheel barrel effect
Alex Beutel
July 23, 2009
Simple script to show wagon-wheel effect / stroboscopic effect
for a propeller in terms of the y coordinate vs. time and
radians vs. time. Graphs both with varying "frame-rates."
f1[x_] := Cos[x];
f2[x_] := Cos[x + 2 \[Pi]/3];
f3[x_] := Cos[x + 4 \[Pi]/3];
g1[x_] := Mod[x - .00001, 2 \[Pi]];
g2[x_] := Mod[x - .00001 + 2 \[Pi]/3, 2 \[Pi]];
g3[x_] := Mod[x - .00001 + 4 \[Pi]/3, 2 \[Pi]];
draw[o_] :=
(l1 = Line[{{0, 1.5}, {0 \[Pi], -1.5}}];
l2 = Line[{{4 \[Pi] - o, 1.5}, {4 \[Pi] - o, -1.5}}];
l3 = Line[{{8 \[Pi] - 2 o, 1.5}, {8 \[Pi] - 2 o, -1.5}}];
l4 = Line[{{12 \[Pi] - 3 o, 1.5}, {12 \[Pi] - 3 o, -1.5}}];
p1 = Point[{0 \[Pi], 1}];
p2 = Point[{4 \[Pi] - o,
Max[f1[4 \[Pi] - o], f2[4 \[Pi] - o], f3[4 \[Pi] - o]]}];
p3 = Point[{8 \[Pi] - 2 o,
Max[f1[8 \[Pi] - 2 o], f2[8 \[Pi] - 2 o], f3[8 \[Pi] - 2 o]]}];
p4 = Point[{12 \[Pi] - 3 o,
Max[f1[12 \[Pi] - 3 o], f2[12 \[Pi] - 3 o],
f3[12 \[Pi] - 3 o]]}];
l1a = Line[{{0 \[Pi], 0}, {0 \[Pi], 2 \[Pi]}}];
l2a = Line[{{4 \[Pi] - o, 0}, {4 \[Pi] - o, 2 \[Pi]}}];
l3a = Line[{{8 \[Pi] - 2 o, 0}, {8 \[Pi] - 2 o, 2 \[Pi]}}];
l4a = Line[{{12 \[Pi] - 3 o, 0}, {12 \[Pi] - 3 o, 2 \[Pi]}}];
p1a = Point[{0 \[Pi], Max[g1[0 \[Pi]], g2[0 \[Pi]], g3[0 \[Pi]]]}];
p2a = Point[{4 \[Pi] - o,
Max[g1[4 \[Pi] - o], g2[4 \[Pi] - o], g3[4 \[Pi] - o]]}];
p3a = Point[{8 \[Pi] - 2 o,
Max[g1[8 \[Pi] - 2 o], g2[8 \[Pi] - 2 o], g3[8 \[Pi] - 2 o]]}];
p4a = Point[{12 \[Pi] - 3 o,
Max[g1[12 \[Pi] - 3 o], g2[12 \[Pi] - 3 o],
g3[12 \[Pi] - 3 o]]}];
Show[Plot[{f1[x], f2[x], f3[x]}, {x, 0 \[Pi], 13 \[Pi]},
ImageSize -> Scaled[.6],
AxesLabel -> {"time", "y"}], {Graphics[{Thick, Red, l1}],
Graphics[{Thick, Red, l2}], Graphics[{Thick, Red, l3}],
Graphics[{Thick, Red, l4}],
Graphics[{PointSize[Large], Red, p1}],
Graphics[{PointSize[Large], Red, p2}],
Graphics[{PointSize[Large], Red, p3}],
Graphics[{PointSize[Large], Red, p4}]}]
Show[Plot[{g1[x], g2[x], g3[x]}, {x, 0, 13 \[Pi]},
ImageSize -> Scaled[.6],
AxesLabel -> {"time", "radians"}], {Graphics[{Thick, Red, l1a}],
Graphics[{Thick, Red, l2a}], Graphics[{Thick, Red, l3a}],
Graphics[{Thick, Red, l4a}],
Graphics[{PointSize[Large], Red, p1a}],
Graphics[{PointSize[Large], Red, p2a}],
Graphics[{PointSize[Large], Red, p3a}],
Graphics[{PointSize[Large], Red, p4a}]}])
Manipulate[draw[y], {y, 0, 2 \[Pi]/3}]
(* Enable the code below to save the above Manipulate command as a \
Flash movie *)
Export["all.swf", %]
Print["Standing still"]
Print["Going backwards"]
Print["Going forwards"]
Print["Standing still again"]
draw[2 \[Pi]/3]
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