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Alex Bowe alexbowe

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alexbowe /
Created March 28, 2010 11:24
Python function for adding an instance method to an object
def add_method(obj, f, fname):
"""Adds the instance method from function f to the object obj, callable by fname (i.e. obj.fname())
def func(self):
print 'test'
add_method(myObject, func, 'newmethodname')
# Extracting nounphrase chunks from a parse tree
# from
# for each noun phrase sub tree in the parse tree
for subtree in tree.subtrees(filter=lambda t: t.node == 'NP'):
# print the noun phrase as a list of part-of-speech tagged words
print subtree.leaves()
alexbowe / num_to_bin_string.rb
Created November 22, 2010 07:41
Method to convert a number to a binary string
class Fixnum
def to_bin_s
return '0' if self == 0
s = ''
n = self
while n > 0
s = (n % 2).to_s << s
n = n >> 1
alexbowe / three_test.rb
Created November 23, 2010 11:51
Tests a regular expression for recognising binary numbers that are divisible by 3.
your_re = // # <= YOUR REGEX GOES BETWEEN THESE SLASHES*************************
#Example: /.*/
# This wraps your regex so the whole binary string has to match it
@re = /^(#{your_re})$/
# Helper code to convert numbers to binary strings
class Fixnum
def to_bin_s
return '0' if self == 0
s = ''
alexbowe / my_binary.erl
Created April 2, 2011 06:55
Provides some idiomatic tools to help when programming using Erlang's Binary primitive type.
break(Blocksize, Bin) ->
<<Head:Blocksize/bits, Rest/bits>> = Bin,
{Head, Rest}.
foreach(_, _, <<>>) -> ok;
foreach(F, Blocksize, Bin) ->
alexbowe / popcount.erl
Created April 4, 2011 07:21
Popcount table generated at compile-time using ct_expand. See
-compile({parse_transform, ct_expand}).
-export([popcount16/1, popcount32/1]).
-define(TABLE(B), ct_expand:term( popcount_table:gen_table(B) )).
-define(TABLE16, ct_expand:term( ?TABLE(16) )).
popcount16(V) -> erlang:element(V+1, ?TABLE16).
popcount32(V) -> popcount16( V band 16#ffff )
alexbowe / popcount_table.erl
Created April 4, 2011 07:01
Generates a tuple of popcounts.
gen_table(Bits) -> gen_table(1, 2 bsl (Bits - 1), {0}).
gen_table(Stop, Stop, Table) -> Table;
gen_table(Value, Stop, Table) ->
New = (Value band 1) + erlang:element((Value bsr 1) + 1, Table),
NewTable = erlang:append_element(Table, New),
gen_table(Value + 1, Stop, NewTable).
alexbowe / gist:907073
Created April 7, 2011 05:10
15bit popcount from Hacker's Delight, p. 72
//Special for 15-bit values on 64bit processors
//with fast multiplication
//From Hacker's Delight, p. 72
inline uint32_t popcount15(uint32_t x)
uint64_t y;
y = x * 0x0002000400080010;
y = y & 0x1111111111111111;
y = y * 0x1111111111111111;
y = y >> 60;
alexbowe / gist:951513
Created May 2, 2011 12:11
Computing Theory Question
The following is an interesting problem I found in the book Introduction to Computer Theory (2nd edition),
by Daniel Cohen, Wiley, 1997. See what you think ...
“ In the English language, we can observe that some adjectives apply to themselves. For example, the word
“short” is a fairly short word. We mighy say, “short” is short. Also, the adjective “polysyllabic” is indeed
polysyllabic. Some other possible adjectives of this type are “unfrequent”, “melodious”, “arcane”,
“unhyphenated”, “English”, “non-palindromic”, and “harmless”. Let us call all these adjectives that describe
themselves homothetic. Let us call all other adjectives (those that do not decribe themselves) heterothetic.
For example, the words “gymnastic”, “myopic”, and “recursive” are all heterothetic adjectives The word
“heterothetic” is an adjective, and therefore like all adjectives it is either homothetic or heterothetic.
alexbowe /
Created July 28, 2011 07:17
Ranks k-composites that sum to n
def gam_to_lam(c, n):
i, m = 0, 0
L = [0] * n
while 1:
i = i+1
if c[i-1] > 0:
for j in range(1, c[i-1] + 1):
m = m + 1
L[m-1] = i