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Created February 25, 2015 18:31
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IMG 240: Crowdfunder seeds.rb
# Crowdfunder seed data
puts 'Deleting any existing data...'
[Pledge, FundingLevel, Project].each { |model| model.destroy_all }
puts 'Adding data...'
nanny = Project.create(
name: 'Robot Nanny',
description: "This robot nanny will care for your kids, your pets and even you!\n\nRequires very little maintenance.\n\nPledge and help us build the future!")
nanny.funding_levels.create(reward_name: 'Robot Nanny - Purple', amount: 100)
nanny.funding_levels.create(reward_name: 'Robot Nanny - Pink', amount: 120)
nanny.funding_levels.create(reward_name: 'Robot Nanny - Collector’s Edition', amount: 250)
jetpack = Project.create(
name: 'Personal Jetpack',
description: "After four years of messing around in our basements, we're finally ready to start production on our Personal Jetback 3000.\n\nOur goal is to raise $100,000,000 to build our factory, get government approval and patent our technology.")
jetpack.funding_levels.create(reward_name: 'T-shirt', amount: 10)
jetpack.funding_levels.create(reward_name: 'T-shirt plus Coffee Table Book', amount: 100)
jetpack.funding_levels.create(reward_name: 'Personal Jetpack plus Helmet', amount: 1000)
names = ['Christina', 'Elder', 'Evelyn', 'Henrique', 'Jéssica', 'Kerene', 'Lucas', 'Lucas', 'Maria', 'Melissa', 'Mike', 'Raphael', 'Ronaldo', 'Steve', 'Thiago', 'Vance']
funding_level_ids = FundingLevel.pluck(:id)
names.each do |name|
name: name,
email: "#{name.downcase}",
funding_level_id: funding_level_ids.sample)
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