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Created April 3, 2020 02:22
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global with sharing class GetLookupCollection {
// convert to a Set of ID's
// setup the query
global static List <Results> get(List<Request> requestList) {
List<Results> responseWrapper = new List<Results>();
Results response = new Results();
for (Request curRequest : requestList) {
response = new Results();
List<SObject> inputRecords = curRequest.inputCollection;
List<String> inputIds = curRequest.inputIds;
SObjectField lookupField;
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult inputObjectTypeDescribe;
String inputObjectTypeName;
String lookupFieldName;
try {
if (inputIds == null && inputRecords == null) {
throw new InvocableActionException('You need to pass either a collection of records or a collection of record IDs into this action, representing the initial set of records');
} else if (inputIds != null && inputRecords != null) {
throw new InvocableActionException('You need to pass either a collection of records or a collection of record IDs into this action, but you can not pass both');
//convert input to a Set of Ids
Set<Id> resultIds;
if (inputRecords != null && !inputRecords.isEmpty()) {
resultIds = (new Map<Id,SObject>(inputRecords)).keySet();
inputObjectTypeDescribe = inputRecords[0].getSObjectType().getDescribe();
inputObjectTypeName = inputObjectTypeDescribe.getName();
//inputRecord = Database.query('SELECT Id, Name From ' + typeName + ' Where Id = :inputRecordId'); */
} else {
//recordType = inputRecord.getSObjectType();
List<Id> idList = new List<Id>( (List<Id>)inputIds );
resultIds = new Set<Id>(idList);
inputObjectTypeDescribe = ID.valueOf(idList[0]).getSObjectType().getDescribe();
inputObjectTypeName = inputObjectTypeDescribe.getName();
System.debug('set of Ids is: ' + resultIds);
System.debug('inputObjectType is: ' + inputObjectTypeName);
Schema.SObjectType lookupObjectType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(curRequest.lookupObjectName);
for (ChildRelationship childRel : lookupObjectType.getDescribe().getChildRelationships()) {
if (childRel.getChildSObject() == inputRecords[0].getSObjectType()) {
lookupFieldName = childRel.getField().getDescribe().getName();
String qry = 'SELECT ' + curRequest.lookupRecordFieldsCSV + ' FROM ' + curRequest.lookupObjectName + ' WHERE Id in (SELECT ' + lookupFieldName + ' FROM ' + inputObjectTypeName + ' WHERE Id ' + ' IN :resultIds)';
System.debug ('query is: ' + qry);
response.lookupCollection = Database.query(qry);
System.debug ('lookup collection is: ' + response.lookupCollection);
catch ( Exception e) {
response.errorText = e.getMessage();
System.debug('error is: ' + e.getMessage());
return responseWrapper;
global class InvocableActionException extends Exception {}
global class Request {
global List<SObject> inputCollection;
global List<String> inputIds;
global String lookupRecordFieldsCSV;
global String lookupObjectName;
global class Results {
public Results() {
lookupCollection = new List<SObject>();
global List<SObject> lookupCollection;
global String errorText;
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