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Created September 17, 2016 09:09
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Downloading segmented video from vimeo
import requests
import base64
from tqdm import tqdm
master_json_url = ',426274425,426274423,426274422/master.json?base64_init=1'
base_url = master_json_url[:master_json_url.rfind('/', 0, -26) + 1]
resp = requests.get(master_json_url)
content = resp.json()
heights = [(i, d['height']) for (i, d) in enumerate(content['video'])]
idx, _ = max(heights, key=lambda (_, h): h)
video = content['video'][idx]
video_base_url = base_url + video['base_url']
print 'base url:', video_base_url
filename = 'video_%d.mp4' % video['id']
print 'saving to %s' % filename
video_file = open(filename, 'wb')
init_segment = base64.b64decode(video['init_segment'])
for segment in tqdm(video['segments']):
segment_url = video_base_url + segment['url']
resp = requests.get(segment_url, stream=True)
if resp.status_code != 200:
print 'not 200!'
print resp
print segment_url
for chunk in resp:
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Gnumaru commented Sep 1, 2024

This re-encodes the video - is there a way to avoid doing that?

see my previous comment

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