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Created February 22, 2015 04:44
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Move toolbar items with priority = 0 to LeftBarButtonItems on iOS with Xamarin Forms. Originally written by Murally at
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(ContentPage), typeof(ExtendedPageRenderer))]
public class ExtendedPageRenderer : PageRenderer
public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)
var contentPage = this.Element as ContentPage;
if (contentPage == null || NavigationController == null)
var itemsInfo = contentPage.ToolbarItems;
var navigationItem = this.NavigationController.TopViewController.NavigationItem;
var leftNativeButtons = (navigationItem.LeftBarButtonItems ?? new UIBarButtonItem[] { }).ToList();
var rightNativeButtons = (navigationItem.RightBarButtonItems ?? new UIBarButtonItem[] { }).ToList();
rightNativeButtons.ForEach(nativeItem =>
// [Hack] Get Xamarin private field "item"
var field = nativeItem.GetType().GetField("item", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (field == null)
var info = field.GetValue(nativeItem) as ToolbarItem;
if (info != null && info.Priority != 0)
navigationItem.RightBarButtonItems = rightNativeButtons.ToArray();
navigationItem.LeftBarButtonItems = leftNativeButtons.ToArray();
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How about this such as render for Android ? is possible to Arranged toolbar item to Left even order as secondary ?

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