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Created June 3, 2014 19:12
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CocoonJSAudioPlugin with volume property fixed
* CocoonJSAudioPlugin
* Visit for documentation, updates and examples.
* Copyright (c) 2012, inc.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
* conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* author: Olaf Horstmann <> - plugin is based on HTMLAudioPlugin
* SoundJS Version: 0.5.2
* CocoonJS Version: 1.4.7
* @module SoundJS
// namespace:
this.createjs = this.createjs || {};
(function () {
"use strict";
* Play sounds using HTML &lt;audio&gt; tags in the browser. This plugin is the second priority plugin installed
* by default, after the {{#crossLink "WebAudioPlugin"}}{{/crossLink}}. For older browsers that do not support html
* audio, include and install the {{#crossLink "FlashPlugin"}}{{/crossLink}}.
* <h4>Known Browser and OS issues for HTML Audio</h4>
* <b>All browsers</b><br />
* Testing has shown in all browsers there is a limit to how many audio tag instances you are allowed. If you exceed
* this limit, you can expect to see unpredictable results. This will be seen as soon as you register sounds, as
* tags are precreated to allow Chrome to load them. Please use {{#crossLink "Sound.MAX_INSTANCES"}}{{/crossLink}} as
* a guide to how many total audio tags you can safely use in all browsers.
* <b>IE html limitations</b><br />
* <ul><li>There is a delay in applying volume changes to tags that occurs once playback is started. So if you have
* muted all sounds, they will all play during this delay until the mute applies internally. This happens regardless of
* when or how you apply the volume change, as the tag seems to need to play to apply it.</li>
* <li>MP3 encoding will not always work for audio tags if it's not default. We've found default encoding with
* 64kbps works.</li>
* <li>Occasionally very short samples will get cut off.</li>
* <li>There is a limit to how many audio tags you can load and play at once, which appears to be determined by
* hardware and browser settings. See {{#crossLink "CocoonJSAudioPlugin.MAX_INSTANCES"}}{{/crossLink}} for a safe estimate.</li></ul>
* <b>Safari limitations</b><br />
* <ul><li>Safari requires Quicktime to be installed for audio playback.</li></ul>
* <b>iOS 6 limitations</b><br />
* <ul><li>Note it is recommended to use {{#crossLink "WebAudioPlugin"}}{{/crossLink}} for iOS (6+)</li>
* <li>HTML Audio is disabled by default because</li>
* <li>can only have one &lt;audio&gt; tag</li>
* <li>can not preload or autoplay the audio</li>
* <li>can not cache the audio</li>
* <li>can not play the audio except inside a user initiated event.</li>
* </ul>
* <b>Android Native Browser limitations</b><br />
* <ul><li>We have no control over audio volume. Only the user can set volume on their device.</li>
* <li>We can only play audio inside a user event (touch/click). This currently means you cannot loop sound or use a delay.</li></ul>
* <b> Android Chrome 26.0.1410.58 specific limitations</b><br />
* <ul><li>Chrome reports true when you run createjs.Sound.BrowserDetect.isChrome, but is a different browser
* with different abilities.</li>
* <li>Can only play 1 sound at a time.</li>
* <li>Sound is not cached.</li>
* <li>Sound can only be loaded in a user initiated touch/click event.</li>
* <li>There is a delay before a sound is played, presumably while the src is loaded.</li>
* </ul>
* See {{#crossLink "Sound"}}{{/crossLink}} for general notes on known issues.
* @class CocoonJSAudioPlugin
* @constructor
function CocoonJSAudioPlugin() {
var s = CocoonJSAudioPlugin;
* The maximum number of instances that can be loaded and played. This is a browser limitation, primarily limited to IE9.
* The actual number varies from browser to browser (and is largely hardware dependant), but this is a safe estimate.
* @property MAX_INSTANCES
* @type {Number}
* @default 30
* @static
* Event constant for the "canPlayThrough" event for cleaner code.
* @property _AUDIO_READY
* @type {String}
* @default canplaythrough
* @static
* @protected
s._AUDIO_READY = "canplaythrough";
* Event constant for the "ended" event for cleaner code.
* @property _AUDIO_ENDED
* @type {String}
* @default ended
* @static
* @protected
s._AUDIO_ENDED = "ended";
* Event constant for the "seeked" event for cleaner code. We utilize this event for maintaining loop events.
* @property _AUDIO_SEEKED
* @type {String}
* @default seeked
* @static
* @protected
s._AUDIO_SEEKED = "seeked";
* Event constant for the "stalled" event for cleaner code.
* @property _AUDIO_STALLED
* @type {String}
* @default stalled
* @static
* @protected
s._AUDIO_STALLED = "stalled";
* Event constant for the "timeupdate" event for cleaner code. Utilized for looping audio sprites.
* This event callsback ever 15 to 250ms and can be dropped by the browser for performance.
* @property _TIME_UPDATE
* @type {String}
* @default timeupdate
* @static
* @protected
s._TIME_UPDATE = "timeupdate";
* The capabilities of the plugin. This is generated via the the SoundInstance {{#crossLink "CocoonJSAudioPlugin/_generateCapabilities"}}{{/crossLink}}
* method. Please see the Sound {{#crossLink "Sound/getCapabilities"}}{{/crossLink}} method for an overview of all
* of the available properties.
* @property _capabilities
* @type {Object}
* @protected
* @static
s._capabilities = null;
* Allows users to enable HTML audio on IOS, which is disabled by default.
* Note this needs to be set before CocoonJSAudioPlugin is registered with SoundJS.
* This is not recommend because of severe limitations on IOS devices including:
* <li>it can only have one &lt;audio&gt; tag</li>
* <li>can not preload or autoplay the audio</li>
* <li>can not cache the audio</li>
* <li>can not play the audio except inside a user initiated event</li>
* @property enableIOS
* @type {Boolean}
* @default false
s.enableIOS = false;
* Determine if the plugin can be used in the current browser/OS. Note that HTML audio is available in most modern
* browsers, but is disabled in iOS because of its limitations.
* @method isSupported
* @return {Boolean} If the plugin can be initialized.
* @static
s.isSupported = function () {
if (!navigator.isCocoonJS) {
return false;
if (s._capabilities == null) {
return false;
return true;
* Determine the capabilities of the plugin. Used internally. Please see the Sound API {{#crossLink "Sound/getCapabilities"}}{{/crossLink}}
* method for an overview of plugin capabilities.
* @method _generateCapabilities
* @static
* @protected
s._generateCapabilities = function () {
if (s._capabilities != null) {return;}
var t = document.createElement("audio");
if (t.canPlayType == null) {return null;}
s._capabilities = {
// determine which extensions our browser supports for this plugin by iterating through Sound.SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS
var supportedExtensions = createjs.Sound.SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS;
var extensionMap = createjs.Sound.EXTENSION_MAP;
for (var i = 0, l = supportedExtensions.length; i < l; i++) {
var ext = supportedExtensions[i];
var playType = extensionMap[ext] || ext;
s._capabilities[ext] = (t.canPlayType("audio/" + ext) != "no" && t.canPlayType("audio/" + ext) != "") || (t.canPlayType("audio/" + playType) != "no" && t.canPlayType("audio/" + playType) != "");
} // OJR another way to do this might be canPlayType:"m4a", codex: mp4
var p = CocoonJSAudioPlugin.prototype;
// doc'd above
p._capabilities = null;
* Object hash indexed by the source of each file to indicate if an audio source is loaded, or loading.
* @property _audioSources
* @type {Object}
* @protected
* @since 0.4.0
p._audioSources = null;
* The default number of instances to allow. Used by {{#crossLink "Sound"}}{{/crossLink}} when a source
* is registered using the {{#crossLink "Sound/register"}}{{/crossLink}} method. This is only used if
* a value is not provided.
* <b>NOTE this property only exists as a limitation of HTML audio.</b>
* @property defaultNumChannels
* @type {Number}
* @default 2
* @since 0.4.0
p.defaultNumChannels = 1;
* An initialization function run by the constructor
* @method _init
* @protected
p._init = function () {
this._capabilities = s._capabilities;
this._audioSources = {};
* Pre-register a sound instance when preloading/setup. This is called by {{#crossLink "Sound"}}{{/crossLink}}.
* Note that this provides an object containing a tag used for preloading purposes, which
* <a href="" target="_blank">PreloadJS</a> can use to assist with preloading.
* @method register
* @param {String} src The source of the audio
* @param {Number} instances The number of concurrently playing instances to allow for the channel at any time.
* @return {Object} A result object, containing a tag for preloading purposes and a numChannels value for internally
* controlling how many instances of a source can be played by default.
p.register = function (src, instances) {
instances = instances || this.defaultNumChannels;
this._audioSources[src] = true; // Note this does not mean preloading has started
var channel = createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin.TagPool.get(src);
var tag = null;
var l = instances;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
tag = this._createTag(src);
if ( i < l-1 ) {
return {
tag:tag // Return one instance for preloading purposes
* Create an HTML audio tag.
* @method _createTag
* @param {String} src The source file to set for the audio tag.
* @return {HTMLElement} Returns an HTML audio tag.
* @protected
p._createTag = function (src) {
var tag = new Audio();
tag.autoplay = false;
tag.src = src;
return tag;
* Remove a sound added using {{#crossLink "CocoonJSAudioPlugin/register"}}{{/crossLink}}. Note this does not cancel
* a preload.
* @method removeSound
* @param {String} src The sound URI to unload.
* @since 0.4.1
p.removeSound = function (src) {
* Remove all sounds added using {{#crossLink "CocoonJSAudioPlugin/register"}}{{/crossLink}}. Note this does not cancel a preload.
* @method removeAllSounds
* @param {String} src The sound URI to unload.
* @since 0.4.1
p.removeAllSounds = function () {
this._audioSources = {};
* Create a sound instance. If the sound has not been preloaded, it is internally preloaded here.
* @method create
* @param {String} src The sound source to use.
* @param {Number} startTime Audio sprite property used to apply an offset, in milliseconds.
* @param {Number} duration Audio sprite property used to set the time the clip plays for, in milliseconds.
* @return {SoundInstance} A sound instance for playback and control.
p.create = function (src, startTime, duration) {/*
// if this sound has not be registered, create a tag and preload it
if (!this.isPreloadStarted(src)) {
var channel = createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin.TagPool.get(src);
var tag = this._createTag(src); = src;
this.preload(src, {tag:tag});
return new createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin.SoundInstance(src, startTime, duration, this);
* Checks if preloading has started for a specific source.
* @method isPreloadStarted
* @param {String} src The sound URI to check.
* @return {Boolean} If the preload has started.
* @since 0.4.0
p.isPreloadStarted = function (src) {
return (this._audioSources[src] != null);
* Internally preload a sound.
* @method preload
* @param {String} src The sound URI to load.
* @param {Object} tag An HTML audio tag used to load src.
* @since 0.4.0
p.preload = function (src, tag) {
this._audioSources[src] = true;
new createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin.Loader(src, tag);
p.toString = function () {
return "[CocoonJSAudioPlugin]";
createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin = CocoonJSAudioPlugin;
(function () {
"use strict";
// NOTE Documentation for the SoundInstance class in WebAudioPlugin file. Each plugin generates a SoundInstance that
// follows the same interface.
function SoundInstance(src, startTime, duration, owner) {
this._init(src, startTime, duration, owner);
var p = SoundInstance.prototype = new createjs.EventDispatcher();
p.src = null;
p.uniqueId = -1;
p.playState = null;
p._owner = null;
p.loaded = false;
p._offset = 0;
p._startTime = 0;
p._volume = 1;
// IE8 has Object.defineProperty, but only for DOM objects, so check if fails to suppress errors
try {
Object.defineProperty(p, "volume", {
get: function() {
return this._volume;
set: function(value) {
if (Number(value) == null) {return;}
value = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, value));
this._volume = value;
} catch (e) {
// dispatch message or error?
p.pan = 0;
p._duration = 0;
p._audioSpriteStopTime = null; // CocoonJSAudioPlugin only
p._remainingLoops = 0;
p._delayTimeoutId = null;
p.tag = null;
p._muted = false;
p.paused = false;
p._paused = false;
// Proxies, make removing listeners easier.
p._endedHandler = null;
p._readyHandler = null;
p._stalledHandler = null;
p._audioSpriteEndHandler = null;
p.loopHandler = null;
// Constructor
p._init = function (src, startTime, duration, owner) {
this.src = src;
this._startTime = startTime || 0; // convert ms to s as web audio handles everything in seconds
if (duration) {
this._duration = duration;
this._audioSpriteStopTime = (startTime + duration) * 0.001;
} else {
this._duration = createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin.TagPool.getDuration(this.src);
this._owner = owner;
this._endedHandler = createjs.proxy(this._handleSoundComplete, this);
this._readyHandler = createjs.proxy(this._handleSoundReady, this);
this._stalledHandler = createjs.proxy(this._handleSoundStalled, this);
this.__audioSpriteEndHandler = createjs.proxy(this._handleAudioSpriteLoop, this);
this.loopHandler = createjs.proxy(this.handleSoundLoop, this);
p._sendEvent = function (type) {
var event = new createjs.Event(type);
p._cleanUp = function () {
var tag = this.tag;
if (tag != null) {
this.tag.loop = false;
tag.removeEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._AUDIO_ENDED, this._endedHandler, false);
tag.removeEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._AUDIO_READY, this._readyHandler, false);
tag.removeEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._AUDIO_SEEKED, this.loopHandler, false);
this._timeUpdaterInterval != undefined && clearInterval(this._timeUpdaterInterval);
delete this._timeUpdaterInterval;
//tag.removeEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._TIME_UPDATE, this.__audioSpriteEndHandler, false);
try {
tag.currentTime = this._startTime;
} catch (e) {
} // Reset Position
createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin.TagPool.setInstance(this.src, tag);
this.tag = null;
p._interrupt = function () {
if (this.tag == null) {return;}
this.playState = createjs.Sound.PLAY_INTERRUPTED;
this.paused = this._paused = false;
// Public API = function (interrupt, delay, offset, loop, volume, pan) {
createjs.Sound._playInstance(this, interrupt, delay, offset, loop, volume, pan);
p._beginPlaying = function (offset, loop, volume, pan) {
var tag = this.tag = createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin.TagPool.getInstance(this.src);
if (tag == null) {
console.log('GOT NO TAG!');
return -1;
console.log('Begin Playing: ' + this.tag.readyState + ', '+ this.tag.src + ', ' + offset + ', ' + loop + ', ' + volume + ', ' + pan);
tag.addEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._AUDIO_ENDED, this._endedHandler, false);
// Reset this instance.
this._offset = offset;
this.volume = volume;
this._remainingLoops = loop;
if (tag.readyState !== 4) {
tag.addEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._AUDIO_READY, this._readyHandler, false);
tag.oncanplay = this._readyHandler;
//tag.addEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._AUDIO_STALLED, this._stalledHandler, false);
tag.src = this.src;
} else {
return 1;
// Note: Sounds stall when trying to begin playback of a new audio instance when the existing instances
// has not loaded yet. This doesn't mean the sound will not play.
p._handleSoundStalled = function (event) {
this._cleanUp(); // OJR this will stop playback, we could remove this and let the developer decide how to handle stalled instances
p._handleSoundReady = function (event) {
console.log('SOUND READY!');
this.playState = createjs.Sound.PLAY_SUCCEEDED;
this.paused = this._paused = false;
this.tag.removeEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._AUDIO_READY, this._readyHandler, false);
//this.tag.removeEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._AUDIO_SEEKED, this.loopHandler, false);
this.tag.readyState = 4;
if (this._offset >= this.getDuration()) {
this.tag.currentTime = (this._startTime + this._offset) * 0.001;
if (this._audioSpriteStopTime) {
this.tag.removeEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._AUDIO_ENDED, this._endedHandler, false);
this._timeUpdaterInterval = setInterval(this.__audioSpriteEndHandler, 100);
//this.tag.addEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._TIME_UPDATE, this.__audioSpriteEndHandler, false);
} else {
if (this._remainingLoops == -1) {
this.tag.loop = true;
} else if(this._remainingLoops != 0) {
//this.tag.addEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._AUDIO_SEEKED, this.loopHandler, false);
this.tag.loop = true;
p.pause = function () {
if (!this._paused && this.playState == createjs.Sound.PLAY_SUCCEEDED && this.tag != null) {
this.paused = this._paused = true;
return true;
return false;
p.resume = function () {
if (!this._paused || this.tag == null) {return false;}
this.paused = this._paused = false;;
return true;
p.stop = function () {
this._offset = 0;
this.playState = createjs.Sound.PLAY_FINISHED;
return true;
p.setMasterVolume = function (value) {
p.setVolume = function (value) {
this.volume = value;
return true;
p._updateVolume = function () {
if (this.tag != null) {
var newVolume = (this._muted || createjs.Sound._masterMute) ? 0 : this._volume * createjs.Sound._masterVolume;
if (newVolume != this.tag.volume) {this.tag.volume = newVolume;}
p.getVolume = function (value) {
return this.volume;
p.setMasterMute = function (isMuted) {
p.setMute = function (isMuted) {
if (isMuted == null) {return false;}
this._muted = isMuted;
return true;
p.getMute = function () {
return this._muted;
// Can not set pan in HTML audio
p.setPan = function (value) {
return false;
p.getPan = function () {
return 0;
p.getPosition = function () {
if (this.tag == null) {return this._offset;}
return (this.tag.currentTime * 1000) - this._startTime;
p.setPosition = function (value) {
if (this.tag == null) {
this._offset = value
} else {
//this.tag.removeEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._AUDIO_SEEKED, this.loopHandler, false);
try {
value = value + this._startTime;
this.tag.currentTime = value * 0.001;
} catch (error) { // Out of range
return false;
//this.tag.addEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._AUDIO_SEEKED, this.loopHandler, false);
return true;
p.getDuration = function () { // NOTE this will always return 0 until sound has been played unless it is set
return this._duration;
p._handleSoundComplete = function (event) {
this._offset = 0;
this.playState = createjs.Sound.PLAY_FINISHED;
// NOTE because of the inaccuracies in the timeupdate event (15 - 250ms) and in setting the tag to the desired timed
// (up to 300ms), it is strongly recommended not to loop audio sprites with HTML Audio if smooth looping is desired
p._handleAudioSpriteLoop = function (event) {
if(this.tag.currentTime <= this._audioSpriteStopTime) {return;}
if(this._remainingLoops == 0) {
} else {
this._offset = 0;
this.tag.currentTime = this._startTime * 0.001;
if(!this._paused) {;}
// NOTE with this approach audio will loop as reliably as the browser allows
// but we could end up sending the loop event after next loop playback begins
p.handleSoundLoop = function (event) {
this._offset = 0;
if(this._remainingLoops == 0) {
this.tag.loop = false;
//this.tag.removeEventListener(createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin._AUDIO_SEEKED, this.loopHandler, false);
p.playFailed = function () {
this.playState = createjs.Sound.PLAY_FAILED;
p.toString = function () {
return "[CocoonJSAudioPlugin SoundInstance]";
createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin.SoundInstance = SoundInstance;
(function () {
"use strict";
* An internal helper class that preloads html audio via HTMLAudioElement tags. Note that PreloadJS will NOT use
* this load class like it does Flash and WebAudio plugins.
* Note that this class and its methods are not documented properly to avoid generating HTML documentation.
* #class Loader
* @param {String} src The source of the sound to load.
* @param {HTMLAudioElement} tag The audio tag of the sound to load.
* @constructor
* @protected
* @since 0.4.0
function Loader(src, tag) {
tag = tag.tag || tag;
this._init(src, tag);
var p = Loader.prototype;
* The source to be loaded.
* #property src
* @type {String}
* @default null
* @protected
p.src = null;
* The tag to load the source with / into.
* #property tag
* @type {AudioTag}
* @default null
* @protected
p.tag = null;
* An interval used to give us progress.
* #property preloadTimer
* @type {String}
* @default null
* @protected
p.preloadTimer = null;
// Proxies, make removing listeners easier.
p.loadedHandler = null;
// constructor
p._init = function (src, tag) {
this.src = src;
this.tag = tag;
// This will tell us when audio is buffered enough to play through, but not when its loaded.
// The tag doesn't keep loading in Chrome once enough has buffered, and we have decided that behaviour is sufficient.
// Note that canplaythrough callback doesn't work in Chrome, we have to use the event.
this.loadedHandler = createjs.proxy(this.sendLoadedEvent, this); // we need this bind to be able to remove event listeners
this.tag.addEventListener("canplaythrough", this.loadedHandler);
this.tag.oncanplay = this.loadedHandler;
//this.tag.src = src;
* Communicates back to Sound that a load is complete.
* #method sendLoadedEvent
* @param {Object} evt The load Event
p.sendLoadedEvent = function (evt) {
this.tag.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", this.loadedHandler); // cleanup and so we don't send the event more than once
this.tag.readyState = 4;
this.tag.oncanplay = null; // cleanup and so we don't send the event more than once
createjs.Sound._sendFileLoadEvent(this.src); // fire event or callback on Sound
// used for debugging
p.toString = function () {
return "[CocoonJSAudioPlugin Loader]";
createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin.Loader = Loader;
(function () {
"use strict";
* The TagPool is an object pool for HTMLAudio tag instances. In Chrome, we have to pre-create the number of HTML
* audio tag instances that we are going to play before we load the data, otherwise the audio stalls.
* (Note: This seems to be a bug in Chrome)
* #class TagPool
* @param {String} src The source of the channel.
* @protected
function TagPool(src) {
var s = TagPool;
* A hash lookup of each sound channel, indexed by the audio source.
* #property tags
* @static
* @protected
s.tags = {};
* Get a tag pool. If the pool doesn't exist, create it.
* #method get
* @param {String} src The source file used by the audio tag.
* @static
* @protected
s.get = function (src) {
var channel = s.tags[src];
if (channel == null) {
channel = s.tags[src] = new TagPool(src);
return channel;
* Delete a TagPool and all related tags. Note that if the TagPool does not exist, this will fail.
* #method remove
* @param {String} src The source for the tag
* @return {Boolean} If the TagPool was deleted.
* @static
s.remove = function (src) {
var channel = s.tags[src];
if (channel == null) {return false;}
return true;
* Delete all TagPools and all related tags.
* #method removeAll
* @static
s.removeAll = function () {
for(var channel in s.tags) {
s.tags[channel].removeAll(); // this stops and removes all active instances
s.tags = {};
* Get a tag instance. This is a shortcut method.
* #method getInstance
* @param {String} src The source file used by the audio tag.
* @static
* @protected
s.getInstance = function (src) {
var channel = s.tags[src];
if (channel == null) {return null;}
return channel.get();
* Return a tag instance. This is a shortcut method.
* #method setInstance
* @param {String} src The source file used by the audio tag.
* @param {HTMLElement} tag Audio tag to set.
* @static
* @protected
s.setInstance = function (src, tag) {
var channel = s.tags[src];
if (channel == null) {return null;}
return channel.set(tag);
* Gets the duration of the src audio in milliseconds
* #method getDuration
* @param {String} src The source file used by the audio tag.
* @return {Number} Duration of src in milliseconds
s.getDuration= function (src) {
var channel = s.tags[src];
if (channel == null) {return 0;}
return channel.getDuration();
var p = TagPool.prototype;
* The source of the tag pool.
* #property src
* @type {String}
* @protected
p.src = null;
* The total number of HTMLAudio tags in this pool. This is the maximum number of instance of a certain sound
* that can play at one time.
* #property length
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
* @protected
p.length = 0;
* The number of unused HTMLAudio tags.
* #property available
* @type {Number}
* @default 0
* @protected
p.available = 0;
* A list of all available tags in the pool.
* #property tags
* @type {Array}
* @protected
p.tags = null;
* The duration property of all audio tags, converted to milliseconds, which originally is only available on the
* last tag in the tags array because that is the one that is loaded.
* #property
* @type {Number}
* @protected
p.duration = 0;
// constructor
p._init = function (src) {
this.src = src;
this.tags = [];
* Add an HTMLAudio tag into the pool.
* #method add
* @param {HTMLAudioElement} tag A tag to be used for playback.
p.add = function (tag) {
* Remove all tags from the channel. Usually in response to a delete call.
* #method removeAll
p.removeAll = function () {
// This may not be neccessary
while(this.length--) {
delete(this.tags[this.length]); // NOTE that the audio playback is already stopped by this point
this.src = null;
this.tags.length = 0;
* Get an HTMLAudioElement for immediate playback. This takes it out of the pool.
* #method get
* @return {HTMLAudioElement} An HTML audio tag.
p.get = function () {
if (this.tags.length == 0) {return null;}
this.available = this.tags.length;
var tag = this.tags.pop();
return tag;
* Put an HTMLAudioElement back in the pool for use.
* #method set
* @param {HTMLAudioElement} tag HTML audio tag
p.set = function (tag) {
var index = createjs.indexOf(this.tags, tag);
if (index == -1) {this.tags.push(tag);}
this.available = this.tags.length;
* Gets the duration for the src audio and on first call stores it to this.duration
* #method getDuration
* @return {Number} Duration of the src in milliseconds
p.getDuration = function () {
// this will work because this will be only be run the first time a sound instance is created and before any tags are taken from the pool
if (!this.duration) {this.duration = this.tags[this.tags.length - 1].duration * 1000;}
return this.duration;
p.toString = function () {
return "[CocoonJSAudioPlugin TagPool]";
createjs.CocoonJSAudioPlugin.TagPool = TagPool;
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