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Alex Verboon alexverboon

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alexverboon / MDE-CMPivitEvents.txt
Last active June 5, 2021 13:50
// Use the below query to find the Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager - CMPivot initiated queries executed on devices
// Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager
// | where DeviceName == ""
| where ActionType == "PowerShellCommand"
| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains @"C:\windows\CCM\ScriptStore"
| extend pcommand = parse_command_line(InitiatingProcessCommandLine, "windows")
| where pcommand contains "-wmiquery"
| extend pcommand2 = split(pcommand, "-wmiquery")
| mv-expand pcommand2
alexverboon / AzureADConditionalAccessStateChanges.kql
Created May 31, 2021 16:28
// AzureAD Conditinoal Access State cmparisson
let CAStateBefore = CloudAppEvents
| where Timestamp > startofday(ago(30d)) and Timestamp < startofday(ago(1d))
| where ActionType == "Set-ConditionalAccessPolicy"
| extend CAId = tostring((split(tostring(parse_json(ActivityObjects)[2].Value), @"\"))[1])
| extend CAState = extractjson("$.State", tostring((parse_json(ActivityObjects)[3].Value)))
| extend CAName = tostring(parse_json(ActivityObjects)[6].Value)
| where isnotempty(CAState)
| where CAName != "Default Policy"
| summarize arg_max(Timestamp, *) by CAId
alexverboon / DeviceNetworkEvents_Iana.kql
Created May 27, 2021 06:55
Enrich DeviceNetworkEvents with the port number Service name information
// Enrich DeviceNetworkEvents with the port number Servicename information
let iana_port_assignments = (externaldata(entry: string ) [@""]
with (format="txt",ignoreFirstRecord=true))
// Service Name,Port Number,Transport Protocol,Description,Assignee,Contact,Registration Date,Modification Date,Reference,Service Code,Unauthorized Use Reported,Assignment Notes
| extend data = parse_csv(entry)
| extend ServiceName = tostring(data[0])
| extend PortNumber = toint(data[1])
| project ServiceName, PortNumber
| summarize any(ServiceName) by PortNumber
alexverboon / defender_networkprotection_systemaccount.kusto
Created May 20, 2021 20:49
Defender Network Protection - blocked - activity with system account
// Defender Network Protection - blocked - activity with system account
| where ActionType == "ExploitGuardNetworkProtectionBlocked"
| where InitiatingProcessAccountName == "system"
| extend ResponseCat = parse_json(AdditionalFields).ResponseCategory
| extend Uri = parse_json(AdditionalFields).DisplayName
| project Timestamp, DeviceName,DeviceId, RemoteUrl, ResponseCat, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine
alexverboon / lolbinsnetworkpublic.kql
Created May 16, 2021 14:39
Hunt for lolbins connecting to public ip addresses
// Inspiration from just changed Processes to Networkevents
// T1218 Living of the land binaries connecting to the internet
// network activities with lolbins
| where RemoteIPType == 'Public'
| where InitiatingProcessFileName contains "Atbroker.exe" or
InitiatingProcessFileName contains "Bash.exe" or
InitiatingProcessFileName contains "Bitsadmin.exe" or
InitiatingProcessFileName contains "Certutil.exe" or
InitiatingProcessFileName contains "Cmdkey.exe" or
alexverboon / huntsecurityupdates.kql
Created March 19, 2021 10:25
Hunt for missing patches
let all_windows10_devices = DeviceInfo
| where isnotempty( OSArchitecture)
| extend WinVersion = case(
OSBuild == "19041","2004",
OSBuild == "19042","20H2",
OSBuild == "18363","1909",
OSBuild == "18362","1903",
OSBuild == "17763","1809",
OSBuild == "17134","1803",
OSBuild == "16299","1709",
alexverboon / mde2sentinel.kql
Created February 22, 2021 18:28
MDE Data Ingestion to Sentinel
// The below query attempts to get the avg Size in MB per client that is send from Microosoft Defender for Endpoint to Azure Sentinel when using the M365 Defender connector
// The calculation is done as following:
// 1. Collect the Usage data for the specified table from the Usage table, for example 'DeviceFileEvents'
// 2. Collect the total # of devices that submitted information into the specified table, for example 'DeviceFileEvents"
// 3 Divide the total BillableDataGB per DataType by the total number of devices that send data to get the avg MB send by client
// 4 finally 'uniion' all tables
let xagotime = 32d;
let xstarttime = 31d;
// File Events
alexverboon / win10versiondistribution.kql
Created January 26, 2021 23:25
// Windows 10 versions
| where isnotempty( OSPlatform) and OSPlatform == "Windows10"
| summarize arg_max(Timestamp,*) by DeviceId
| extend Version = case(
OSBuild == "19041","2004",
OSBuild == "19042","20H2",
OSBuild == "18363","1909",
OSBuild == "18362","1903",
OSBuild == "17763","1809",
alexverboon / get-mfastats.ps1
Last active April 29, 2021 09:30
Get MFA Stats
# run the modified mfa info gathering script stored here
$mfa = .\MfaAuthMethodsAnalysis.ps1 -TenantId <TENANT ID>
$MFA_Inactive = @($MFA | Where-Object {$_.MfaAuthMethodCount -eq 0})
$MFA_Active = @( $MFA | Where-Object {$_.MfaAuthMethodCount -gt 0})
$MFA_Inactive_NoLicense = @($MFA | Where-Object {$_.MfaAuthMethodCount -eq 0 -and $_.IsLicensed -eq $False})
$MFA_Active_NoLicense = @($MFA | Where-Object {$_.MfaAuthMethodCount -gt 0 -and $_.IsLicensed -eq $False})
$MFA_InActive_HasLicense = @($MFA | Where-Object {$_.MfaAuthMethodCount -eq 0 -and $_.IsLicensed -eq $true})
$MFA_Active_HasLicense = @($MFA | Where-Object {$_.MfaAuthMethodCount -gt 0 -and $_.IsLicensed -eq $true})