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Last active September 2, 2019 16:41
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pragma solidity 0.5.11;
import "./HitchensUnorderedKeySet.sol";
contract FleaMarket {
using HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib for HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set;
HitchensUnorderedKeySetLib.Set widgetSet;
struct WidgetStruct {
address contractAddress;
mapping(bytes32 => WidgetStruct) widgets;
string public name;
address public lastContractAddress;
constructor() public {
name = "FleaMarket Smart Contract";
event logNewPurchaseContract(address contractAddress);
event logRemovePurchaseContract(address sender, bytes32 key);
function createPurchaseContract(bytes32 key, string memory title, string memory ipfsHash)
public payable returns(bool createResult)
widgetSet.insert(key); // Note that this will fail automatically if the key already exists.
WidgetStruct storage w = widgets[key];
SafeRemotePurchase c = (new SafeRemotePurchase).value(msg.value)(msg.sender, key, title, ipfsHash);
lastContractAddress = address(c);
w.contractAddress = lastContractAddress;
emit logNewPurchaseContract(lastContractAddress);
return true;
function getContractCount() public view returns(uint contractCount) {
return widgetSet.count();
function getContractKeyAtIndex(uint index) public view returns(bytes32 key) {
return widgetSet.keyAtIndex(index);
function getContractByKey(bytes32 key) public view returns(address contractAddress) {
require(widgetSet.exists(key), "Can't get a widget that doesn't exist.");
WidgetStruct storage w = widgets[key];
function removeContractByKey(bytes32 key) public {
// Note that this will fail automatically if the key doesn't exist
delete widgets[key];
emit logRemovePurchaseContract(msg.sender, key);
// based on
contract SafeRemotePurchase {
// .....
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