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algal / colorize-emacs.bashsource
Last active August 4, 2023 17:46
Setting up truecolor (24 bit color) in emacs in the terminal, under iTerm2,, and others.
# sourcing this file will define a bash functions that
# tries to run subsequent calls to emacs with 24 bit color.
# It sets TERM=xterm-emacs-leg if
# - we've created a user-local terminfo record for xterm-emacs-leg, and
# - we're using iTerm2 or something has set COLORTERM=truecolor
# This will cause emacs to use 24 bit color only when it will work,
# inside or outside of tmux. I haven't found a way to auto-detect yet.
algal / loadPoints.swift
Created December 28, 2018 19:41
Read vertex positions with Model I/O
// known-good: Swift 4.2, macOS
import Foundation
import ModelIO
private func LogDebug(_ s:Any) -> Void { print(s) }
private func LogInfo(_ s:Any) -> Void { print(s) }
private func LogError(_ s:Any) -> Void { print(s) }
struct POINT3D {
var x:Float
algal / tsv_to_json.swift
Last active April 22, 2023 10:01
Quick CSV to JSON in Swift
import Foundation
// Swift 2.0
// poor man's parsers for (TSV) tab-separated value files
// for something more full-featured, the best avenue is CHCSVParser
Reads a multiline, tab-separated String and returns an Array<NSictionary>, taking column names from the first line or an explicit parameter
algal /
Created September 9, 2020 20:08
Plot a confusion matrix in scikitlearn from data not from an estimator
# This uses scikit learn internals, since the sk public API requires you to pass
# in an estimator and sometimes you just want to pass in the some data you'd
# use to calculate a raw CM
def plot_cm(y_true,y_pred,labels):
from sklearn.metrics._plot.confusion_matrix import ConfusionMatrixDisplay
sample_weight = None
normalize = None
include_values = True
algal / SwiftLineReader.swift
Last active February 8, 2023 16:14
Read a file one line at a time in Swift
import Darwin
Returns a lazy sequence that returns a String for every line of `file`.
Example 1:
// print all lines from a file
let file = fopen(NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("Cartfile", ofType: nil)!,"r")
for line in lineGenerator(file) { print(line,separator: "", terminator: "") }
import Foundation
import AVFoundation
import ImageIO
import MobileCoreServices
import BespokeCore
struct FrameInfo {
var frame:CGImage
var frameDuration:TimeInterval
algal / FileOutputStream.swift
Created November 30, 2015 07:25
Buffered writing to a file with Swift OutputStreamType and GCD i/o channel
/// An `OutputStreamType` which uses GCD to write to a file
class FileOutputStream : OutputStreamType
private let filepath:NSURL
private let channel:dispatch_io_t!
Initializes output stream to write to `filename` in the user's Documents directory.
algal / run-with-emacs
Last active September 6, 2022 17:25
Boilerplate to write a command line script in emacs lisp
:;exec emacs --no-init-file --no-site-lisp -script "$0" -- "$@" # -*- mode:emacs-lisp -*-
(defun main ()
(require 'cl-lib)
(let ((script-name (nth 2 command-line-args))
(args (cdr command-line-args-left)))
;; assert: ARGS now is a possibly empty list of command line args to the script
;; check for valid arguments here
(when (not args)
(princ (format "usage: %s PATH_TO_FILE" script-name))
algal / vmstatistics64.swift
Last active August 16, 2022 07:45
Get virtual memory usage on iOS or macOS
import Darwin
import Foundation
// known good: Swift 5
// runs on macOS, probably works on iOS (but haven't tried)
/// Wraps `host_statistics64`, and provides info on virtual memory
/// - Returns: a `vm_statistics64`, or nil if the kernel reported an error
algal / PrintToStdErr.swift
Last active July 27, 2022 06:47
print to stderr in Swift 3
// known-good: Xcode 8, Swift 3
import Foundation
var standardError = FileHandle.standardError
extension FileHandle : TextOutputStream {
public func write(_ string: String) {
guard let data = .utf8) else { return }