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Last active December 22, 2020 17:44
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Ensemble Kalman inversion example by @sandreza using CalibrateEmulateSample.jl
using Distributions
using LinearAlgebra
using Random
using Test
using Plots
using CalibrateEmulateSample.EKP
using CalibrateEmulateSample.ParameterDistributionStorage
## Seed for pseudo-random number generator
rng_seed = 41
## Generate data from a linear model: a regression problem with `n_par` parameters
## and `n_obs` observations: G(u) = A×u, where A : R^n_par -> R
n_obs = 10 # Number of synthetic observations from G(u)
n_par = 2 # Number of parameteres
u_star = [-1, 2] # True parameters
noise_level = 0.1 # Defining the observation noise level
Γy = noise_level * Matrix(I, n_obs, n_obs) # Independent noise for synthetic observations
noise = MvNormal(zeros(n_obs), Γy)
C = [1 -0.9; -0.9 1] # Correlation structure for linear operator
A = rand(MvNormal(zeros(2,), C), n_obs)' # Linear operator in R^{n_obs × n_par}
@test size(A) == (n_obs, n_par)
y_star = A * u_star
y_obs = y_star + 0 * rand(noise)
@test size(y_star) == (n_obs,)
## Define linear model
G(u) = A * u
@test norm(y_star - G(u_star)) < n_obs * noise_level^2
## Define prior information on parameters
prior_distns = [Parameterized(Normal(1.0, √2)),
Parameterized(Normal(1.0, √2))]
constraints = [[no_constraint()], [no_constraint()]]
prior_names = ["u1", "u2"]
prior = ParameterDistribution(prior_distns, constraints, prior_names)
prior_mean = reshape(get_mean(prior),:)
prior_cov = get_cov(prior) # Assuming independence of u1 and u2
## Calibrate (1): Ensemble Kalman Inversion
N_ens = 50 # number of ensemble members
N_iter = 20 # number of EKI iterations
initial_ensemble = EKP.construct_initial_ensemble(prior,N_ens, rng_seed=rng_seed)
@test size(initial_ensemble) == (N_ens, n_par)
ekiobj = EKP.EKObj(initial_ensemble, y_obs, Γy, Inversion())
## EKI iterations
for i in 1:N_iter
params_i = ekiobj.u[end]
g_ens = G(params_i')'
EKP.update_ensemble!(ekiobj, g_ens)
## EKI results: Test if ensemble has collapsed toward the true parameter values
eki_final_result = vec(mean(ekiobj.u[end], dims=1))
## Plot results
anim = @animate for i in eachindex(ekiobj.u)
p = plot(ekiobj.u[i][:,1], ekiobj.u[i][:,2], seriestype=:scatter,
xlims=extrema(ekiobj.u[1][:,1]), ylims=extrema(ekiobj.u[1][:,2]))
plot!([u_star[1]], xaxis="u1", yaxis="u2", seriestype="vline",
linestyle=:dash, linecolor=:red, label=false, title="EKI iteration = " * string(i))
plot!([u_star[2]], seriestype="hline", linestyle=:dash, linecolor=:red, label="optimum")
gif(anim, "EKI.gif", fps = 30)
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