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Last active September 22, 2021 19:03
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SQLite UDFs for LIKE Operator Overloading
function ($pattern, $data, $escape = null) use ($db)
static $modifiers = null;
if (isset($modifiers) !== true)
$modifiers = ((strncmp($db->query('PRAGMA case_sensitive_like;')->fetchColumn(), '1', 1) === 0) ? '' : 'i') . 'suS';
if (isset($data) === true)
if (strpbrk($pattern = preg_quote($pattern, '~'), '%_') !== false)
$regex = array
'~%+~S' => '.*',
'~_~S' => '.',
if (strlen($escape = preg_quote($escape, '~')) > 0)
$regex = array
'~(?<!' . $escape . ')%+~S' => '.*',
'~(?<!' . $escape . ')_~S' => '.',
'~(?:' . preg_quote($escape, '~') . ')([%_])~S' => '$1',
$pattern = preg_replace(array_keys($regex), $regex, $pattern);
return (preg_match(sprintf('~^%s$~%s', $pattern, $modifiers), $data) > 0);
return false;
function ($pattern, $data, $escape = null) use ($db)
static $modifiers = null;
if (isset($modifiers) !== true)
$modifiers = ((strncmp($db->query('PRAGMA case_sensitive_like;')->fetchColumn(), '1', 1) === 0) ? '' : 'i') . 'suS';
if (isset($data) === true)
foreach (array('pattern', 'data') as $key)
if (strpos(${$key} = htmlentities(${$key}, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), '&') !== false)
${$key} = html_entity_decode(preg_replace('~&([a-z]{1,2})(?:acute|caron|cedil|circ|grave|lig|orn|ring|slash|tilde|uml);~iS', '$1', ${$key}), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
if (preg_match('~[^[:ascii:]]~S', ${$key}) > 0)
$latin = array
'a' => '~[ǎăāǻą]~uS',
'A' => '~[ǍĂĀǺĄ]~uS',
'ae' => '~[ǽǣ]~uS',
'AE' => '~[ǼǢ]~uS',
'b' => '~[ɓ]~uS',
'B' => '~[Ɓ]~uS',
'c' => '~[ćċĉč]~uS',
'C' => '~[ĆĊĈČ]~uS',
'd' => '~[ďḍđɗð]~uS',
'D' => '~[ĎḌĐƊÐ]~uS',
'e' => '~[ėěĕēęẹǝəɛ]~uS',
'E' => '~[ĖĚĔĒĘẸƎƏƐ]~uS',
'g' => '~[ġĝǧğģɣ]~uS',
'G' => '~[ĠĜǦĞĢƔ]~uS',
'h' => '~[ĥḥħ]~uS',
'H' => '~[ĤḤĦ]~uS',
'I' => '~[IǏĬĪĨĮỊİ]~uS',
'i' => '~[ıǐĭīĩįịİ]~uS',
'ij' => '~[ij]~uS',
'IJ' => '~[IJ]~uS',
'j' => '~[ĵ]~uS',
'J' => '~[Ĵ]~uS',
'k' => '~[ķƙĸ]~uS',
'K' => '~[ĶƘĸ]~uS',
'l' => '~[ĺļłľŀ]~uS',
'L' => '~[ĹĻŁĽĿ]~uS',
'n' => '~[ʼnń̈ňņŋ]~uS',
'N' => '~[ʼnŃ̈ŇŅŊ]~uS',
'o' => '~[ǒŏōőǫọǿơ]~uS',
'O' => '~[ǑŎŌŐǪỌǾƠ]~uS',
'r' => '~[ŕřŗ]~uS',
'R' => '~[ŔŘŖ]~uS',
'S' => '~[SŚŜŞȘṢ]~uS',
's' => '~[ſśŝşșṣ]~uS',
't' => '~[ťţṭŧ]~uS',
'T' => '~[ŤŢṬŦ]~uS',
'u' => '~[ǔŭūũűůųụư]~uS',
'U' => '~[ǓŬŪŨŰŮŲỤƯ]~uS',
'w' => '~[ẃẁŵẅƿ]~uS',
'W' => '~[ẂẀŴẄǷ]~uS',
'y' => '~[ỳŷȳỹƴ]~uS',
'Y' => '~[ỲŶȲỸƳ]~uS',
'z' => '~[źżžẓ]~uS',
'Z' => '~[ŹŻŽẒ]~uS',
${$key} = preg_replace($latin, array_keys($latin), ${$key});
if (strpbrk($pattern = preg_quote($pattern, '~'), '%_') !== false)
$regex = array
'~%+~S' => '.*',
'~_~S' => '.',
if (strlen($escape = preg_quote($escape, '~')) > 0)
$regex = array
'~(?<!' . $escape . ')%+~S' => '.*',
'~(?<!' . $escape . ')_~S' => '.',
'~(?:' . preg_quote($escape, '~') . ')([%_])~S' => '$1',
$pattern = preg_replace(array_keys($regex), $regex, $pattern);
return (preg_match(sprintf('~^%s$~%s', $pattern, $modifiers), $data) > 0);
return false;
function ($pattern, $data, $escape = null) use ($db)
static $modifiers = null;
if (isset($modifiers) !== true)
$modifiers = ((strncmp($db->query('PRAGMA case_sensitive_like;')->fetchColumn(), '1', 1) === 0) ? '' : 'i') . 'suS';
if (isset($data) === true)
foreach (array('pattern', 'data') as $key)
if (strpos(${$key} = htmlentities(${$key}, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), '&') !== false)
${$key} = html_entity_decode(preg_replace('~&([a-z]{1,2})(?:acute|caron|cedil|circ|grave|lig|orn|ring|slash|tilde|uml);~iS', '$1', ${$key}), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
if (strpbrk($pattern = preg_quote($pattern, '~'), '%_') !== false)
$regex = array
'~%+~S' => '.*',
'~_~S' => '.',
if (strlen($escape = preg_quote($escape, '~')) > 0)
$regex = array
'~(?<!' . $escape . ')%+~S' => '.*',
'~(?<!' . $escape . ')_~S' => '.',
'~(?:' . preg_quote($escape, '~') . ')([%_])~S' => '$1',
$pattern = preg_replace(array_keys($regex), $regex, $pattern);
return (preg_match(sprintf('~^%s$~%s', $pattern, $modifiers), $data) > 0);
return false;
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