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# remap prefix from 'C-b' to 'M-x' {alt & x}
set-option -g prefix M-x
bind-key M-x send-prefix
unbind C-b
# set {alt & x}: z -- next, c -- new, v -- tree
bind 'z' next-window
# bind 'c' new-window
bind 'v' choose-tree
* * * * * [command] > /dev/null 2>&1
* 0) minute
* 1) hour
* 2) day of month
* 3) month
* 4) week day
0,15,30,45 — multiple times
*/20 — every 20

Shortcuts memo

In case i lose my memory.


  • F2 -- enter UEFI
  • F12 -- open boot menu
