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Created August 29, 2017 21:57
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"clusterInfo": {
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"type": "ELASTIC"
"name": "Live MM",
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"sql": "SELECT idsearches, idtransactions \nFROM \"Live MM\".mm.transactions as trans\nINNER JOIN \"elastic-prd\".\"api-search-2017.08\".doc as doc\nON trans.idsearches = CONVERT_TO_INTEGER(doc.\"searchIntention\"['legacyId'], 1, 1, 0)\nWHERE idsearches = 38827627",
"requestType": 7,
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"parents": [
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"type": 2
"datasetPath": [
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"origins": [
"table": [
"Live MM",
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"origins": [
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"Live MM",
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"conditions": [
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"tableB": [
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"degreesOfSeparation": 0
"description": "SELECT idsearches, idtransactions \nFROM \"Live MM\".mm.transactions as trans\nINNER JOIN \"elastic-prd\".\"api-search-2017.08\".doc as doc\nON trans.idsearches = CONVERT_TO_INTEGER(doc.\"searchIntention\"['legacyId'], 1, 1, 0)\nWHERE idsearches = 38827627"
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"details": {
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"attemptId": "265a3d78-964b-d735-b317-4e0e25fb7c00",
"endpoint": {
"address": "",
"userPort": 31010,
"fabricPort": 45678,
"roles": {
"sqlQuery": true,
"javaExecutor": true
"startTime": 1503948464140
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