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Created January 29, 2019 15:37
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## Simple / Short Aliases
cl = clone
co = checkout
r = remote
mb = merge-base
## Small Script Helpers
# Convenience alias to resolve conflicted text files.
# $1 = "ours" or "theirs"
# $2 = The file or directory to resolve
# Use like:
# git resolve [ours|theirs] [file|directory]
resolve = "!f() { : git checkout ; git checkout --$1 -- $2 && git add -u $2; }; f"
# Move all untracked files in the working copy to another specified location.
# The hierarchy of the files moved is retained in the destination.
# $1 = The directory to move the untracked files to
move-untracked = !git ls-files --others --exclude-standard -z | cpio -pmd0 $1
# Delete a tag locally and remotely in 1 operation.
# $1 = The remote name (e.g. origin)
# $2 = The tag name
delete-tag = "!f() { : git tag ; git push --delete $1 ${@:2}; git tag -d ${@:2}; }; f"
# Remove all untracked files and directories from the working copy.
# Be sure to run 'git status' first to confirm what this operation will remove!
delete-untracked = !git ls-files --others --exclude-standard | sed 's/.*/\"&\"/' | xargs rm -rfv
# Trim excess trailing whitespace from files in the staging area.
# Requires an external script.
trim-spaces = !git diff --cached --name-only | fix-whitespace
# Deletes a branch locally and remotely
# $1 = remote (e.g. origin)
# $2 = branch name locally & on specified remote
nuke = "!f() { : git branch ; \"$1\" \"$2\" ; }; f"
# Rename a branch locally and remotely
# $1 = remote
# $2 = current branch on remote
# $3 = new name
rename-branch = "!f() { : git branch ; git branch $3 $1/$2 && git push $1 $3 :$2 && git branch -D $3; }; f"
# Export working copy (similar to svn export)
export = checkout-index -f -a --prefix
cob = checkout --track @{upstream} -b
# The command `git reset --hard` does not support paths, however this alias will provide
# the functionally similar behavior. Note this will also delete untracked files (which
# git reset normally does not do).
# $1 = ref or revision to "reset" to
# $2 = path to reset (relative)
reset-path = "!f() { : git checkout ; rm -rf \"$2\" && git checkout \"$1\" -- \"$2\" ; }; f"
# Open any file on any branch.
# Example:
# $ git open origin/master Relative/Path/To/MyFile.txt
open = "!f() { : git show ; \"$1\" \"$2\"; }; f"
## Index / Staging
# Shortcut for 'checkout-index'
coi = checkout-index
# Shortcut for 'update-index'
ui = update-index
## Stash
# Apply stash with given index
# $1 = The index of the stash to apply
sa = "!f() { git stash apply stash@{$1}; }; f"
# Pop stash with given index
# $1 = The index of the stash to apply
sp = "!f() { git stash pop stash@{$1}; }; f"
# Shortcut for 'stash list'
sl = stash list
# Shortcut for 'stash save'
# $1 = Optional message for the stash
ss = stash save
## Status / Working Copy
# Short-form status
st = status -sb
# Short-form status; show all files in untracked directories
sta = status -sb -uall
# Show all local branches with ahead/behind status
stv = for-each-ref --format '%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(color:bold blue)%(upstream:track)%(color:reset)' refs/heads
## Branching
branch-sort = "!f() { : git branch ; git for-each-ref --sort=committerdate $1 --format='%(committerdate:short) -- %(authorname) -- %(refname:short)'; }; f"
# Short alias for 'branch'
br = branch
# List all branches (local and remote) matching an optional filter.
# $1 = (optional) Filter (e.g. origin/*)
# Example usage:
# $ git brl origin/*
brl = branch -a --list
# List all local branches sorted by last modified (commit) date
# in descending order.
brs = "!git branch-sort refs/heads/"
# Like 'brs', except functions on remote tracking branches.
# $1 = The remote name (e.g. origin)
# Example usage:
# $ git brsr origin
brsr = "!f() { : git branch ; git branch-sort refs/remotes/$1; }; f"
## Log Viewing / Searching
long-log-base = log --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'\
%C(bold blue)%H%C(reset) %C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n\
> %C(dim white)Author: %an <%ae>%C(reset) [%C(dim white)%C(bold cyan)%ai%C(reset) %C(green)(%ar)%C(reset)]%n\
> %C(dim white)Committer: %cn <%ce>%C(reset) [%C(dim white)%C(bold cyan)%ci%C(reset) %C(green)(%cr)%C(reset)]%n\
short-log-base = log --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --format=format:'\
%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) | %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset) %C(dim white)%an%C(reset) - %C(white)%s%C(reset)'
# Logs with NO graph
l = !sh -c ": git log ; git short-log-base" # One-line logs
ls = !sh -c ": git log ; git short-log-base --first-parent" # One-line logs, first-parent only
l2 = !sh -c ": git log ; git long-log-base" # Detailed logs
ls2 = !sh -c ": git log ; git long-log-base --first-parent" # Detailed logs, first-parent only
lp = !sh -c ": git log ; git --no-pager short-log-base" # Same as 'l' but no pager. Useful for greping / pick-axing logs
lp2 = !sh -c ": git log ; git --no-pager long-log-base" # Same as 'l2' but no pager. Useful for grep and pickaxe
# Logs with GRAPH
lg = !sh -c ": git log ; git short-log-base --graph" # One-line logs
lg2 = !sh -c ": git log ; git long-log-base --graph" # Detailed logs
# Log just the commits on the branch compared to @{upstream}
lb = !git l @{upstream}..
# Get a list of commits not pushed to @{push}
unpushed = !git l @{push}..
# Reflog with pretty formatting. Shows:
# Short-SHA1 - HEAD@{n} - Relative Date - Description
rl = reflog --format=format:'%C(auto)%h %gd %C(bold green)(%cr)%C(reset) :: %gs'
# Display detailed log of tip commit. Useful for seeing the last commit you did.
lasts = !sh -c ": git log ; git --no-pager l2 -1"
# Like 'lasts', but also shows a list of files and status in the tip commit.
last = !sh -c ": git log ; git --no-pager l2 -1 --name-status"
# Format logs in such a way that you can pipe out to a file for
# release note purposes.
release-notes = log --pretty=format:'* %s %n%w(200,4,4)%b'
# Short alias for 'grep' that also has some formatting options
# to improve readability of results.
g = grep --break --heading --line-number
## Push / Pull / Fetch
# Short alias for 'fetch'
f = fetch
# Fetch from all remotes
fa = fetch --all
# Fetch from remote named 'origin'
fo = fetch origin
# Push HEAD, delete branch local & remote
# $1 = remote name
# $2 = branch name
pushdel = "!f() { : git push ; \"$1\" \"$2\" ; }; f"
## Diffing / Patching / Blaming / Tools
# Short alias for 'format-patch'
fp = format-patch
# Short alias for 'mergetool'
mt = mergetool
# Short alias for 'diff'
d = diff
# Diff only staged files
dc = diff --cached
# Diff the current branch (HEAD) against its upstream tracking branch
db = "!f() { : git diff ; git diff $(git merge-base @{upstream} HEAD) ; }; f"
# Difftool HEAD against merge-base of the specified branch
dtb = "!f() { : git diff ; git dt $(git merge-base @{upstream} HEAD) ; }; f"
# Run difftool in "single-file" mode. For each file in the
# diff, the chosen diff tool will open once for each file.
# This is mainly provided to make diffing single files
# quicker, since git does not have to copy files being diffed
# to temp directories.
dts = difftool
# Same as 'dts' but for staged files only.
dtsc = difftool --cached
# Run difftool in directory mode. All files in the diff command
# will be displayed in the difftool all at once. This is more ideal
# when diffing lots of files, but can be slow when just diffing 1 file.
dt = difftool -d
# Same as 'dt' but for staged files only.
dtc = difftool --cached -d
# Display all conflicted files in the working copy. Useful to run
# during a rebase or merge.
conflicted = diff --name-only --diff-filter=U
# Use git log to format a patch file. Pipe this out to a file.
# $1 = Arguments to 'git log' (usually a range of commits to generate
# the patch for)
# Example:
# $ git patch HEAD^..HEAD > foo.patch
patch = log --pretty=email --patch-with-stat --reverse --full-index --binary
# Diff showing a list of modified files.
# $1 = (optional) Ref or SHA1
# Example usage:
# $ git lsc HEAD^!
lsc = diff --name-status
# Diff the current branch (HEAD) against its upstream tracking branch
lscb = "!f() { : git diff ; git lsc $(git merge-base @{upstream} HEAD) ; }; f"
# Shortcuts for 'am' continue, abort, skip
ama = am --abort
amc = am --continue
ams = am --skip
# Convenient short alias for `git blame` with some nice default options
bl = blame --date=short -w --no-merges
# Stage all except whitespace
# From StackOverflow:
addw = !sh -c 'git diff -U0 -w --no-color "$@" | git apply --cached --ignore-whitespace --unidiff-zero' -
wsadd = "!sh -c 'git diff -- \"$@\" | git apply --cached --whitespace=fix; git co -- ${1-.} \"$@\"' -"
## Commit / Merge / Rebase / Cherry Pick
# Short alias for 'commit'
ci = commit
# Fixup Commit
cif = commit --fixup
# Squash Commit
cis = commit --squash
# Amend staged files to the previous commit. You can also
# use this to amend files explicitly.
# $1 = (optional) List of files or directories to amend the
# changes of. Leave blank to amend all staged files.
# Example (amend staged files):
# $ git amend
# Example (amend file explicitly):
# $ git amend my-file.cpp
amend = commit --amend --no-edit
# Stands for "All Amend". Works like "amend" but includes
# unstaged changes as well. Does not work with explicit
# parameters.
aamend = commit -a --amend --no-edit
# Merge with required commit message.
m = merge --edit
# Means "Merge Abort". Aborts an ongoing merge.
ma = merge --abort
# Commit a change to just a submodule with a preformatted
# commit message structure.
# $1 = Submodule to commit
# This command automates the commit message by providing a fixed
# subject line and the body will contain the diff output of the
# submodule itself. The submodule changes must be in the working
# copy and not staged.
# Example commit message:
# Updated Core Submodule
# Submodule Core eaedd3f..0721763:
# < Fixed ZA-123: Crash in rendering module
# < Merge 'develop' into 'master'
# You will be given an opportunity to edit the commit message after
# running this command.
smcommit = "!f() { git commit -m \"$(printf \"Updated $1 Submodule\n\n\"; git diff \"$1\")\" --edit -- $1; }; f"
# Perform a fast-forward merge only.
ff = merge --ff-only
# Short form of 'rebase'.
rb = rebase
# "Rebase Continue". Continues an ongoing rebase.
rbc = rebase --continue
# "Rebase Abort". Aborts an ongoing rebase.
rba = rebase --abort
# "Rebase Skip". Skips the current commit in an interactive rebase.
rbs = rebase --skip
# Short alias for 'cherry-pick'.
cp = cherry-pick
# "Cherry Pick Abort". Aborts ongoing cherry pick.
cpa = cherry-pick --abort
# "Cherry Pick Continue". Continues a cherry pick (when
# cherry picking a range of commits).
cpc = cherry-pick --continue
## Submodule Helpers
# Short alias for 'submodule'
sm = submodule
# Does a convenient submodule update command, which also initializes
# any submodules and is recursive.
# $1 = (optional) The submodule to update. If empty, updates all
# submodules.
smu = submodule update --init --recursive
# Like 'smu', but also specifies '--remote' option to force submodules
# to update to the latest commit on their respective branches.
smur = submodule update --init --recursive --remote
# Run any arbitrary command recursively across all submodules.
# Example (runs 'git fetch' recursively in all submodules):
# $ git run fetch
run = "!f() { git $@ && git submodule foreach --recursive git $@; }; f"
s = stash
while read file
sed --in-place 's/[[:blank:]]\+$//' "$file";
echo "Trimmed trailing whitespace in file: $file";
done < "${1:-/dev/stdin}"
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