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alloy/Podfile Secret

Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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source ''
source ''
platform :ios, '7.0'
# Core
pod 'Mantle', '1.5'
pod 'AFNetworking', '1.3.4'
pod 'AFHTTPRequestOperationLogger', '1.0.0'
pod 'SDWebImage', :head
pod 'JLRoutes', '1.5'
pod 'ISO8601DateFormatter', '0.7'
pod 'KSDeferred', '0.2.0'
pod 'JSDecoupledAppDelegate', '1.0.1'
pod 'CocoaLumberjack', '1.8.1'
pod 'FXBlurView', '1.6.1'
pod 'MMMarkdown', '0.3'
pod 'UIAlertView+Blocks', '0.8'
pod 'iRate', '1.10.2'
pod 'MultiDelegate', '0.0.2'
pod 'ReactiveCocoa', '2.3'
pod 'ALPValidator', '0.0.3'
pod 'ORKeyboardReactingApplication', '0.5'
pod 'ORStackView', :head
pod 'ARTiledImageView', :git => '', :commit => '1a31b864d1d56b1aaed0816c10bb55cf2e078bb8'
pod 'ARCollectionViewMasonryLayout', :head
pod 'ARGenericTableViewController', '1.0.2'
pod 'Artsy+UILabels'
pod 'Artsy+UIColors'
#pod 'Artsy+UIFonts'
pod 'Artsy+OSSUIFonts'
# Auth
pod 'Facebook-iOS-SDK', '3.13.1'
pod 'AFOAuth1Client', '0.3.3'
# Language niceities
pod 'ObjectiveSugar', '1.1.0'
# libextobjc
pod 'libextobjc/EXTKeyPathCoding', '0.4'
pod 'libextobjc/EXTScope', '0.4'
# Martsy
pod 'TSMiniWebBrowser@dblock', :head
# Table View simplification
pod 'FODFormKit', :git => ''
# Analytics
pod 'HockeySDK', '3.5.0'
pod 'Mixpanel', '2.3.1'
# TODO(AF): Once ARAnalytics is updated, bump this.
pod 'ARAnalytics/Mixpanel', :git => '', :commit => '6f1a1c314894437e7e5c09572c276e644dbfb64b'
pod 'ARAnalytics/HockeyApp', :git => '', :commit => '6f1a1c314894437e7e5c09572c276e644dbfb64b'
pod 'ARAnalytics/DSL', :git => '', :commit => '6f1a1c314894437e7e5c09572c276e644dbfb64b'
pod 'UICKeyChainStore', '1.0.5'
# Fairs
pod 'NAMapKit', :git => '', :commit => '62275386978db91b0e7ed8de755d15cef3e793b4'
# Developer Pods
pod 'Reveal-iOS-SDK'
pod 'VCRURLConnection', '0.2.0'
pod 'DHCShakeNotifier', '0.2.0'
# Easter Eggs
pod 'ARASCIISwizzle', '1.1.0'
pod 'DRKonamiCode', '1.1.0'
target 'Artsy Tests', :exclusive => true do
pod 'FBSnapshotTestCase', '1.1'
pod 'Expecta+Snapshots', '~> 1.2'
pod 'OHHTTPStubs', '3.1.2'
pod 'XCTest+OHHTTPStubSuiteCleanUp', '1.0.0'
pod 'Specta', '0.2.1'
pod 'Expecta', '0.3.0'
pod 'OCMock', '2.2.4'
- AFHTTPRequestOperationLogger (1.0.0):
- AFNetworking (~> 1.0)
- AFNetworking (1.3.4)
- AFOAuth1Client (0.3.3):
- AFNetworking (~> 1.3)
- ALPValidator (0.0.3)
- ARAnalytics/CoreIOS (2.5.0)
- ARAnalytics/DSL (2.5.0):
- ReactiveCocoa (= 2.3)
- RSSwizzle (= 0.1.0)
- ARAnalytics/HockeyApp (2.5.0):
- ARAnalytics/CoreIOS
- HockeySDK
- ARAnalytics/Mixpanel (2.5.0):
- ARAnalytics/CoreIOS
- Mixpanel
- ARASCIISwizzle (1.1.0)
- ARCollectionViewMasonryLayout (2.0.0)
- ARGenericTableViewController (1.0.2)
- ARTiledImageView (1.2):
- SDWebImage/Core
- Artsy+OSSUIFonts (1.0.0)
- Artsy+UIColors (1.0.0):
- EDColor (~> 0.4)
- Artsy+UILabels (1.3.1):
- Artsy+UIColors
- CocoaLumberjack (1.8.1):
- CocoaLumberjack/Extensions (= 1.8.1)
- CocoaLumberjack/Core (1.8.1)
- CocoaLumberjack/Extensions (1.8.1):
- CocoaLumberjack/Core
- DHCShakeNotifier (0.2.0)
- DRKonamiCode (1.1.0)
- EDColor (0.4.0)
- Expecta (0.3.0)
- Expecta+Snapshots (1.2.1):
- Expecta
- FBSnapshotTestCase
- Facebook-iOS-SDK (3.13.1)
- FBSnapshotTestCase (1.1)
- FLKAutoLayout (0.1.1)
- FODFormKit (0.1.1)
- FXBlurView (1.6.1)
- HockeySDK (3.5.0)
- iRate (1.10.2)
- ISO8601DateFormatter (0.7)
- JLRoutes (1.5)
- JSDecoupledAppDelegate (1.0.1)
- KSDeferred (0.2.0)
- libextobjc/EXTKeyPathCoding (0.4):
- libextobjc/RuntimeExtensions
- libextobjc/EXTScope (0.4):
- libextobjc/RuntimeExtensions
- libextobjc/RuntimeExtensions (0.4)
- Mantle (1.5):
- Mantle/extobjc (= 1.5)
- Mantle/extobjc (1.5)
- Mixpanel (2.3.1)
- MMMarkdown (0.3)
- MultiDelegate (0.0.2)
- NAMapKit (3.1.1):
- ARTiledImageView
- SDWebImage
- ObjectiveSugar (1.1.0)
- OCMock (2.2.4)
- OHHTTPStubs (3.1.2)
- ORKeyboardReactingApplication (0.5)
- ORStackView (2.0.0):
- FLKAutoLayout (~> 0.1)
- ReactiveCocoa (2.3):
- ReactiveCocoa/UI (= 2.3)
- ReactiveCocoa/Core (2.3):
- ReactiveCocoa/no-arc
- ReactiveCocoa/no-arc (2.3)
- ReactiveCocoa/UI (2.3):
- ReactiveCocoa/Core
- Reveal-iOS-SDK (1.0.6)
- RSSwizzle (0.1.0)
- SDWebImage (3.7.1):
- SDWebImage/Core (= 3.7.1)
- SDWebImage/Core (3.7.1)
- Specta (0.2.1)
- TSMiniWebBrowser@dblock (1.1)
- UIAlertView+Blocks (0.8)
- UICKeyChainStore (1.0.5)
- VCRURLConnection (0.2.0)
- XCTest+OHHTTPStubSuiteCleanUp (1.0.0):
- AFHTTPRequestOperationLogger (= 1.0.0)
- AFNetworking (= 1.3.4)
- AFOAuth1Client (= 0.3.3)
- ALPValidator (= 0.0.3)
- ARAnalytics/DSL (from ``, commit `6f1a1c314894437e7e5c09572c276e644dbfb64b`)
- ARAnalytics/HockeyApp (from ``, commit `6f1a1c314894437e7e5c09572c276e644dbfb64b`)
- ARAnalytics/Mixpanel (from ``, commit `6f1a1c314894437e7e5c09572c276e644dbfb64b`)
- ARASCIISwizzle (= 1.1.0)
- ARCollectionViewMasonryLayout (HEAD)
- ARGenericTableViewController (= 1.0.2)
- ARTiledImageView (from ``, commit `1a31b864d1d56b1aaed0816c10bb55cf2e078bb8`)
- Artsy+OSSUIFonts
- Artsy+UIColors
- Artsy+UILabels
- CocoaLumberjack (= 1.8.1)
- DHCShakeNotifier (= 0.2.0)
- DRKonamiCode (= 1.1.0)
- Expecta (= 0.3.0)
- Expecta+Snapshots (~> 1.2)
- Facebook-iOS-SDK (= 3.13.1)
- FBSnapshotTestCase (= 1.1)
- FODFormKit (from ``)
- FXBlurView (= 1.6.1)
- HockeySDK (= 3.5.0)
- iRate (= 1.10.2)
- ISO8601DateFormatter (= 0.7)
- JLRoutes (= 1.5)
- JSDecoupledAppDelegate (= 1.0.1)
- KSDeferred (= 0.2.0)
- libextobjc/EXTKeyPathCoding (= 0.4)
- libextobjc/EXTScope (= 0.4)
- Mantle (= 1.5)
- Mixpanel (= 2.3.1)
- MMMarkdown (= 0.3)
- MultiDelegate (= 0.0.2)
- NAMapKit (from ``, commit `62275386978db91b0e7ed8de755d15cef3e793b4`)
- ObjectiveSugar (= 1.1.0)
- OCMock (= 2.2.4)
- OHHTTPStubs (= 3.1.2)
- ORKeyboardReactingApplication (= 0.5)
- ORStackView (HEAD)
- ReactiveCocoa (= 2.3)
- Reveal-iOS-SDK
- SDWebImage (HEAD)
- Specta (= 0.2.1)
- TSMiniWebBrowser@dblock (HEAD)
- UIAlertView+Blocks (= 0.8)
- UICKeyChainStore (= 1.0.5)
- VCRURLConnection (= 0.2.0)
- XCTest+OHHTTPStubSuiteCleanUp (= 1.0.0)
:commit: 6f1a1c314894437e7e5c09572c276e644dbfb64b
:commit: 1a31b864d1d56b1aaed0816c10bb55cf2e078bb8
:commit: 62275386978db91b0e7ed8de755d15cef3e793b4
AFHTTPRequestOperationLogger: 890afab1adb178314d33c4de9d2aa5a42cc594b9
AFNetworking: 80c4e0652b08eb34e25b9c0ff3c82556fe5967b4
AFOAuth1Client: 53c76d9cadd73142a9f73854456d5d970bdc147a
ALPValidator: 33ec78108e2389b903f066179973dbb1679d82c1
ARAnalytics: 253314fadb80fe085bc781ddce91f3bbdfedcb04
ARASCIISwizzle: 01fc71ffac975f18079a249b0608c9769a9fc4b6
ARCollectionViewMasonryLayout: 40993cb65522139cb2cd6ed255c91a6caee5c4dd
ARGenericTableViewController: f40b437b8abb2e2de7c98f1f35f0487ec9087ead
ARTiledImageView: 0de3b09798e5b1ec91a2939c311b69b03e7c9706
Artsy+OSSUIFonts: 45b406bdb7b79dc23ec8e7eeab58a868a147c067
Artsy+UIColors: d1d5e084a0e542d310c507acb5446bae6a322241
Artsy+UILabels: a7c713069e3d10144a3dc8e377bef8b2253cd766
CocoaLumberjack: 9d198d6e19909b3b113a38c5f06f7bb8eedd0427
DHCShakeNotifier: d5e1130243096e9488e0ecce8e6e268647357b4b
DRKonamiCode: 17a4e3a8bf527b62c245c511656e4f4e70bcf518
EDColor: bcdb8600b7a456f4408ce1d7e7fc001588919254
Expecta: ce8a51b9fad15a2cd573b291cb2909aaed865350
Expecta+Snapshots: 30c28e3d8104665ee70e32df1cfc030bb37a8a6c
Facebook-iOS-SDK: bc0d0bdf14f64cb7f4d49f8f17d445f49c40d342
FBSnapshotTestCase: 9053afee1d66b4c7c313fcb0ae582a5e47bea9d0
FLKAutoLayout: 9fa39aac2903b274fbeed6be74154cdb937a04fc
FODFormKit: 036f48ae9d52af5cdb6e52c04ade01ece0e30b4e
FXBlurView: 1d01b96076d65027314d1be024c7506c292392aa
HockeySDK: 85c058a5300638a2e4fc98658f90b76df96c9f46
iRate: 7d204971bab2f727195b868e32e05216fe257681
ISO8601DateFormatter: 59731cd880cf87e71b4fa95f0d6b713dcbc4cbce
JLRoutes: 1a32dbc34b8af9c2a0174c4799afdc72ad5fe447
JSDecoupledAppDelegate: cff5663e495456300b1ca2c9479d13d44f43e3e0
KSDeferred: 33361e3e63ebe90210ea94d7f6469c1c2b874763
libextobjc: ba42e4111f433273a886cd54f0ddaddb7f62f82f
Mantle: c67a7e45e14196ed42b2a7cbb98ff6a9920e6b92
Mixpanel: 9cc470a58346f60da8ce2982096bcc72b5a7372b
MMMarkdown: 95af8920c647512d1efa2ac8ac1932baf3266e2c
MultiDelegate: 30ea47d00d916390e7b53ba8dc240b8751d19107
NAMapKit: ba330fb001e51ebdc7ce14c5b795eceaa8829a80
ObjectiveSugar: f48793f5902c77cfc02a4ce46d2e8ecddcad4dc2
OCMock: 6db79185520e24f9f299548f2b8b07e41d881bd5
OHHTTPStubs: c1c2007839687eaf9b80f061ce84440515080ebb
ORKeyboardReactingApplication: 21afd1c4f5c51542ff6e5948d010c79a3eee3208
ORStackView: b6ccb2d7a1730548631a8a2749ba3c1bf12168db
ReactiveCocoa: 2066583826c17dde8e90c41e489f682048cc57c9
Reveal-iOS-SDK: 74a39b426dbc915962704ed24f43ee32ae7797f9
RSSwizzle: ab39962b7ec56d19c2318ec1127e253797121363
SDWebImage: 116e88633b5b416ea0ca4b334a4ac59cf72dd38d
Specta: 9141310f46b1f68b676650ff2854e1ed0b74163a
TSMiniWebBrowser@dblock: 4e73ee955fcf2e9f5d98f7a17460454ac059bc37
UIAlertView+Blocks: 90d7f6b2853404277c94f6284c2b8c16028272e6
UICKeyChainStore: 4f9719600cc70025064e26f28f1210bcfc3b0c35
VCRURLConnection: ad8bfbd376ad44a7f5c48358f3ee96a40d4e683e
XCTest+OHHTTPStubSuiteCleanUp: 16f0278ca4d489896745e6f4f71b8b3efa93cba8
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