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almereyda / webdpack
Created July 31, 2014 21:45
Welcome document
CC0 4.0 by e-P + J R
* **Greeting App** runs in the Browser.
* **webserviced** runs remotely on *Server A*.
* **webprofiled**, **webfingerd** & **Persona IdP** run remotely on *Server B*.
participant Greeting App
almereyda /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
PubSub Database exchange Design

PubSub Flow Chart

First in German, will be translated soonish.

Viewer Source


Schnittstellen zur Nutzbarmachung bestehender Datenbanken ökologisch-transformativer Projekte durch Webdienste zur Synchronisierung.

almereyda / 0_reuse_code.js
Created July 2, 2014 03:29
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console
# Packages

Ramesh Jain - Keynote

  • Semantic Gap for users (bits, chars, lists -> events/objects, concepts)
  • Data and users: triangle
  • Semantic gap exists in text too - search engines do little beyond string matching
  • Semantic web tools help, much still to do
  • Life - events, experiences and multimedia: eventweb
  • Lots of multimedia - raises problems
  • Multimedia semantics: many approaches
  • Content-based: different model layers (data -> concepts)
<body vocab="">
<div typeof="Person">
<h1 property="name">elf Pavlik</h1>
<img property="image" src="" />
<p property="description">i like you :)</p>
almereyda /
Created April 28, 2014 02:48
Kurzbeschreibung zum Stand Daniels Prototypen

28.04.2014 : 04:12 : Fork von durch @almereyda (yala) zur Formatierung und Kommentierung

@jonrichter @onyourway Bin mit meinem Prototypen noch am basteln, da ich den nicht nur für unsere OSM-Geschichte benutzen möchte.

Es ist momentan nicht dazu verwendbar, Daten bei OSM einzugeben, sondern speichert alles in einen Tripel-Graphen (wie RDF, wobei ich das jetzt nicht explizit nutze da mich die URI-Schreibweise beim testen stört). Von dort aus kann man aber beliebige Adapter anflanschen.

almereyda / stadtgestalten_domain_report.html
Last active December 30, 2015 06:49
eine kleine recherche zu SLDs mit "gestalten" oder "stadtgestalten". preise wären individuell zu klären.
<html><head><title>Domains List</title></head>
<h3>Domains List</h3>
<br><h4>Created by using <a href="" target="newwin">WhoisThisDomain</a></h4><p><table border="1" cellpadding="5"><tr bgcolor="E0E0E0">
<th>Domain Status

Open Data und Selbstorganisation : von den Public Space Invaders zur Berliner Gartenkarte


Open Everything
Linked Geodata
Public Space Invaders

almereyda /
Last active December 27, 2015 00:59
Berliner Gartenkarte - a collective mapping initiative : abstract

"This is science. It just doesn't look like it."

Bernd Hilberer, Cartograph at Free University Berlin, September 28th 2013, at Allmende-Kontor community garden.

Berlin is known for its historically unique free spaces (Freiräume). Due to the morphogenesis of urban space after the Fall of the Wall, the city was scattered with temporary uses and squats. Despite people are constantly demanding their Rights to the City until nowadays, this development is in decline.

As an attempt to continue public participation in shaping (in the sense of gestalten) urban life worlds (Lebenswelten), activists are eager to create, maintain and publicise urban gardening initiatives. The Berliner Gartenkarte is a collective mapping initiative, formed by local students and researchers in collaboration with the urban agriculture community, that intends to visualize the gardens' spatial distribution.