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VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled May 12 2013 02:14:45)
MacOS X (unix) version
Included patches: 1-933
Compiled by alpaca_tc@alpaca-air.local
Huge version without GUI. Features included (+) or not (-):
+arabic +file_in_path +mouse_sgr +tag_binary
+autocmd +find_in_path -mouse_sysmouse +tag_old_static
-balloon_eval +float +mouse_urxvt -tag_any_white
-browse +folding +mouse_xterm -tcl
++builtin_terms -footer +multi_byte +terminfo
module Interface
def self.method_check(method_name, *expect_params)
@interface_defines = {} unless @interface_defines
@interface_defines[method_name] = *expect_params
def self.append_features(k)
@interface_defines.each do |method_name, expect_params|
if k.respond_to?(method_name)
method = k.method(method_name)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# coding: utf-8
require 'grit'
require 'pry'
# ----------------------------------------
# config
git_path = '/Volumes/disk1_pt1/git'
output_path = '~/git/backup'
assume = !"fun() { str=''; for arg in $@; do str=\"${str} $(find $arg -type f)\"; done; git update-index --assume-unchanged $str; }; fun"
no-assume = !"fun() { str=''; for arg in $@; do str=\"${str} $(find $arg -type f)\"; done; git update-index --no-assume-unchanged $str; }; fun"
assume-list = !"git ls-files -v | grep -e "^[a-z]""
zip-from = !"f(){ git archive --format=zip HEAD $(git diff --name-only HEAD $1) -o $2 ; }; f"
# configure
# functions#{{{
evaluate() {
echo $1
eval $1
homebrew () {
Mysql::Error: Table has no partition for value from column_list: INSERT INTO `notifications` (`updated_at`, `action_type`, `created_at`, `user_id`, `action_user_id`, `trackable_id`, `trackable_type`, `read_flag`) VALUES('2013-06-12 13:29:06', 'MessageNotification', '2013-06-12 13:29:06', 58, 1, 1, 'SimpleMessage', 0
NeoBundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
NeoBundle 'Shougo/git-vim'
NeoBundle 'kmnk/vim-unite-giti'
" fugitive
nnoremap <silent>gb :<C-U>Gblame<CR>
nnoremap <silent>gm :<C-U>Gcommit<CR>
nnoremap <silent>gM :<C-U>Gcommit --amend<CR>
" git-vim

" NeoBundle NeoBundleLazy 'taichouchou2/alpaca_update_tags', { \ 'depends': 'Shougo/vimproc', \ 'autoload' : { \ 'commands': ['AlpacaTagsUpdate', 'AlpacaTagsSet', 'AlpacaTagsUpdateBundle'] \ }}

" example... " ~/.ctagsにctagsの設定ファイルを設置します。現在無い人は、このディレクトリ内の.ctagsをコピーしてください。 " 適切なlanguageはctags --list-maps=allで見つけてください。人によりますので。