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-haskell: [-*-]

The Easy-Peasy-Lemon-Squeezy, Statically-Typed, Purely Functional Programming Workshop for All!

John A. De Goes — @jdegoes


  • Functions
  • Types, Kinds, & More Functions
  • FP Toolbox
  • Type Classes, Effects
  • Scary Sounding Things
  • Let's Build a Game!

Functional Programming

It's all about functions.



Function Definition

data Food = Eggs | Coffee

data Happiness = Happy | Neutral | Unhappy

john :: Food -> Happiness
john Eggs   = Unhappy
john Coffee = Happy

Function Application

> john Eggs

> john Coffee


The Real Deal

  1. Totality. Every element in domain must be mapped to some element in codomain.
  2. Determinism. Applying a function with the same value (in domain) results in same value (in codomain).

Exercise Set 1

data CharacterStatus = Content | Hungry | Tired

describeCharacterStatus :: CharacterStatus -> String
  1. Create a set called CharacterStatus, which represents the different states of the player.
  2. Create a function called describeCharacterStatus which describes the state of the player.


Sets of values.

Literal Types

  • String : The set that contains all strings; "foo" is an element of this set.
  • Number : The set that contains all numbers;1 5.5 is an element of this set.
  • Int : The set that contains all integers; 3 is an element of this set.
  • Char : The set that contains all characters; 'J' is an element of this set.
  • Boolean : The set that contains the values true and false.

Plus records {foo: "bar"} and arrays [1, 2, 3]!

Product Types2

data Loc = Loc Int Int

Product Types

  data Loc = Loc Int Int
--      |
--      |
--      |
--  The name of
--   the type.   

Product Types

  data Loc = Loc Int Int
--         |
--         |
--         |
-- Nonsense, please ignore!

Product Types

  data Loc = Loc Int int
--            |
--            |
--            |            
-- The name of a function
-- that will create values
-- of the type. AKA the
--     constructor!

Product Types

  data Loc = Loc Int Int
--                 \  /
--                  \/
--     Constructor parameters (types).

Product Types

data Loc = Loc Int Int

whereAmI = Loc 1 2

Product Types

What's the opposite of construction?3

locX :: Loc -> Int
locX (Loc x _) = x

locY :: Loc -> Int
locY (Loc _ y) = y

locX (Loc 1 2) -- 1
locY (Loc 1 2) -- 2

Product Types

Another way to deconstruct.

locX :: Loc -> Int
locX l = case l of
           (Loc x _) -> x

Exercise Set 2

data CharacterStats = CharacterStats Int Int

startingStats :: CharacterStats

healthOf :: CharacterStats -> Int

strengthOf :: CharacterStats -> Int
  1. Create a CharacterStats product type to model some character statistics in an role-playing game (e.g. health and strength.).
  2. Create some values of that type to understand how to use data constructors (startingStats).
  3. Use pattern matching to extract individual components out of the data type (healthOf, strengthOf).

Coproduct Types

(AKA 'Sum' Types)4

data NPC =
  Ogre String Loc Number |
  Wolf String Loc Number

Coproduct Types

-- The name of
--  the type
--     |
--     |
  data NPC =
    Ogre String Loc Number |
    Wolf String Loc Number

Coproduct Types

  data NPC =
    Ogre String Loc Number |
    Wolf String Loc Number
--   |
--   |
-- Data constructor.  

Coproduct Types

  data NPC =
    Ogre String Loc Number |
    Wolf String Loc Number
--          |    |    |
--           \   |   /
--             \ | /
--   Constructor parameters (types).

Coproduct Types

Destruction / pattern matching.

nameOf :: NPC -> String
nameOf (Ogre name _ _) = name
nameOf (Wolf name _ _) = name

Coproduct Types

Deconstruction / pattern matching.

data NPC =
  Ogre String Loc Number |
  Wolf String Loc Number

nameOf :: NPC -> String
nameOf npc = case npc of
               (Ogre name _ _) -> name
               (Wolf name _ _) -> name

Exercise Set 3

data Monster
  = Wolf CharacterStats
  | Ogre CharacterStats

bigBadWolf :: CharacterStats

fearfulOgre :: CharacterStats

monsterStrength :: Monster -> Int
  1. Create a Monster sum type to represent different types of monsters in a game. Make sure they share at least one common piece of information (e.g. health or name).
  2. Create a few monsters of varying types (bigBadWolf, fearfulOgre).
  3. Create a function to extract out a piece of information common to all constructors (monsterStrength).

Record Types5

data NPC =
  Ogre {name :: String, loc :: Loc, health :: Number} |
  Wolf {name :: String, loc :: Loc, health :: Number}

Record Types

  data NPC =
    Ogre {name :: String, loc :: Loc, health :: Number} |
    Wolf {name :: String, loc :: Loc, health :: Number}
--       |                                            |
--       \----------------------|---------------------/
--                              |
--                         Record type.

Record Types

  data NPC =
    Ogre {name :: String, loc :: Loc, health :: Number} |
    Wolf {name :: String, loc :: Loc, health :: Number}
--        |                                          |
--        \--------------------|---------------------/
--                             |
--                      A 'row' of types.  

Record Types

  data NPC =
    Ogre {name :: String, loc :: Loc, health :: Number} |
    Wolf {name :: String, loc :: Loc, health :: Number}
--         |
--      A label.

Record Types

  data NPC =
    Ogre {name :: String, loc :: Loc, health :: Number} |
    Wolf {name :: String, loc :: Loc, health :: Number}
--                  |
--        The type of the label.

Record Types

Construction / deconstruction.

makeWolf :: String -> Loc -> Number -> NPC
makeWolf name loc health = Wolf {name: name, loc: loc, health: health}

nameOf :: NPC -> String
nameOf (Ogre { name : n }) = n
nameOf (Wolf { name : n }) = n

Record Types

The dot operator.

nameOf :: NPC -> String
nameOf (Ogre record) =
nameOf (Wolf record) =

Record Types

'Updating' records.

changeName :: NPC -> NPC
changeName (Ogre r) = Ogre r { name = "Shrek" }
changeName (Wolf r) = Wolf r { name = "Big Bad" }

Record Types

Magic record syntax stuff.

(_ { name = "Shrek" }) // Function from record to updated record

record { name = _ }    // Function from string to updated `record`

(_ { name = _ })       // Guess? :-)

Exercise Set 4

type State = {
  playerStatus :: CharacterStatus,
  playerStats  :: CharacterStats }
  1. Modify the State record in Game.State to add playerStatus and playerStats (you will have to modify initial in the Main module).
  2. Modify the describe function in Main so it describes the player state.

Basic Function Types

data Monster = Giant | Alien
data FavoriteFood = Humans | Kittens

fave :: Monster -> FavoriteFood
fave Giant = Humans
fave Alien = Kittens

Basic Function Types

Lambdas AKA closures AKA anonymous functions AKA arrow functions AKA...

fave :: Monster -> FavoriteFood
fave = \monster -> case monster of
  Giant -> Humans
  Alien -> Kittens
var fave = function(monster) {
// ECMAScript 6
var fave = monster => ...

Exercise Set 5

  1. Describe the type of a function called defeats, which determines if a first CharacterStats can be used to defeat a second CharacterStats (by returning true or false).
  2. Implement the function by using a lambda (hint: defeats = \stats1 stats2 -> ... or defeats = \stats1 -> \stats2 -> ...).

Type Aliases

What's in a name?

type CharData =
  {name :: String, loc :: Loc, health :: Number}

data NPC = Ogre CharData | Wolf CharData


Wrappers without the overhead.

newtype Health = Health Number

dead :: Health
dead = Health 0


Deconstruction / pattern matching.

newtype Health = Health Number

isAlive :: Health -> Boolean
isAlive (Health v) = v > 0

isAlive h = case h of
              Health v -> v > 0

Exercise Set 6

  1. Create newtypes for any numeric statistics in CharacterStats (e.g. Health and Strength).
  2. Create a type synonym called StatsModifier for a function CharacterStats -> CharacterStats.

Higher-Order Functions

Or, OMG sets can hold functions!!!

Higher-Order Functions

Functions that accept functions.

likesEmptyString :: (String -> Boolean) -> Boolean
likesEmptyString f = f ""

Higher-Order Functions

Functions that return functions.

matches :: String -> (String -> Boolean)
matches v = \text -> text == v

matchesEvil = matches "evil"

matchesEvil "john" -- false
matchesEvil "evil" -- true

Higher-Order Functions

"Multi-parameter" functions.6

damageNpc :: Number -> (NPC -> NPC)
damageNpc damage = \npc -> ...

Higher-Order Functions

Making sense of "multi-parameter" functions: values.

f a b c d e

-- (((((f a) b) c) d) e)

Higher-Order Functions

Making sense of "multi-parameter" functions: types.

f :: a -> b -> c -> d -> e

-- f :: (a -> (b -> (c -> (d -> e))))

Higher-Order Functions

MORE functions that return functions.

damageNpc :: Number -> (NPC -> NPC)
damageNpc = \damage -> \npc -> ...
damageNpc :: Number -> (NPC -> NPC)
damageNpc = \damage npc -> ...
damageNpc :: Number -> (NPC -> NPC)
damageNpc damage = \npc -> ...
damageNpc :: Number -> (NPC -> NPC)
damageNpc damage npc = ...

Exercise Set 7

boostHealth :: Int -> (CharacterStats -> CharacterStats)

boostStrength :: Int -> (CharacterStats -> CharacterStats)
  1. Create a function boostHealth which, given an integer amount, returns another function that takes stats and boosts their health.
  2. Create a function boostStrength which, given an integer amount, returns another function that takes stats and boosts their health.

Parametric Polymorphism


Polymorphic Data

Type constructors: data with "holes".

data Map4x4 a =
  Map4x4 a a a a
	       a a a a
		     a a a a
		     a a a a

boolMap4x4 :: Map4x4 Boolean =
  Map4x4 true  true  false true
         false true  true  true
         false false false true
         true  false false true

Polymorphic Data

Type-level functions.

-- invalid :: Map4x4  <- Not a type; a type function!

valid :: Map4x4 Boolean

The type constructor Map4x4 is a function whose domain is the set of all types. Pass it a type, and it will return a type!

Polymorphic Functions

Or, OMG sets can hold sets!!!

Polymorphic Functions

The heart of functional abstraction.

upperLeft :: forall a. Map4x4 a -> a
upperLeft v _ _ _
          _ _ _ _
          _ _ _ _
          _ _ _ _ = v

Polymorphic Functions

How to read these crazy signatures.

upperLeft :: forall a. Map4x4 a -> a

-- (a :: Type) -> Map4x4 a -> a

Exercise Set 8

data Inventory a b
  = LeftHand a
  | RightHand b
  | BothHands a b
  | Empty

isEmpty :: ???
  1. Create a polymorphic Inventory sum type that can represents what the player is carrying in his or her hands.
  2. Create a polymorphic function that determines whether or not the player is carrying anything.

Extensible Rows

Like duck typing only better.

type Point r = { x :: Number, y :: Number | r }

Extensible Rows

Like duck typing only better.

type Point r = { x :: Number, y :: Number | r }
--         |                              |
--         |                              |
--    'remainder'        syntax that means "the rest of the row"

gimmeX :: forall r. Point r -> Number
gimmeX p = p.x

gimmeX {x: 1, y: 2, z: 3} -- 1 - works!

-- gimmeX {x: 1, z: 3}    -- Invalid, no x!

Exercise Set 9

type NonPlayerCharacter = ???
type Item = ???
type PlayerCharacter = ???

getName :: ???
getName r =
  1. Create records for NonPlayerCharacter, Item, and PlayerCharacter that all share at least one field (name).
  2. Create a function that extracts a name from any record which has at least a name field of type String.


Categories of sets.


The name for the category of sets of values.

(AKA Type)

Includes things like:

  • CharacterStatus
  • CharacterStats
  • String

* -> *

The name for the category of type-level functions.

(AKA Higher-Kinded Type / Type Constructor)

* -> *

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

* -> *

Type constructors are just (math) functions!

addOne :: Number -> Number
addOne n = n + 1

result = addOne 1

List :: * -> *
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

Result = List Int

* -> * -> *

Turtles all the way down.

Map :: * -> * -> *
data Map k v = ...

(* -> *) -> *

More turtles.

Container :: (* -> *) -> *
data Container f = {create :: forall a. a -> f a}

list :: Container List
list = Container {create: \a -> Cons a Nil}

* -> * -> * -> * -> * -> *

Reading type constructors.

foo :: f a b c d e

-- (((((f a) b) c) d) e)


The name for the category of sets of effects.

foreign import data DOM :: !

# !

The name for the category of rows of effects.

-- Supply a row of effects and a type,
-- and get back another type:
foreign import data Eff :: # ! -> * -> *

trace :: forall r. String -> Eff (trace :: Trace | r) Unit

# *

The name for the category of rows of types.

-- Supply a row of types, get back another type:
foreign import data Object :: # * -> *

Foreign Types7

foreign import data jQuery :: *

FP Toolbox

Stuff you couldn't escape even if you wanted to.

FP Toolbox

Maybe it's there, maybe it's not?8

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

type Player =
  { armour :: Maybe Armor }

FP Toolbox

List: the ultimate FP data structure.

data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
--                       |    |
--                     head   |
--                          tail

oneTwoThree = Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))

FP Toolbox

Either it's this or it's that.

data Either a b = Left a | Right b

type Player =
  { rightHand :: Either Weapon Shield }

FP Toolbox

Tuple, the opposite of Either.9

data Tuple a b = Tuple a b
--                     | |
--                 first second
type Player =
  { wrists :: Tuple (Maybe Bracelet) (Maybe Bracelet) }

FP Toolbox

Native Javascript arrays.

[1, 2, 3] :: Array Number

Exercise Set 10

import Data.List(List(..))

data Location
  = OutideCave
  | InsideCave
  | Plains

data Connection
  = GoNorth Location Location
  | GoSouth Location Location
  | GoEast Location Location
  | GoWest Location Location

northsouth :: Location -> Location -> List Connection
northsouth n s = Cons (GoNorth s n) (Cons (GoSouth n s) Nil)

westeast :: Location -> Location -> List Connection
westeast w e = Cons (GoWest e w) (Cons (GoEast w e) Nil)

--  OutsideCave -- Plains
--       |
--       |
--   InsideCave
gameMap :: List Connection
gameMap =
  northsouth OutsideCave InsideCave ++
  westeast OutsideCave Plains
  1. Define a Location data type to represent all possible locations in the game world.
  2. Define a Connection data type to represent a connection (or passageway) from one location to another.
  3. Create a hypothetical gameMap (which has type List Connection), representing the geography of the game world.

Type Classes

Generic interfaces, the FP way.

Type Classes

Generic interfaces in Java.

public interface Appendable<A> {
  public A append(A a1, A a2);
class AppendableNumber extends Appendable<Float> {
  public Float append(Float a1, Float a2) {
    return a1 + a2;
Appendable<Float> appendableNumber = new AppendableNumber();
appendableNumber.append(1, 2); // 3!

Type Classes

Generic 'interfaces' in Javascript.

function makeAppendable(append) {
  return {
    append: append

var boolAppendable = makeAppendable(
  function(v1, v2) {
    return v1 && v2;

boolAppendable.append(true, false); // false!

Type Classes

Generic interfaces in PureScript.

class Appendable a where
  append :: a -> a -> a

instance appendableNumber :: Appendable Number where
  append a1 a2 = a1 + a2

append 1 2 -- 3!

Type Classes

Turbocharged polymorphism.

repeat :: forall a. (Appendable a) => Number -> a -> a
repeat 0 a = a
repeat n a = append (repeat (n - 1) a) a

sort :: forall a. (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]

-- etc.

Type Classes

Hierarchies: like OO inheritance, but not.

class Eq a where
  equals :: a -> a -> Boolean

data Ordering = LT | GT | EQ

class (Eq a) <= Ord a where
  compare :: a -> a -> Ordering

Type Classes

Hierarchies: like OO inheritance, but not.

class (Eq a) <= Ord a where
--       |
--       |
-- The superclass.
-- Read: "Ord a implies Eq a"

Exercise Set 11

class Describable a where
  describe :: a -> String

  examine :: a -> String

data Weapon = Sword | Spear

instance describableWeapon :: Describable Weapon where
  describe :: Weapon -> String

  examine :: Weapon -> String
  1. Define a type class called Describable that can generate small and lengthy (String) descriptions of values of some type.
  2. Create a Weapon data type to denote different types of weapons.
  3. Create an instance of Describable for the Weapon data type.


Or, how to get in trouble fast.

import Debug.Trace

main = trace "Hello World!"

import Debug.Trace

main = do
  trace "Hello World!"

  trace "Bye World!"

Exercise Set 12

  1. Study the Main module to see how it uses effects to print out a description.

Scary Sounding Things

Monadic zygohistomorphic prepromorphisms...


Scary Sounding Things

Let's play a game: give your friend a birthday present that she'll adore.

Scary Sounding Things

The rules of the game.

Rule 1: If something is inside a box, you may change it to anything else and the result will still be inside the box.

Rule 2: If something is not inside a box, you can pack it into a box.

Rule 3: If something is packed inside a box which is packed inside another box, you can replace that with a single box containing that thing.

Scary Sounding Things

Your inventory.

Item 1: You have Ripley, a Chihuaha mutt who can magically change a lump of coal into a beautiful present that your friend will like.

Item 2: You have a box containing a box containing a lump of coal.

Which rules should you apply to create a birthday present your friend will adore???

Scary Sounding Things

The rules of the game, redux.

Rule 1: If something is inside a box, you may change it to anything else and the result will still be inside the box. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Rule 2: If something is not inside a box, you can pack it into a box. a -> f a

Rule 3: If something is packed inside a box which is packed inside another box, you can replace that with a single box containing that thing. f (f a) -> f a

Scary Sounding Things

The rules of the game, redux redux.

fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b -- AKA (<$>)

pure :: a -> f a               -- AKA return

join :: f (f a) -> f a

-- bind AKA (>>=) = \fa f -> join (fmap f fa)

OMG a monad, run in terror!!!!!

Nah, just kidding

Scary sounding things give you rewrite rules you can use to manipulate the types into the form you require.

The scary sounding names don't matter at all

Exercise Set 13

class Evitacilppa f where
  erup :: forall a. a -> f a

  pa :: forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
  1. You are given f Number and Number, for some Evitacilppa f. If you have a function:

    add :: Number -> Number -> Number

    which "rewrite rules" do you need to use so that you can apply the add function to the two numbers?

Let's Finish Our Game!

Enough math already plz!!!

The Soul of an RPG

Or the types, anyway.

type Game s i = {
  initial  :: s,
  describe :: s -> String,
  parse    :: String -> Either String i,
  update   :: s -> i -> Either String s }

runGame :: forall s i. Game s i -> Eff (game :: GAME) Unit
runGame g = ...

On Your Marks, Get Set, Go!


John A. De Goes — @jdegoes

(Do I owe you a coffee?)


  1. Not really, $%#@&!!

  2. They get their name from an easy way you can use to compute the size of these sets (hint: product = multiplication).

  3. Deconstruction, of course! AKA pattern matching.

  4. They get their name from an easy way you can use to compute the size of these sets (hint: sum = addition).

  5. Record types are represented using native Javascript objects.

  6. Not really, of course: functions in PureScript are always functions from one set to another set.


  8. AKA null, the FP way.

  9. AKA sometimes it's just too damn hard to name stuff!

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