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Last active February 13, 2024 08:01
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Create a VM in virtualbox with a static IP to allow ssh - ubuntu 16.04 amd64

Create a host-only network

In the virutal box UI, Global Tools tab > create vboxnet0 host network with DHCP disabled (untick Enable Server).

Create/modify a VM with host-only network

Select the VM (it must be shut down to add a 2nd network adapter) > Settings > Network tab > Adapter 2 > Attach Host-only adapter and vboxnet0

Set static IP in VM (ubuntu 16.04 amd64)

Start the VM.
Edit /etc/network/interfaces

auto enp0s8
iface enp0s8 inet static

Restart interface

sudo ifdown enp0s8
sudo ifup enp0s8

Check that it has been updated


Make VM ssh-able

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openssh-server

On host machine, you should be able to ssh:

ssh root@
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