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# we define the list of stopwords in english
stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')
# we compute the phrases present in each review
phrases_stream = [transform_sentence_in_phrases(review) for review in reviews]
# we visualize the elements present in the first review (index 0 of the list)
import time
import requests
items_to_scrape = ['', '', '']
for item in items_to_scrape:
response = requests.get(item)
### your code
# check brains available
# ['BananaBrain']
# select first brain
brain_name = env.brain_names[0]
# set it as the brain we will be controlling from python
brain = env.brains[brain_name]
# list with columns names
# ['Id','District Name','Neighborhood Name','Street','Weekday','Month','Day','Hour','Part of the day','Mild injuries','Serious injuries','Victims','Vehicles involved','Longitude','Latitude']
art_movement = df.groupby(['art_movement']).mean()