- https://stateofdb.com/vs/drizzle-vs-sequelize
- https://stateofdb.com/vs/typeorm-vs-sequelize
- https://stateofdb.com/vs/prisma-vs-sequelize
- https://stateofdb.com/vs/prisma-vs-drizzle
Drizzle has the best rate of "If you were starting a new project, would you use them?"
- Sequelize: 12% yes 30% maybe
- TypeORM: 14% yes 37% maybe
- Prisma: 52% yes 32% maybe
- Drizzle: 56% yes 39% maybe
Compared to Sequelize, Drizzle supports cursor-based pagination natively
As a Sequelize user, I've found it to be stable, well documented and it's supported by the Open Collective. I do find that it tends to over complicate some queries when there are multiple joins.
Sequelize library was not made for TypeScript. There is an additional library called Sequelize-Typescript that tries to bridge the gap
Recently migrated from Prisma to Drizzle and I would recommend Drizzle to everyone
I like drizzle and I think it can be considered an ORM since it does a lot, it doesn't fit the technical definition of an ORM but it's also not just a query builder
Drizzle. Ticked all the boxes I had for ORM requirements, including programmatic triggering of schema migrations (although it's just an "up" migration currently). The devs and community are super helpful.
I have been working with Drizzle, adding it to Payload over the last ~4 months and it has been absolutely beautiful. Very happy with the choice.
I used Sequelize in a NestJS app and though it was great. I used Prisma alone and thought it was great. I used Prisma+Kysley to address performance issues and though it was great. I used Drizzle and thought it was great All of these are fantastic choices and anyone reading this can’t go wrong with any of these. But going forward I’m using Drizzle. The DX and performance is unrivaled.
They are quite similar
// sequelize
await sequelize.transaction(async (t) => {
await User.create({ a: 1 }, { transaction: t })
// drizzle
await db.transaction(async (t) => {
await t.insert(users).values({ a: 1 });
native Zod integration for runtime schema validation: https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/zod
native type generation for devtime code validation (no need for manual
)import { type InferSelectModel, type InferInsertModel } from 'drizzle-orm' const users = mysqlTable('users', { id: int('id').primaryKey(), name: text('name').notNull(), }); type SelectUser = typeof users.$inferSelect; type InsertUser = typeof users.$inferInsert; // or type SelectUser = InferSelectModel<typeof users>; type InsertUser = InferInsertModel<typeof users>;
template string allows for interpolationconst user = sql`SELECT * FROM ${users} WHERE ${users.id} = ${id}`
get all columns except
import { getTableColumns } from "drizzle-orm"; import { user } from "./schema"; const { password, role, ...rest } = getTableColumns(user); await db.select({ ...rest }).from(users);
get table config
const { columns, indexes, foreignKeys, checks, primaryKeys, name, schema, } = getTableConfig(table);
native mocking
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/node-mysql"; import * as schema from "./schema" const db = drizzle.mock({ schema });